April 25 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Probably have to scroll past a lot. I do. (Honestly, I only have so much time to spend online so trying to read everything gets difficult for me anyway.)


I feel you. in IL, it’s technically strict, but ive usually gotten away with flouting the mask mandates etc, for this whole time. at times it felt like things weren’t actually going to go down into the pit. because things weren’t getting crazy around where I’m at. so it can be easy to lose sight of what’s happening elsewhere. locally, authorities don’t care all that much about the rules. I’ve never seen them audit businesses that don’t comply. business owners kinda just make their own decisions and no one seems to care if a certain business doesn’t follow mandates.

so I imagine lots of areas are like that. but bigger powers than local leaders are bent on an agenda that is inching its way into its goal. bit by bit we are watching it happen, usually not in our own backyard, but online we can see the toil and trouble all over in different ways.

I didn’t really know about the concept of a Rapture until about a year ago, right before everything went nuts. I’ve been studying it since. still way over my head because there’s a lot to take in. so for now I mostly am just sure that “the end” is near, based on all the signs I think I see, and don’t know how to tell how soon the rapture could happen.


I feel we are really deep as it is. I differ, in that I don’t think things are improving. to me, loosening of restrictions is not necessarily a sign of improvement. to me, it’s a sign that a USA version of a “covid passport” is on its way, because the next obvious question following the new guidelines is, how will we keep people from going maskless AND unvaccinated still? they will want to be able to tell us apart, with this new guideline. that’s merely my sense from it. so it’s something to keep an eye on from many angles and see if it really means what we think it means or not. but whether we are close or far away from the end, yes Jesus needs to be top priority. <3


an example I have for my understanding of this verse, is that I chose abortion out of ignorance. I did not really have a relationship with God at the time and I believed it was not murder. for this, He did not condemn me, due to my lack of knowledge, though there were negative consequences still.

once I had accepted Christ into my heart- which was long after id regretted the abortion- to turn my back now, and change my mind again, after all I’ve learned and after all God has personally shown me, well there would not really be hope anymore for me to love God. I would be rejecting the truth that I know, a truth that God brought to me. knowing the truth in my heart, and rejecting it, that’s what God will condemn if you aren’t going to change. it’s different for each person, how He will test your heart like this. I know I am forgiven for the abortion I had in my ignorance, but if I have an abortion again after what I know, that will be a rejection of God, which leads to condemnation.

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All the 66 books of the Bible are inspired by the holy spirit. There are cross references between all the books. Don’t think that the book of Hebrews is only for Hebrews, the letters to Thessalonians only for them… all the books are important.


I feel this is maybe the calm before the storm, it’s not relaxing here in Canada, if anything it’s looking to get worse, I expect more restrictions soon, as our numbers in Alberta are rising steadily. Enjoy the loosening of your restrictions while you can! I wish we had the freedom you guys are enjoying! Not to mention your naturally warm environment as well!! Lol not jealous at all, really…

Dear Grace, …Okay, prepare to laugh. :laughing:I could not get the sound to work on the vid. From the cover, it looked like a vaccine festival event at a church, the kind many churches are doing nowadays, and all I could think was…oh please say it isn’t so. Turns out, that its Americas frontline doctors, some of the bravest professionals we have right now, coming forward to help the saints understand the risks of the v. or the jab. smh. Vicky yes…they are on the side of Godly caution, to help people.

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Hi Dixie. I wish I knew more! I just read what the Word says and I see where in some parables Jesus talks directly to the Kingdom of God…or said in another way, the Kingdom “from” God. It’s like being introduced as “Billy of North Carolina”…which actually refers to “from” North Carolina. And in these parables Jesus refers to “His servants.” He’s not talking about wolves, but servants who belong to Him. In the end, we hear “Well done good and faithful servant” to those who have obeyed Him and done His will (remember, if you love Me you’ll obey Me). Anyway, the disobedient servant is not given the “Well done my good and faithful servant”, but rather, is cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (he is still His servant but not receiving the blessing he could have). I believe the time of review of the servant’s obedience is what the Bible calls the Bema Seat Judgement - that set aside for those who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord…judged for our obedience and not sin (Jesus paid it all!). There are other parables where Jesus refers to “people”, not his servants. In these cases, some end up cast out where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, AND where the torment of fires burns forever. This is certainly a much different outcome than that the disobedient servant. As I read, I find Paul’s great concern is that he finishes the race well so as not to lose what can be his…that is his eternal “inheritance.”
A true born-again, life-surrendering to Jesus Christian is eternity bound with Jesus. And I hope it starts with the Rapture!!! But I believe, based on God’s Word, just because a Christian is ruptured doesn’t mean they have inheritance in the Kingdom from God. Jesus tells us to put our treasures in heaven and not in this world. If a Christian is enticed back to the world and lives out their life for this world, then the treasures they’ve accumulated will be of this world. They don’t take these with them. And once in heaven, they find they failed to store up treasure in heaven. It is this that I believe may include not being invited to reign with Jesus during the Millennial Kingdom, or attend the wedding feast of the Lamb. [Like the parable of the 10 bridesmaids…5 are obedient and 5 are not. Only 5 make it to the wedding feast and yet ALL 10 were bridesmaids.]
This is nothing to worry about if you, which I’m sure you are, have surrendered to Jesus and Savior and Lord. You love Him and obey Him. Like Pastor JD has said, it’s not “Well done my good and fruitful servant.” Rather, it’s “Well done my good (obedient) and faithful (trusting) servant.” Keep your faith and keep walking with our Lord, seeking His will and I’m confident, based from God’s Word, that you will be rejoicing with Jesus at the Rapture, in the Millennium, and then forever more.
I hope this helps. Please confer with Pastor Mac…I’m sure I heard correctly he eluded to this in his recent teachings and I certainly do not want to confuse or mislead anyone. God Bless!!


Perfectly explained sister, if only it will be recieved, by those who have ears to accept it.
At different times in my 50 year journey, I have believed doctrines, that I would bet my life on at the time, only to be lead out of them to a different doctrine later on the journey. I didn’t have ears to hear/believe at the time, and couldn’t receive them, till God prepared me for them. Doc


Thank you for your concern :+1: Bless you

BTW name is NOT Dixie, it’s Doc

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Please don’t stop, I heard you loud and CLEAR, some will never hear you, they couldn’t hear Jesus also when He spoke. BUT some do hear.


It’s also better to sow before the storm and “during the storm” (if you see the “picture”)

The problem is maybe when you say “in the context”… Some catholics say the same thing “in the context…” and they put limits all around!

I said “To put in context”… and I am not catholic and so I do not know what wording they use, sorry. I will edit it right now to try to be more clear.

There, I changed it slightly. Hopefully that will avoid any other misunderstanding. Thanks


Sorry Doc…clicked the Reply arrow above and not below. I may not be very Forum “fast”, but I sure am slow! HA!

Thank you! That was very well put, you explained perfectly! And yes a person can’t help but have moments of doubt, let’s face it, living in this world is hard, it’s hard to resist temptation to sin, and sinning in general! I accepted Jesus wayyyy back when lol when I was in grade 2, at a bible camp, I grew up going to church, I had both church friends and non church friends. Let’s say that most of of my teen and adult life, I’ve been a dud Christian, I never prayed, I never went to church, I wasn’t surrounded by believers as friends, I married an unbeliever, I had no real relationship with the Lord, that all changed my dad started to suffer kidney failure, it’s like Jesus got my attention, and I was all of a sudden craving a relationship with him, I began going to church, reading my bible, praying as often as I could. I realized how lost I was and how little I knew of living for Christ, living as he wanted me too. So I got right with the Lord again, as some say, and it felt wonderful, I was even naive enough to say I’ll never fall away again… and that’s exactly what happened. Jesus got my attention again, that small little voice of the Holy Spirit finally broke through all of the noise of this world. I’m ashamed for how I’ve lived my life as a believer, which now I’m trying to learn how it is to live for God, and how to submit my life to him, and it wasn’t all bad, my husband and both kids are believers so that is a huge blessing! So yes I do have doubts at times, not about my salvation, but yes the upcoming bema and final judgements. I can only go forward now with my walk with the Lord and continue to grow closer to him. Sorry for the novel, but your post just made me ponder, and I do thank you for your honest reply!

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I have a problem with that too. I believe that people can willfully walk away from the Lord and the Bible warns about it. God does not remove us from His presence but we can surely do that ourselves.

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Hi Cara, yes, I also get overwhelmed with all the sin, evil and current events being addressed. And I’m sure many others here do as well. And I agree with you, we need to remind ourselves of the GOODNESS of our God, meditate on his promises and stand on HIS WORD! It’s important to find a balance. Be informed and not ignorant but don’t saturate yourself in it. Take care of yourself spiritually and remain joyful! Yes, times are definitely challenging and I do think things will intensify before the Rapture, but we can still have JOY AND PEACE through Jesus Christ and REST ASSURED that He is ALWAYS faithful! We have NOTHING to fear as nothing will separate us from the love of God and He remains in control, regardless of how chaotic things may seem. All praise, honor and glory to Jesus Christ our Lord! Thank you, loving Heavenly Father for who You are, the great I AM, the Alpha and Omega! Maranatha!



Interesting video clip, it really shows you how insane this whole thing is. They are already threatening to charge vaccine refusers with a felony.

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