Heya @hotchiwawa
I haven’t checked back here since your first message - but I’ve spent all that time converting it to a word document format (Technically I’ve only converted half of it since I decided to split the Rapture part from the Christianity section)
I’ve updated the direct link above for your perusal - hopefully the issue with it being hard to read is solved. You should have the option to convert it to ‘fluid’ mode provided your PDF reader supports it as well. The fonts have been updated as well for easier reading on the eyes.
This is still technically a ‘draft’ since I have a few minor things to fix up, but additional feedback on the contact from anyone would be great too
(I’m hoping that even the most astute Bible scholar would discover something new)
Think at a lot of computers with reduced bandwidth (there will be wars, internet brokken if I can say, tools reduced…), a lot of people will use their smartphones if they can!
Good point, I have outlined this in the document as well. Noting that new believers should download as much data as they can before the antichrist deletes it all. I assume it would be an on or off situtation with regards to the internet - I’m not sure it would just slow down (besides right after the rapture).
Maybe also copy all your versions on torrent.
I’ve made 6 backup locations outside my website including links and QR codes at the bottom of the document so if one is shut down, people will be able to download it from another place 
I would suggest you to include your pdf document in my applications (check the topic with my apps), specially in “The Life” and maybe “The Light”, if you agree and if I can find a pdf client. “The Light” has more than 56000 users. The apps are also distributed on F-Droid and various configurations.
I’m not quite sure what you mean by this? Do you mean having a text version downloadable from your app? I do strive for as much 100% offline content as possible, perhaps I could make my whole site portable within a .RAR in the future.
I read you also have a 2000 pages version!
My 2,000+ page document is a preparedness guide, that’s really my area of expertise along with the Bible, so I thought I would combine the two into this document.
What license are your books? Common License?
I license them as creative commons: CC / BY / NC / SA. None of them are published as I have no idea about that whole side. My aim was a free document that can help others find salvation after the rapture. (Although being an official book would be great)
Thanks so much your your replies Hotchi, I will continue to convert the rest of the doc while thinking about your replies and my next steps.
God Bless!