August 29, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

One thing I know for a fact, just like you can edit, and create fake photographs of pretty much anything and anyone. You can do the exact same stuff with movies and video. I learned quit a bit on how to do stuff like that in college. Modern movies and special effects are a prime example of how advanced the technology is to make something look real that isn’t. If you have the right software and know what you are doing it would be easy to sit down and create something that looks like it came out of the 1920s.

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For years I have shared with them— she’s my oldest sister and her husband is a very devout Catholic—born in South Boston of Irish immigrant parents.
My sister is Congregational. Both are very works oriented and great people. He even paid the Catholic Church (can’t think of the term currently) some sort of penance for remarrying so that he could take communion again.
I showed him the scripture about communion and told him we were covered by grace, but he felt like he had to pay the penance. (Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling…) So, I never argue with them; I just share stuff that I know they are not aware of just to make sure they know about salvation and grace. They do not read the Bible.

They just laugh at me and see me as a Holy Roller, but I usually break out into an old gospel song and clap My hands, “there’s victory in Jesus, my savior forever, He sought me, and He bought me with His redeeming love…” I keep it light, but I do let them know in the quiet moments that it’s all true and very serious.

I did lead both of them in the sinners prayer halfway up Mount Washington once a few years ago. (No escape on a mountain trail!) lol

Well, @alllllz Alison, you asked for it. :woman_shrugging::joy:


For us, it is the same. Family, church members, pastor and wife all think Moderna vaccine is wonderful. they are almost giddy about it and pastor’s wife is a nurse and should know better. I can barely stand going to church there. As far as I know; only one other couple is standing firm with us against taking the jab. I am shocked at how easily these “Christians” are towing the line. Church attendance is still way down. God is separating the chaff from the wheat, I think. It seems no one around us has any guts or inclination even to reject the jab. What in the world is going in our churches? As for mine, I believe it is a dead church spiritually.
I am very happy to be grouped in with all you Lone Rangers.


My family just ignores emails I send about Jesus. they probably throw away Christian literature I send by snail mail. None of them go to church or even have a Bible. Nice people, but lost. My church family had no hesitation about taking the jab. We are pariahs there because we refuse. I had my antibodies tested last week and still have them after covid a year ago. People, even church people, often do not want to know any more about the Lord than what they hear on Sunday mornings.


This one is a lot of fun. Top 10 Scary Time Travellers Caught Throughout History - YouTube What I want to know is how the woman made a phone call on a cell phone with no cell towers?

The way to know he’s not from the future is that if somehow through voter fraud discovery Trump gets back into office, it would not be reported on from our future as merely having a second term. Therefore, he would not be from the future. 10 REAL Cases Of Time Travel That Cannot Be Explained - YouTube And the other thing is how come the Charlie Chaplin woman looks like she has a banana boat nose? And how does that tie into cell phone activity in the 1920s?


I have absolutely no idea…
How did phones work in cars.? Pre 1960 Before mobiles were introduced ? :heart:
Banana nose lol x it’s her reflection in the window making it look bigger…
What about the book.
Baron trump novels, written in 1893 by ingersoll lockwood.
About a boy called Baron, who went under world travelling with dog called
DON. !
It also has a story about the “last president” who was an outsider and not expected to win, the opposition seemed absolutely sure they would win…
Strange things going

Late 1800s Books On 'Baron Trump' And 'The Last President' Creating Quite A Spook[quote=

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Jesus knows your heart, and at least you have tried with all you’ve had to bring them into the fold. It’s not all for naught…can you imagine some will come to the Lord during the dreadful 7 years? They’ll think back on those crazy aunts, uncles, grandparents, parents, and in the nick of time know “the kooks” were on the right track.

God bless you, sister. You are sweet as sugar.



Do you believe in time travel Julie?

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At this stage in my life I dont even believe I’m real… I’ve had enough. Of everything.
I know theres more than meets the eye, that things are happening all around us that we can’t see… I’ve had two very scary episodes lately that are unexplainable… I know I’m down, lower than ive ever been before, and I know Jesus better be quick… because I can’t hang on much longer…:heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thank you! Hopefully, their eyes won’t remain blinded

I agree and I think this is what we are beginning to see now with the threatened mandates and what they threaten to do to the un-vaccinated, like us. They threaten loss of livelihood, internment and death camps. Times might get tough before the Rapture and I think we are being sifted to see how strong our faith really is. IMHO


Dear Julie / @J.R.W

A poem for you:

The God of Israel is real.
He said so to Ezekiel*
When you believe in the great I AM
You can state ‘I believe therefore I am’.

6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.

1 Corinthians 8:6

In Christ

*Ezekiel 33:29. Isaiah 45:3 would have been much more sublime but alas it did not rhyme ;[


Another Way to Look at it Maybe…

jasonacts177, love your post to Julie.


I have some very good friends in Canada who are strong believers and they both believe in post-trib Rapture. Their reasoning is that we must suffer for Christ. I have told her about JD’s prophecy Updates and sermon Bible studies. They are really true believers; but blinded in this regard.

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Dr. David E. Martin drops Shocking Covid Info on Canadians! (

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I hear you my lovely sister in Christ. In part too I do see we are an age that can become weary…it is like sinister overload. And although there is plenty of “strange” and “not right” escalating in the world right now, in the age of grace, it is never not Philippians 4:8 time. And it is understandable that an age like ours would be of pretty significant challenge to that, even though @jasonacts177 did not rhyme, I share his sentiment that it is such a spectacularly unusual time to know Him beautifully. I would encourage you dear sister, as Jason, to see deeper our God behind it all. I believe by the prophesies even unfolding they declare His glory, majesty, and unequaled character. And that we can become so greatly edified in His living ever loving care. These days give us clarifying hope in Him, I believe.

I don’t believe in time travel. As a Calvinist I was taught that God views all time at the same time. But then I never found that in scripture. I also heard that God is outside of time…but I don’t see that either. Being eternal, i would say He likely transcends time obviously. As a Calvinist I came to find out that I believe that God knows all things because He ordained it all before it happened…and if it would not happen He would not know it. I just think that is silly. I believe the reason God knows all things is that He most certainly ordains some, but just kind of knows how to see the future because He is God.

I don’t believe I can travel back in time to a day or week or month ago. If i run into myself, then are there two of me? This postures the Hindu/Quantum Physics multiple dimension/multiple reality theory. Where the popular Hollywood belief is that there are a thousand versions of you or I out there making different decisions. So one version of me going to heaven and one going to hell. This is where all that breaks down. I think God created one of us each. And our soul is accountable to Him. But its just that one soul. There won’t be a thousand versions of ourselves before His throne some crying and some rejoicing. Just us.

If you’d like to share any of your experiences I am sure it might be interesting or info on how we can pray for you. But only if you are open to consider. Just saying.

As for Trump, well you will be generally getting a take from me that is rare. I certainly don’t think it has anything to do with time travel. And I am a cessationist and don’t believe there is prophecy for today or post 1st century. So it is either something nefarious or something transcending that (at least in my book). In the book of Acts, Paul says to the Greeks (in 17:22-31):

22 So Paul stood in the midst of the [t]Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I see that you are very religious in all respects. 23 For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, ‘TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.’ Therefore, what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. 24 The God who made the world and everything that is in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made by hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might feel around for Him and find Him , though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and [u]exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His descendants.’ 29 Therefore, since we are the descendants of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by human skill and thought. 30 So having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now proclaiming to mankind that all people everywhere are to repent, 31 because He has set a day on which He will judge [v]the world in righteousness [w]through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all people [x]by raising Him from the dead.”

Both Paul and Christ reference a culture’s sayings, poems, or their pragmatic literature of their day. In Acts 17 we see two of these. 1) The alter to the Unknown God, and 2) Their own poets. So we do see that God does use the common literature of the day to accent things from time to time. That in no way makes those secular sources biblical canon by any stretch of the imagination. But here I am reminded of Jonah where God says to him, " Then the Lord said, “You had compassion on the plant, for which you did not work and which you did not cause to grow, which [g]came up overnight and perished [h]overnight. 11 Should I not also have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 people, who do not know the difference between their right hand and their left, as well as many animals?” (Jonah 4:10-11) And as I consider this I am more mindful that compassion God does have on the uninformed. And by virtue of that and it being a time we are in that is very near a tribulation timeframe, we can surmise that God might find merciful ways in helping people come slowly to a realization. For example, AOC in the US congress has stated that the earth will end in 11 years if we don’t do the Green New Deal. Now she would be doing this to bilk money and assert authoritarian control…and it all be made up out of thin air. However, if the tribulation period ends around 2030 or so, then what was a lie from congress, God might be merciful enough to let leak into the hearts of those who don’t know Him and help them understand the real concept of an end of an age so they start thinking differently. I believe this certainly would also apply generically to the COVID and granting the world a real pause and timeout for considering what age we might be in.

So in a generic sense I believe that God might use any number of means to mercifully help even those in unbelief. With Trump I think the affirming of Jerusalem as capital for Israel and the Abraham Accords puts him on the map of “Somethings up…ya’ll.” And in that sense having people talk all manner of consideration in regards to the uniqueness of our age and how mysterious so many things are surrounding that man, well this too might be a sense of His implications mercifully upon our age. If that makes sense? So I don’t see that as time travel. But I tend to see things more in the light of God’s mercy rather than the frustration this age causes all of us. This world will get its just deserts. But God…


My Mom is so precious to me, my heart breaks for the time when she isn’t here anymore. She has always been my rock. I pray that the vaccine hasn’t shortened her days on earth but that’s really up to God. I will lean all the more on the true Rock when that time comes.
I know I will be with her and my brother in heaven for all eternity.


Kris, sincere apologies for going overboard yesterday. From the heart, I’m sorry. :heart:


So very sad. Lots are going to cop what my friend refers to as the adult spanking via the 7yr tribulation and my oh my are people going to be shaken once god unveils them and shows them all the real truth of what this has been about this whole time.

I can only imagine how stupid and mortified people will feel once they see it.