September 19, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

The following is on Telegram.

I do not know how to get just the video for all to see here at JD’s Forum.

A woman tackled and distressed…then, an older woman tackled in the street and pepper sprayed…this is what is happening by the Australian COVID Police.

Telegram is free, if anyone is interested.

I included some of the channels I follow on Telegram.

I am totally disgusted by all of this ! :rage:


Why me, why me Lord? Why not me…? Sigh…I am at the Red Sea, the Egyptians are coming, there’s one in my house and one in my bed. Gasp! :woman_facepalming: Waiting for our precious Lord to part the water…so I can walk through. Hatsilienu min-hara Lord


For goodness sake! What a total abuse of law enforcement power, and a total pervert as well.
Disgusting indeed. Young lady is scarred for a long time. I pray justice comes for her soon. So sad…


Testimonies are so encouraging what a blessing thank you


Whoah. Is this Australia or U.s?


Canada :pensive: :woman_facepalming: :pray: :canada:

We’re also having an early called federal election tomorrow/today (depending on what time zone you’re in) just to add some extra chaos to the chaos. …at this point it really doesn’t matter to me who gets in, God will use them for His purpose, but I will still go vote and add my teeny tiny voice.

  1. JD, your shirt today looked very good! Darker colors are good for you; you’re an “autumn”, if not a “winter”. Seriously—very good fit.

  2. More importantly:

  • Never underestimate the genius and depravity of Lucifer in his drive to corrupt and destroy every person made in the image of God.

  • Never underestimate the capacity for individuals and groups to dehumanize and exercise tyranny over others…because they are following the program of the tyrant, who is the Devil.

  • Never consider yourself immune from his singular mission to kill, steal and destroy emanating from his defiance against his Maker and Judge.


  • Never consider yourself beyond God’s reach, or too far gone for His grace to redeem you. As long as you have breath in you, you have hope.

  • And as long as Christ is your Hope, His love can overcome any fear, put you over any limit, and form unbreakable bonds of fellowship that transcend this life and this world.

Thank you Pastor JD and to your wonderful team!


Agree wholeheartedly. I am immune-compromised in the worst way. I had COVID in April 2020–it was either that or my lungs were full of cotton candy (which seems unlikely). But, knowing what the shots would do to my already-whacked immune system, I have resisted it…even to the point of my doctor of 26 years screaming at me to get it in most uncivil language.

I have to take hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid arthritis. Perhaps that is a good thing.

I take, daily, B complex, C, D, Omega 3, and Zinc.

There are established protocols (i.e., Zelenko) for COVID and COVID shot detox. Following them, or at least having the nutraceuticals and supplements mentioned therein handy, is a very good idea.

Most importantly…God heals; God cares; God loves; God saves to the uttermost those who depend on Him!


And I want to add that masks were never helpful in any way! They are implemented because they weaken our immune system. Masks are used to torture prisoners in Guantanamo.

Every “study” that came out who said that masks might help are published 2020!

Masks cannot protect you from Viruses. The video from a doctor shows all you need to know.


Your doctor doesn’t care about you.

Who would have thought having arthritis would be a blessing!! :+1:

Don’t ever give in and take their poison!!


If only they let me give 5 hearts and a shout out :raised_hands: brother. Doc


If you use the peelings of organic grapefruit and lemons, simmer for three hours, let cool for two hours and jar them up, this is proven to be pretty close to Hydroxychloroquine. I take two tablespoons twice a day. It can be frozen and used if and when you might get symptoms.
Quercentin and N- Acetyl-L- Cysteine is equal to ivermectin especially when taken with zinc. And of course vitamin C & D. This concoction keeps your immune system pretty strong. When I went to my health food store to get quercentin the lady told me to follow the crowd, that isle was jammed lol. They can’t keep it in stock. Stay safe! And above all trust in the Lord! It might seem like a contradiction to say take all this but trust in the Lord, but I think he gives us common sense too.


I pray this will begin to happen as we are made to be the enemy more and more and locked out of being able to do anything.


What a smart idea for this restaurant. My husband also has a restaurant and had considered this as a way to get around things should our state ever mandate vaccines to dine. So if you can order from a counter but sit anywhere the business will not be charged any money nor arrested for not following orders? If so, brilliant!


I’m really hoping more small businesses follow suit!


Hi Gracings! I too take Vit D, Zinc and Biotin. I have never felt ill near someone who is vaccinated (my daughter) but I do not really hang out with a lot of people either and many I am around in family are unvaccinated!
When my SIL got vaccinated for the military his two children came down with Covid 4 days later. No doubt in my mind where they got it. My daughter recently had my 14 year old grandson vaccinated. I cried.


It just makes your heart clench, Nancy!


Yes I could not believe she did it after we had talked and I asked her to please never get her kid vaccinated. The doctor talked her into it. I pray nothing bad happens to him. It scares me.


Your prayers are heard, dear Nancy. I know…doctors are pretty powerful influencers.

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Thank you, @Faith1. More and more, I’m just living by faith, trusting God for direction and instruction. Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Sometimes, I just have to shut the noise of the world out so I can concentrate intently on that path. And I don’t want my husband to see any fear in me. I am the Christian example in his life, and I don’t want to ruin my witness. For the most part (aside from my son’s issues testing me), I’ve remained calm and trusting amidst the world falling apart at the seams, and I hope he sees that and one day takes the full plunge!

Praying God sustains your health as we look forward to the best days ahead with our Saviour and fellow believers!