April 30, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Under The Prophetic Radar

Maybe I am just Naive but I went to check out today and use my ATM card and the clerk said the machine would not scan on the side card swipe spot or accept the inserted card, He then said to just wave my card over the reader and it took my payment. Wow we are not far from the Hand or the Forehead


I had something happen about a year ago to me.

I was shopping at a retail store and have been numerous times to the same store.
When I was checking out, the card reader wouldn’t accept my chip debit or when I swiped.

They were not new machines either. So the clerk said just hold a particular part of it over the machine and low and behold, it took payment.

I had never heard about my debit card being used that way and I’ve never used it like that or been told to do so since.

I immediately thought the same thing … stepping closer to “ easy and convenient “ payments via just the hand ( or forehead)

It’s just creepy knowing where this is REALLY heading :grimacing:


5 May 2023



Agreed, these fools tell the world yet they willingly understand not.

The obvious is blinding to them and to us so brightly revealing to know the time is at hand.



I would say this is the perfect technology for destroying food and refinery facilities without personally being detected.

No getting around what’s already here.



You just can’t make this stuff up! Its impossible that all this comes together at this time.


Follow-up on April 30, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Under The Prophetic Radar - #12 by jasonacts177

Said Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan | Metropolitan Police on May 3rd, 2023:

It is our privilege to play a role in enabling Londoners and hundreds of thousands of visitors to enjoy this once in a lifetime moment of national significance and pride.

The operation, known as Golden Orb, will be one of the most significant and largest security operations the Met has led.

We intend to use facial recognition technology in central London.


Our tolerance for any disruption, whether through protest or otherwise, will be low. We will deal robustly with anyone intent on undermining this celebration.

Source: Metropolitan Police News Archive

In response to the swift public pushback and (feigned?) media outrage concerning the prospect of mass-scale privacy invasion via mass-scale facial recognition, Assistant Chief Constable Christian Bunt had this to say:

“Asked if the force had plans to use facial recognition technology alongside a watch list of people that officers believe pose a risk to public safety, he replied:

“The easy answer is no.

“We will not be using facial recognition within the Thames Valley part of the operation in Windsor.

“We’re not yet in a position to use it as a force and I have other tactics available which I can use to provide some of that same effect in Windsor.

“I’ve got intelligence officers, behavioural detection officers and a range of covert officers that will be deployed on the ground that will be providing some of that capability for us.”

Source: ‘Lower tolerance’ for disruptive protests in Windsor during coronation, say police | ITV News Meridian

sigh This has to be the longest-winded way of basically saying “Yep, we’re using facial recog but not necessarily in the specific region or under the Thames Valley jurisdiction reported, however we’re reverting to good ol’ fashioned spies everywhere anyway until we get that fac-reg thing sorted”.

14 The fool has said in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt,
They have done abominable works,
There is none who does good.

2 The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men,
To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.
3 They have all turned aside,
They have together become corrupt;
There is none who does good,
No, not one.

Psalm 14


I watched a recent Jack Hibbs sermon and I believe he has finally decided there is no way for us to win the USA back! He is n ow talking of only getting people saved as fast as possible.

He made it pretty clear in a hard hitting sermon. I was very happy to listen to it but the message lines up with stuff JD has been saying for many months.



Hold your horses bro. Watch his moves esp 2024 when Trump prophecies galore!


6 May 2023

Did Jesus asked His church to reclaim culture?


Yes, most of that is wishful thinking but at least he is speaking more of Jesus than Trump but if Trump wins I still don’t see that as a win that they think it will be.

Maybe these guys will want to fight a losing battle no matter what. I do want the USA to be free until we leave but His will not mine.



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Its sad to see in our day what Spurgeon noted in his as the Downgrade. Perhaps ours could be termed the Great Downgrade. Or the great apostasy’s little sister/brother. Your warning is apt dear sister. But this, in light of also of where i have been studying, that you have brought up did kind of have me thinking upon a few lines i thought to briefly share.

In respect to revivals, my way of looking at things never really sees it through the sense of revival. I don’t see revival in any real sense even a biblical concept. I would just say any sense of any revival is us putting stuff on it. Where God may be moving, He does. Where epochs in time have more sense upon them (like in Judges where there were times of godly culture and many times not) of God blessing it with good and the reward of His good presence upon a land for their open heart toward Him, amen. To desire to bring people to a place to honor the word more, amen. Today it seems to be a ministry status thing (like who can get God’s stamp of approval on their ministry). So i tend to chuck the notion of any of it and just look at things in very simple dumbed down terms: That God may permit times of increased interest in Him. Like in Great Awakening I (1730-1770) in concentrated pockets and regions…and II (1795-1835), throughout the country. These were times of purposeful intent to stir up people. And some good came of it.

What is interesting to note, that i have noticed is connections to times of adverse revival and their effects where seemingly they too can have actually wildly positive effects for the church and clarity upon His word even ironically. For example, we can see how the hermeneutical approach to the word went from the Dark Age allegory/spiritualizing of text to a much more robust “literal interpretation” hermeneutic we have in the 20th century plus. We can see some good and bad points about this process as it evolved along the way. However, it it interesting to note that the more refined “literal” hermeneutic we have today came out of both causes in the Reformation and even the far less spiritual Enlightenment period.

In the document below from pretrib advocate scholar Tommy Ice, he affirms (page 6) that had it not been for Luther and Calvin, our current hermeneutic of “literal” sense would not have been made aware for us. It is likely our modern-day eschatological view of the pretrib rapture and futurist view of Revelation in general not had a chance to be developed for us in our century had these two men not had the force in history they did. Yet we know Lutheran theology and Calvinism have vast swaths of theology not at all biblical. Perhaps it could be noted that out of the clutches of aberrant theology notion came the hermeneutical method for us today by which we are able to have such pure conviction upon our own doctrine. Yet how pure was the Reformation (of a revival of sorts) and how pure is Lutheranism and Calvism? Yet see out of it how our very own convictions by which we weigh and use discernment have largely been based upon the outflow of the reformation thought. It would seem that even out of events antithetical to common notions of revival will God bring very profound good.

In this last article, I came across something that would be a bit of a surprise to me too. This particular author is arguing against our sober sense of dispensationalism. And although there are certainly hyper-dispensationalists and wrong ways of imposing dispensational notions too, the modern church has greatly benefited from dispensationalism. Our understanding of the future use of the book of Revelation and Israel’s 70th week, the pretrib rapture, and the 1,000 year reign of Christ to come have all been observations of holy writ made much more clear and apparent to us because of the dispensational approach to scripture. This author sees a direct connection of the dispensational view as coming out of the humanistic aspirations of the Enlightenment.

On one hand the Enlightenment tried to belittle the spiritual and worship the practical. But apparently by so doing God saw fit to use this era to refine the understanding of His word and rescue it out of Dark Age clutches of allegory and superstition to a literal sense upon the word. The literal sense by which we hold much of our eschatological discernment and doctrine upon. Ironically we have Calvin and the Enlightenment to thank for our clarity upon the word. However, we would of course be remiss to call Calvinism or the Enlightenment rivivals. Yet our ability to discern upon the word with such clarity in our era is a direct result of these historical epochs.

I guess my ironic observation on this (just coming out of my own studies on quite a different subject matter having to do with biblical counseling and not escatology or biblical exegesis), is that even though those events, periods, and people carried with it antithetical sentiments to the purist notions upon scripture and true doctrine…we have some of the most profound bulwark foundations for our discernment today by which to evaluate future so-called potential revivals. There is quite a bit of irony in it all. Perhaps just some things to consider in how we might be looking upon the unfolding of God’s eschatological plans in light of our being also aware of these sorts of bombshell moments in history that have handed to us on silver platters better biblical sensitivities. Blessings.


Ie Romans 8 v28 and Genesis 50 v20. God uses all things for our good and his glory


Sharing this for those of you may want to watch this Livestream tonight.

p.s. his channel has nothing to do with Jehovah Witness. Folks get confused when they see his channel name “The Watchtower”.


Second sigh : gaslighting

“We intend to use facial technology “
What? We’re NOT going to use facial technology, whatever gave you that idea??



AMEN to that. I cant imagine having to pay homage to Biden. Wow!!


Carole, fortunately it was not mandatory, the only king i intend to shout acclimations to is our Saviour, …surprising and frightening how many people did willing prostrate themselves. My street was quiet one of the neighbours had a bbq but by then i was going to sleep. (And they do bbq regularly no idea if it was regular or royal event )


For many of you living in California, this is the sermon you want to listen to. Pastor James talks about a few things going on in California.
