August 29, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

If I remember correctly there were three separate years in history, all on september the 11th, where muslim invasions were defeated.

One of them was the Battle of Vienna I forgot the other two. All on the same date.

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I doubt very much that Turkey would be very happy with that. Afghanistan in their eyes would be absorbed into the new Ottoman Empire or it would become a client state.

They might let the Afghans believe it for as long as they are prepared to do Turkey’s dirty work but they will never let them into a position of rulership or leadership in the long run.

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The useful idiot syndrome perhaps?


Exactly like Stalin fooled all the other Eastern European countries when they came and fought for Russia against the Nazis.

He let them believe their liberation was guaranteed and then just stepped in after all the hard work had been done and took it all.


Putin is not a stupid man at all. The flag has changed and the veneer of democracy has been covering up what he has been thinking of for a long time I reckon. He knows that a war in Europe would be impossible if fought in direct open conflict.

He is doing EXACTLY the same thing as Stalin did. Russia’s game may not be as long as Iran’s but at the moment they are playing it far better than anyone else.



I agree. It’s not just you. And all the while our heart is heavy at the same time it is hopeful.

It’s like we are doing a repeat of what they tried to do with swine flu. Almost the same script. Tell the public that we have a deadly virus. Yet Aren’t able to isolate it. Produce an advertising campaign. Don’t tell the people the real risks. With swine vakkk, they swapped out with an actually different vakkk. Reminds me of Pfizer being “approved”, when it really wasn’t. The other one was. But the difference was that they stopped the shots once they saw the 300 Guillen barre, and 25 deaths in swine vakkk in 1976. Today with COVID vaccines, they are ignoring and covering up the deaths and injuries, and just keep on going and want to vakkk everyone. It’s evil and heart-breaking.


I’m also trying to figure out who, in the 1976 debacle, who was able to finally stop the vakkk campaign. Maybe enough people realized what was really going on? And maybe some of the media wasn’t compromised? Whereas today’s mainstream media is 100% bought off.


Exactly the same experience for me. Your mention of virtual reality reminded me of a “left behind” series of movies I watched awhile back. Not “the” left behind ones but of that type. It was a series that I think began with one called “Rapture.” It was on Prime video and I happened across it. There are several with the same name but in this one a CIA or FBI agent was trying to figure out what happened to his wife and daughters. I think this one is in the same series:

I’m also fairly sure this is the movie that has the following in it:

Part of an ongoing thread in the series were billboards everywhere that kept proclaiming "Get Ready for (a specific date or something akin to “The Great Reset”). Been awhile since I watched it. At one point the main character’s search led him to a computer geek with a tiny store that said he’d been consigned to build a virtual reality system, complete with what we know as “Occulus Rift” headgear. Computer geek had no idea why but needed the money. He demonstrated the technology to the main character by having him put on the headset and instantly both people saw themselves on a beach. Computer geek said, “Now watch this” and took a sharp sea shell and cut a gash on his skin that began bleeding. While the main character recoils, Geek says, “It doesn’t hurt! Now take off the headset” and no mark on the Geek. Geek says he has to have them ready by (the date on the billboard).

Later, a former MSM broadcasting anchor who became a believer after her loved ones vanished was visited by the AC who told her to put on the headset. They were both standing beside a guillotine. AC said that was her reality unless she signed her allegiance to him,which she didn’t. The main character was also visited by AC and saw his wife & two children waiting for him when he put on the headset. They ran into the man’s arms while the AC was saying - “You can be reunited with your wife and children if you sign this form.” The man had seen enough during his investigation that he was suspicious and said, “How do I really know these are my wife and children and not visual doubles?” (or words to that effect) Wife and children were pleading with him to come back to them. The man had some question that one daughter always answered in a certain way so he asked the daughter the question and she couldn’t answer it. He then knew this was a virtual reality trick.

When “the day” arrived, the movie showed a box being delivered to everyone - the occulus rift headset gear.

Interesting premise although since occulus rift came out, which were largely a failure, technology has increased so much and become more “real.” I participated in a virtual reality world called SecondLife for seven years then quit and recently checked it out again to see if any old friends were around. I was astonished at how much more lifelike the avatars are now - photos of them them look like real people.

I don’t know if virtual reality of some type will be used by the AC but it’s an interesting premise especially since it sure seems like my family and even some people in my church and definitely non-saved friends seem to be seeing a different world than I!!!

I had a similar experience with my mother seven years ago when I came back to the Lord and began watching Christian YouTube programs. I’ve always had a very close relationship with my mother as her only child. She has voiced belief in Jesus dying for our sins and the only way to heaven so I was stunned when I was telling her many believed that the rapture may be near. Mother asked what the rapture was. She grew up in a very small town Baptist church so that surprised me. I knew about the rapture going to a very middle-of-the-road Methodist church (only church I could walk to as a teenager), mainly due to the youth group leaders as well as reading Hal Lindsey’s “The Late Great Planet Earth” that my mother bought and I just picked up to read. As I explained the rapture my mother’s back stiffened and she became very stern and disapproving looking which confused and upset me. She said “So are we just little people flying around in the air?” then followed it with “Why are people excited to die?” the more I tried to explain, the madder she got until we were both in tears - me in utter confusion and her angry at me - still not sure why. I asked if she knew what was going to happen to her after she died. She said, “No, no one does because no one has died and come back to tell us.” (And didn’t think quickly enough then but “Someone” did - Jesus.) That made my blood run cold as now I wasn’t sure if she was saved or not and I always assumed she was. I know our salvation is not based on works but she’s a MUCH better, nicer, kinder person than I who always thinks of everyone else first. She got up and said, “We shouldn’t talk about this” and I think I left soon after.

I never spoke of the rapture to her again. I did continue telling her when the Lord answered prayers, etc. As dementia began to take hold of her and I realized her memory was quickly fading, one day on the phone I said, “Mother, do you believe (and basically went through the ABC’s of salvation)?” She said, “Yes, yes…to all of that. I wouldn’t think of believing otherwise.” That brought some peace to my heart but that “rapture talk” we had was brutal. I thought she would be happy I realized the sin in which I was living that she didn’t say much about but of which I knew she disapproved and sometimes she’d say, “You say you’re a Christian but you’re doing xyz” and be glad I’d realized how wrong I’d been.

Now I’m VERY glad I asked her those questions on the phone. I don’t know her heart but little did I know that in a very short few weeks after that phone call she went into major hallucination/delusion/paranoia and at times didn’t want me in her house. :sob:

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WHOA!!! That is brutal!

There is a very talented family in the UK who made parody lock down videos that I love watching. In addition to the two girls in this video, they also have two sons and their mother joins them as well and I believe they’ve been on T.V. in the UK. However, this song to the tune of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” especially sung by their sweet youngest daughter is a sharp rebuke to non-vaxxers:

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This is what kind of scares me (in my “am I really saved” anxiety). There are so many people who (as far as I can tell) have been faithful believers most of their lives, go to church regularly, are involved in ministry, and have a lot of fruit to show for it while my walk with the Lord has been up and down, in sin for years, and I feel like I have absolutely no fruit so why are they fooled and I’m not. There’s no answer to this and maybe it’s just something else Satan is using to keep me off-balance.


And experts of equal or greater than education/experience with a different opinion or who have come to a different conclusion about “the science” are censored - which in itself is extremely unscientific.

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Oh my gosh! That is so interesting!!! It is crazy to look back at things that have been creeping in over decades that are part of the stage setting. I’ve seen a couple of books and pod casts pop up in ads that have titles like “was I really here”, and weird stuff that is introducing this alternate reality and the ultimate questioning of truth. I didn’t see the movie Inception, but what I heard about it sounds like this, and I know it really messed with people! The end time delusion has been snowing down like brain washing to “reset” people’s minds and convince them that they can’t be sure of ANYTHING that they used to know as physical facts and truth. The AC is looking for a blank slate mind where he can rewrite his fate and the story of Jesus! The fact that not everyone can see what is going on keeps harkening me back to Daniel chapter 12 where the angel tells Daniel to seal up when he has been shown about the last days - at which time it will be unsealed and that “only those who are willing to learn will know what it means.” I have read this verse so many times, and in light of what has unfolded over the past year and a half, I believe that “willing to learn” implies both the effort required to study God’s word and Bible prophecy (principal of sowing and reaping- the amount of time and effort we are willing to invest in studying God’s word will be equal to the level of understanding God will give us), as well as being willing to study Bible prophecy as our blessed hope as opposed to sticking our head in the sand because we are afraid. It is so critical to guard our minds right now and be VERY careful what we let ourselves see and hear, and to wash our minds in the truth of God’s word every day!


Thank you for sharing this with me. I can sympathize with you on how shocking and confusing this has been. Especially because so much of what I know my mom taught me!! I haven’t known quite what to make of this, but I pray for my mom every day that she is TRULY saved and that God will reveal himself to her in a way that speaks to her. I have had VERY few dreams in my life that I can say positively were from God, but last August I had a rapture dream about my whole family. This dream started with my mom taking off the wig she really wears and being shocked to learn that she had gorgeous, thick brown hair underneath and she looked so shocked about it and said, “I had no idea that was under there!” Since then I have noticed some typology in the Bible that equates hair to spiritual strength (like Sampson!) and I believe this is what God was telling me about my mom - she is saved, but spiritually weak because she is much more interested in investing her time in the world right now (shopping and going out to eat and getting back to “normal”), as opposed to immersing herself in God’s word. She is settling for a cheap substitute right now, AKA wiglet :blush:.


@Veronica2537 I’ve actually already watched this a while back–crazy how times have changed–thanks though! Back when news was still reporting…the truth for the most part.

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I just came across this Dr. recently. This video, if I understood it correctly, are three medical associations that have sent this memo to doctors saying if they tell their patients Covid can be treated or supplements can build the immune system and similar information, they risk having their licenses pulled. I think pressure is being applied heavily on doctors which at least partly explains why my Dr. who has largely built his career on using supplements in addition to traditional medicine has done a U-turn and tried to scare me into getting vaxxed at my last appointment.

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Loved your dream about your mother’s hair. Also like the analogy to Samson’s hair as well.

This doesn’t have any Biblical connection (that I know of) but it reminded me of what Mother has been saying about her hair lately. She always kept herself impeccably groomed, including never letting her hair go gray (kept it colored) and having it cut very stylishly. She went to young hairdressers and said, “I don’t want an “old lady” haircut” - she had it cut so beautifully. She also had a couple of wigs that looked exactly like her real hair - cut & color.

I knew something was wrong when her hair began growing out. Every time we talked or I visited she’d say, “I HAVE to make an appointment to get my hair done!” and I’d always say I would take her. She’d say the same to my step-father and he said he’d take her any time. (Her not driving out of the blue about two years prior was startling as well - she LOVED to drive. When I asked her why she wasn’t she’d say, “Oh, it’s just easier for to drop me off.”) This “I have to get my hair done” but didn’t went on for over a year by which time her color (a gorgeous red - she has peaches & cream skin) had grown out and her white hair (not gray - a beautiful snow white like her mother’s hair) was shoulder length. Initially it was startling when I’d only ever seen her with short, styled red hair but, over time, I got used to it and it looked pretty on her. It had a natural wave and looks like some celebrities I’ve seen who’ve let their hair go natural but she hated it. As the dementia worsened she still wouldn’t leave the house without her wig on.

Her hair was long and white when she went to memory care. We were still under semi-lock down but I noticed there was a beauty shop located in the residential center. (This facility was originally a luxury hotel so it has lovely little shops and gorgeous fixtures, etc.) When we came out of lock down my step-father got in touch with the beautician, showed my mother’s wig to her, and said he wanted my mother’s hair done monthly - whatever she asks for - color, cut, etc. Now my mother’s hair is back to a more “her” look - although this hairdresser cuts it more “old lady” looking plus gets the color too bright sometimes and mother doesn’t have the ability to “direct” the cut & choose the color like she used to.

I went through my own “going natural” hair saga due to lock down and for a long time wore a ball hat everywhere (which isn’t my best look…lol) because I had gray hair on the top of my head but a red ponytail. Once my hair grew out enough to cut off the red I’ve left it gray in case we go into another lock down but UGH!!! I don’t like this salt & pepper hair. Here’s the funny part - the first time I visited my mother after my hair was grown out and styled she exclaimed, “OH! Your hair is gray, just like Mother’s was!” Then she touched her hair and said, “My hair never went gray!” While thinking back to when her hair was long and snow white I said, “It didn’t?” She said, “No! Most people’s hair does but mine never did!” She tells my step-father the same thing but he says, “Then why am I paying that woman who does your hair every month??”

Dementia is a cruel disease but it does have its lighter moments. Now I’m wondering if I should color mine again. We may not be here long enough that I have to be concerned about keeping it colored. :wink: