September 25,2022: Bible Prophecy Update - Stockholm Syndrome

Right, i know you have some years on me so i was wondering if this has happened before.


I know a lot of people where trying to set dates for today and yesterday. But with everything that’s been going on I’m starting to wonder if maybe those date setters might just be off by a week or two. If not by a few days, we have to be so close to going home.


True, but on the flip side when it does happen, maybe they will realize and repent on the spot. Plus I wonder how many people for the first time heard about the rapture through that hit piece. God could use that as a tool to bring many to Him, talk about an ironic twist right?

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I agree, I’m not saying I think it has to happen in two weeks or whenever. I’m just really blown away how fast things seem to be moving. As for those date setters, odds are somone is bound to make a lucky guess. I told @Jon if he keeps saying two weeks like he jokes about, he’ll get it right eventually.

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Yep, you are right. Wild time to be alive and see all this happening.


Thinking the rapture happened is not traumatizing! More like a "phew, ok Thank you Jesus! :smile: I really wish people would just read their bibles and pray! I sent this article to my daughter today. The rapture is being attacked so hard because it IS true. The enemy doesn’t bother with something that’s not a threat. Everything truly from God is a threat. And i hope people do repent and believe because CNN did a piece on the rapture! :heart::pray::dove:


Hi Kris,

I have read that Reiner Fullmich has been working to prepare a class action suit against the pharmaceutical companies based on the PCR test being a false tool. What is suspicious about Reiner and Viviane? Sorry, if I’m late to this topic, but I would like to know because Reiner appears to be battling against the covid scam.

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Let us see if Israel will really save Europe or not…


@dlcv -Thank you for posting these maps. They are quite informative. :world_map:



Yeah he is telling this since the beginning. And many people gave him money to be a part of this. The truth is: There will be never any effective action against the government. Ever.

The whole thing will leave to nothing. Except into Reiners pockets.


We have to focus on the division of Jerusalem (Lapid).
Scripturally it’s the sign!
They say “peace and safety” => division of Jerusalem signing => sudden destruction (ruin) => they don’t escape BUT we will escape (harpazo)


Unfortunately people don’t change quickly.
It’s not because someone tells them the truth or a lie about “rapture”, that they will accept, repent… come to the Lord.
They need a drastic (often dramatic) event in their life to shake everything.
They love their life, they love their sins, their beautiful sport car or big house.
Let’s the storms, hurricanes, floods and earthquakes change their hand.


Last night Amir Tsafarti and Jack Hibbs talked about Israel for almost 2 hrs without mention of the V and it’s obvious impact on the world but uniquely Israel?


I see. Thanks for clarifying.


More and more I’m wondering about vaccines for pets so thanks for that link. If they aren’t conducting randomized controlled trials using a placebo for human vaccines trials, why should we think they are for animals?