August 29, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

The Weaponization of Medicine

Too bad Pastor JD will miss his favorite Hawaiian food:


Anyone stuck for something to watch, thats awesome, and makes you happy and thankful to be savedā€¦ This film did it for me.


Hey allā€¦ so this just happened


@JoshuaYeshua , glad to hear that from you.

Personally, my relatives, friends, ex-colleagues, ex-classmates, local church members are sucked into this covidian cult effortlessly. All taking the initiation rite (vaccine) into this global cult. I am just like ā€œLone Rangerā€ here. Of course Lone Ranger got Tonto as companion.

I watched Dr Palmer and Catherine Fitts interview today. The word lawlessness jumped out for me listening to this interview.

FDA deliberately approved Pfizer vaccine in spite of failed animal studies, inadequate clinical studies, safety studies. That is LAWLESSNESS as Jesus prophesied about end times.


Lots of lone rangers here, @dlcv.
May the Lord give us incredible strength to carry on come what may.



Thanks Julie going to watch x

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praying for you in this endeavor. itā€™s a big change that most have not been willing to do. thank you for being an exemplary parent. I pray for bountiful blessings in leading your childā€™s learning, and that your efforts will have great Godly success, achieving the results you are hoping for plus more. <3 may your child see the value in following your lead and bless you with their own efforts. <3 praying for joy in learning, and great patience for you both!


Just got this from a Christian pal , was telling him about the forum and the things happening in this world , that I no longer think in future plans and how it feels Iā€™m looking at people carrying on as normal things feel so different for me now , he sent this in reply ā€¦

ā€œI know the world seems to be spinning out of control at the moment and we both know itā€™s moving away from God probably as never before. Thereā€™s alot of Christian forums preaching total doom and gloom at the moment. I guess what I am trying to say itā€™s about finding a balance. Realisation about whatā€™s happening to the world but worshiping the Lord. Remember the gospel says we are to live in this world, not of it.ā€ ā€¦

I actually feel deflated and patronized by his text ā€¦ :roll_eyes::disappointed:


I didnā€™t get to watch it - YouTube took it down. :pensive:

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Things arenā€™t falling apart, they are coming together!
Donā€™t let others get you down, Look up :grinning:


Thank you for your encouragement x


I would feel the same as you lol. you didnā€™t say you were scared or confused, yet he acted like you did.

it sounds like he saw your message as an opportunity to show off how calm and collected he can be. whatever. Iā€™m with you Cara. and Iā€™m glad we can be here, it might be just online communication but itā€™s better than feeling alone in our perspectives. God gave us a place to gather. <3 Iā€™m sorry that your friend couldnā€™t see what you were trying to say. feels like a waste of time having shared, when they respond like that.

Jesus Himself did not just act unfazed by the corruption around Him. not in the slightest. <3


@alllllz Oh Alison thank you so much for your reply gosh that has helped so much and your 100% right :heavy_heart_exclamation:ā€¦ Itā€™s exhausting at times when chatting to others when your excited ,bursting to talk about things that are happening right before our eyes and full of faith of Gods word mind body heart and soul ,then your told your too much like doom and gloom :scream::scream::joy::pray: any wonder I retreat to the forest for walks with our loving Father


I get shot down all the time. No strong believers in my circle anymore. Like you, @Cara, I share some exciting thing that happensā€”like the odd weather events happening worldwide, and most just say, ā€˜yeah, everybody gets those 100-year floods occasionallyā€¦ā€™

Or the governor of Tennessee signing executive orders for internment campsā€”-I pointed out that governors, like the prez, seem to be using executive orders to avoid congress altogether.
Stripping the people of their voice in govt.
ā€˜Oh, itā€™s all about votesā€™, they say.

Iā€™ve stopped sharing because it is so deflating.

I even dreamed last night of trying to explain things to my sister and bro-in-law. They were not receptive and thought I was crazy.


100% these words!! when they perceive us this way, despite our message of trusting in God, I wonder if it really just means the news fills THEM with doom and gloom. doing what they can to press it down away from them. (do they forget the fact that Jesus wept openly about the state of people in this world? and walked off for such retreats of His own, for these very reasons?)

we may be full of light and faith, but if they canā€™t handle the bad news, they might overlook our intended message.

this makes me think of conversations I have with my mom- she does not like to talk about depressing things for more than a minute. as for me, I think itā€™s uplifting to talk these things through, because you find Godā€™s hope by the end of the exchange of words. but for her, these convos just make her unhappy, she is too weak to look for the hope in it all.

the illusion of hope- covax, forced smiles, etc- surfacey solutions- is more real to her than her inner faith of God, that never truly matured.

additionally, my HUSBANDā€™S mom has said, ā€œdoom and gloom is not my style.ā€ so Iā€™ve got at least 2 women leading in my life that are afraid of bad news. I get not wanting to dwell on bad things, but dwelling and discussing are 2 different things!

I donā€™t know where your friend sits in that, you just triggered some thoughts of mine and I imagine youā€™ve experienced things like that too <3 Iā€™m praying that your friend softens his heart, that he has an opportunity to see the need for it.

thank you for helping me too Cara!!! being willing to face the truths, good and bad, fighting fear through the love of Jesus, is what we are working to achieve. not just say, ā€œpeace be with you,ā€ and walking away from the point. <3

oh WOW did not hear that yet. once again we are reminded to look up like children, trusting our Father in all the darkness, our blessed hope, knowing that the worse things get, means the closer we are to the narrow gate that leads us to an eternity of love and light, no more sadness or pain, God thank You for taking us here and forgiving us for the ways we have let satan rule in our lives. thank You for protecting us. thank You for acknowledging our brokenness instead of expecting us to just buck up and love ourselves in this war-torn world. Youā€™ve been so patient. I thought You were hard. but that was a lie and You have saved me, I know You will save our family, thank You for giving us a way to You even after all our ignorance. You havenā€™t given up and You have given me strength to keep loving others. Thank You.


very interesting, I assume youā€™ve already had conversations of some type with them, where they felt this way by the end of it? just curious about your story if you would like to share about them!! <3


Oh my I also dream of that to itā€™s like Iā€™m trying to prepare myself of what to say to family friends , I live and breathe God :pray::heart:


Reading your post with tears of happiness relief and joy thank you itā€™s so amazing thank the Lord that you understand and can relate , Iā€™m usually reading in the background everyoneā€™s posts which have so greatly enriched my life thanks family x


the same thing is happening to me when you say that, I am so grateful for you Cara, and everyone else here that has broken through so many walls to help each other, so many happy tears we gain through this site!!! <3