April 17, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update

I think this is yet future. Hence, for those people who accept the mark of the beast during the Tribulation, there is no hope for them.


Thank you, Dallas! I came here today looking for support on this issue because I was upset by Pastor JDs presentation of this snake theory, & on Resurrection Sunday, to boot. I didnā€™t/couldnā€™t look at any of the ā€œevidenceā€ that was presented because I have a history of a fearful encounter with a rattlesnake as a small child that I canā€™t forget. Iā€™m also prone to anxiety attacks. Since Sunday I really have reasoned that this snake in the water has to be some sort of fear tactic. To what gain, I donā€™t know. Thereā€™s something about Dr. Ardis & Stew Peters that doesnā€™t sit right with me. Iā€™ve been following them on Telegram for quite awhile, so I think Iā€™m beginning to see ā€œthe truthā€, not what theyā€™re advertising. Anyway, Iā€™m just really sick of all this constant fear mongering going on. Where is ā€œthe churchā€ who meets regularly to encourage one another & lift each other up? I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow re my heart & breathing & Iā€™m dreading it because I know Iā€™m going to have a battle on my hands re wearing a mask, which they will require & I will refuse because I really canā€™t breathe with them! So please pray for me. Iā€™m alone.


Thank you for your loving response. It has blessed and encouraged me. I pray every day for my loved ones that they woukd have no side effects from the jab. I know that God is faithful and merciful and He loves His kids. We will all be home soon. Canā€™t wait!


Hi Connie, I will pray for you right away. I totally understand where you are coming from.

There is another thread on the forum called
Venom - not worried (nor should you) - Discussion Tent - JD Farag Bible Prophecy Forum

It has a video where a number of ā€œphysicians and scientists convey their thoughts about the topic of the venom scare. They do not agree with Ardis.ā€ These are people who know and respect Dr. Ardis.

In the video they explain how there is NO WAY this is from snake venom and also how there is NO WAY that it could be spread through the water.

As I said, these are people that know and respect Dr. Ardis personally and they know what they are talking about as they have done much study and research in the field. They believe that somehow he was coerced or something to do this interview.

If you watch this video, I do believe your mind will be put at ease, but if you choose not to watch it, I can understand.

Just know that these Doctors and scientist do no agree with Dr. Ardis and they have many more years experience in this field of study than he does.

I hope the Pastor J.D. will get to see that video.

I also live alone and came on this forum for fellowship. I have found there are a great number of people on this forum that will talk to, uplift you and encourage you. They have become my family and you are part of my family as well. You are not alone.
I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow and again I will pray for you. :pray: :pray: :pray:
Love in Christ dear sister. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


We were surprised that this update did not provide more details. We were waiting for more info. When Pastor Farag began with the ABCs of salvation we thought there was a mistake. However, we watched the video ā€˜Watch the Waterā€™ and can recommend watching it.

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Please watch the video as it will inform you better. There is much more to it than ā€˜Covid is made from snake venomā€™.

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I too have delt with and dealing with anxiety attacks and I am supposed to take meds for it. I refused the meds and sometimes struggle just to breath with chest pain and such but Godā€¦ :hearts:

The ā€œsocial wellnessā€ forum under the categories helps me a lot. A lot of fantastic people with encouragement on JDā€™s page. I will be praying for you. I usually say a verse over and over at my doctors visits:

ā€œā€¦I have made you and I will carry you and I will sustain you and I will rescue you.ā€ Isaiah 46:4

I like the rescue part, actually carry and sustain are all great! :sweat_smile: I pray constantly, talking to God in my head, during my appointments and tests. Some doctors office are getting a little more lenient on the mask mandates. I pray that your doctors office fall into that category.


:joy: Please, donā€™t confuse that with my forum name. :rofl:


I think you are right. And Stew P seems to be too into that stuff. His credibility has gone down quite a bit for me.


This one is interesting but requires research what this company is doing, so far vaccines via injections this time.

Future is the ā€œpatchā€, or food and now this being researched:

Extra links on Oxitec project:

Under Our Technology, Bill Gates of hell is funding this organisation:



Thank you, Dallas, for your prayers and for your friendship. I think I will take a look at that thread you mentioned. When I first signed in there were so many ā€œthreadsā€, I think you call them, to look at, that it felt overwhelming. Threads & videos. I have an idea who some of the physicians & scientists are that you speak of. Iā€™m assuming some of the same ones Iā€™ve grown to respect & trust from the beginning concerning the Covid truth. I am a supporting member of AFLDS. I pray for Pastor JD a lot. I know how sensitive he is and itā€™s pretty obvious to me how heavily burdened he is, with the WWW as his flock. I do so wish it was somehow possible for those of us who wish to connect via phone or email to do so. God bless you, dear sister. Love in Christ, indeed. :heart:


Hey! I donā€™t know what that article said, I didnā€™t read it, but I just moved from California last November & I can tell you what a nightmare the mosquitos were at my house. They were unlike any mosquito I had ever seen, and I was raised in Cal & lived there most of my life. These little buggers made my life absolutely miserable! They were very tiny, almost transparent, and were active day and night! This meant I couldnā€™t enjoy gardening or BBQing or anything else outdoors!! And Iā€™m an outdoor kind of gal! When you went in the house you had to close the door quick because they were very aggressive to try to follow you inside. Mosquito abatement was called & they said there was nothing they could do about them. Hmmm So whatever that article said, you can probably believe the worst of it. (I lived in agriculture country)


That sounds like it falls under the category of things that would happen during the tribulation, and I donā€™t plan to be here for that! Mosquitos from Hell!

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Things are beginning to make some sense now. Thanks for the info. I didnā€™t know that.

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I never heard that term before as I am NOT at all into the Q stuff. Thanks for that info!

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Thank you for that encouraging word. It does help to know someone else understands. Iā€™ve already called & talked to my Dr.s office about the mask requirement and they are standing firm, disregarding my needs. That upsets me terribly as it does not make me feel like they are too concerned about putting the patientā€™s needs ahead of their own. Thanks for that verse! I will definitely be looking that one up. I h ave grown quite fond of Isaiah this past year or so. I wrote a lot more, but my laptop bleeped it away! Long story. Win10. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Iā€™ll try to catch up with you again when Iā€™m back on my normal keyboard. God bless you!

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Hi Dolly1,
Thank you for posting this article. I read through it and found it interesting. The comments below the article were quite enlightening also. I read through them hoping to see another physician chime in to confirm or refute what this doc was saying.

And sure enough, one did. He is an MD and previously a board certified psychiatrist. Here is the info. I think you and others may find it interesting. Iā€™m still in the process of researching this, and hope to have more info soon. Thanks for you above comment.

Quote from

Dr. Mark Sircus, MD

Apr 16

ā€œMy basic question to you sir, is why did you not address Professor Chilton, the researcher from the U of Arizona who found the venom enzyme in the blood of ICU deaths in high amounts. Its linked in the video I believe and here is what I wrote about the whole thing.ā€

p.s. just an aside, but I found it interesting that Dr. Kory did come out against Remdesivir, yet kept saying repeatedly in his article about Ardis:

"ā€œAgain, I saw no difference in how patients presented and died pre or post remdesivir rollout,ā€

This seemed odd to me, given the fact that over 50 Percent of patients given Remdesivir die on day 5 to 10 of administration of this toxic kidney destroying drug.

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Busy brain there. :slight_smile: I have always found it weird that people run away with politicians. You cannot be a politician without comprising. I know about the Q stuff as here in Australia are also people who were into it. but again, it was always ā€˜this will happenā€™ - ā€˜that will happenā€™ and nothing ever happened. I am just staying close to the Word as nothing else can be trusted anymore.


I know! The great delusion is not just about vaccination.


Thatā€™s a lot of snakes to squeeze just for one city! :grin: