September 25,2022: Bible Prophecy Update - Stockholm Syndrome

The word blessed can mean ‘happy’ or ‘useful’; our hope is “blessed” that Jesus’ Rapture will be an amazing, joyful experience for the believer in Christ. We will be blessed beyond measure when we meet Jesus in the cloud.


Welcome to the forum Chrissy. What a beautiful inspiring post. We are so glad you are here.

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I have to admit at times i think it wd be a clever way for the powers that be to find out who doesn’t buy into their narrative, and who may pose a threat.


Dear Sister, very sorry for what u r going through with your daughter. Once the occult is involved those vile spirits overwhelm our kids and only God can rescue them. Keep praying and he will hear the cry of your heart. What u r going through is eerily similar to what i have experienced with my daughter. I have been praying isaiah 49 v 25 for my child that the lord wd take back the plunder and set the captive free. May the Holy Spirit guide you in your prayers for your child


Shemitah :laughing:

God bless you Chrissy! Glad you’re here! :blush: I went through a really bad period in my marriage, when my husband was being very mentally and emotionally abusive. Lots of mind games, lies and pushing the envelope further.Thought i was not enough of anything etc. Looked to him for approval, which like a dangling carrot, never got it. In other words, deceived. Gaslit! Thanks to Jesus for stepping in to help, heal my heart, and lead me to His truth!


I’m glad y’all said that cos it has crossed my mind a few times lol! It’s such a relief to be able to just talk about things! I pray God protects Pastor JD, CC Kaneohe and us here! That “He keeps us in a pavilion from the strife of tongues”! :pray::heart::dove:

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this is worth watching by Tyler at Generation2434 and Pete Garcia… very exciting topics!! :slight_smile:




More videos to download here:


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Thanks so much for your kind response.

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Dear Daniella thank you. I had gotten a lovely message of encouragement quoting jeremiah 31 v 16 and 17…the Lord will save our children, hes a dad he has a parents heart, so we can talk to him as one parent to another. GOD BLESS AND ENCOURAGE YOU TODAY X


Rapture Mockers sample from CNN:

and this AI in robotics;

and this is hmmmm to me:

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I think they got the gravel in his voice OK, but they forgot the hoarseness that he has. The animation is terrible. Looks like a 5-year-old playing with a sock puppet.

I tell ya what, if there was any doubt (which there isn’t) that the rapture is iminant it would be gone now. Seriously, how close must we be if CNN is doing a hit peace to mock and discredit the rapture as nothing more than a ghost story told by religious frindge groups to scare and tramatize children not to sin? Those people with “rapture anxiety” is going to have a hard time coping when their fear is realized and their left behind.


Central Bank Digital Currency Eff. Dec. 13, 2022

Executive Order 14067 - Explained In 9 Minutes

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I was warning about Reiner Füllmich very early on.

But she, Viviane Fischer, is not trustworthy either. I will explain why.

If you go on their site and on the page when you will send some money to them:

you will see that the company is called “SCA Investigative Committee UG”

So, who is behind that company you ask?
Well, surprise, the answer you will find is on this page:

Its Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer. Still to this day.

The whole thing is fishy.

This Corona Ausschuss was created to calm the people and to transfer the money from the people to these two subjects and other who are working behind the curtains for them.


I’m seeing this everywhere.


This behavior is and has been common among those who do not believe and those who claim to be Christians. But have you ever heard of a world wide news (I use that term loosely) company post an article or have any kind of report like this?