August 8, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Can we please get a link to the letter so we can use it as a template and show to local Pastors who would be willing to do the same. that means we would not overburden JD’s church.


the whole video is worth your attention but the three things i’d beg you all to pay attention to 1) the definition of “psychotic insight”. it’s them not you. 2) the “Redeemer” personality type. it’s you, you suffered to see truth and resist tyranny. help others. and 3) the role of humor/satire in combating evil.


I’ll see what I can do to get a copy, that’s a great idea @Geertje

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You are probably right, NamDoc. It looks like the male voice could have been layered over the original footage. Whew, that is a relief, but I have seen several videos of elderly people in India attempting to resist individuals with syringes who force the injection on them in what appears to be a non medical setting like a home. What is your take on those videos? Or have you seen them?


Example religious exemption letter has been added to the first post. As Pastor JD said, CCK staff is minimal, so if you have a church who will provide a letter but aren’t sure what it should include, this is a great jumping point.

Thanks again for the idea @Geertje!


I think you maybe accidentally sent this to me?

Thank you!


You’re welcome. I was actually looking for it with the resources and links below the video. Might also be handy. Blessings!


I don’t trust much of anything I see online these days. Probably didn’t watch…Welcome again, there is a lot to learn here, great brothers/sisters, with a lot of knowledge.



I was thinking the same, a letter to download just add your name. Or people who could act as secretaries download them in each country, and send them on, I’m willing to donate money for postage and paper, if someone trusted in the uk would do the signing and posting.

To request a religious exemption letter please include Full Name and Mailing Address. Please also indicate if a PDF file will be accepted or if they require a “wet signature.”
Email: [email protected]
Example letter to take to your church: Sample-Generic-Exemption-Letter.pdf (38.0 KB)

Due to making myself conspicuous, being previously involved with conspiracy fact finding. My emails are monitored and blocked. I’m unable to send a request through email to JD for an exemption document. Also they have been on this site they left me this to let me know… funny arent they…

Also FEMA partnered with federal communications commission are conducting a national test of the emergency alert. Radio, TV, cable stations and wireless carriers at 2.20pm on the 11th August 2021
Lasting around 1 minute. They say it is to test the ability of the system to deliver a national EAF message… They added that only cellular phones that have “opted” to receive the messages will be alerted… but ask yourself what else might you be opting into?


CDC lied. Period.

Climate Change LOCKDOWNS coming……-the-rest-of-the-story-conference.html


When the secular world is being shaken awake to Biblical events. This monolugue is by Clyde Lewis who is a parapolitical and paranormal commentator. But even the secular world is beginning to realize something evil is afoote and the public has been groomed and the spell is being cast.


A couple weeks ago on one of the Clyde’s shows he admitted to having breakfast after a show, alone in a little restaurant. He heard three words, “Jesus is Coming.” He admits to looking around thinking maybe the waitress said it etc. and no one was near him.

As Christians we’ve been feeling this way for a long time now. JD did a whole update on it last summer. But, I am starting to see even the secularist world is getting concerned.

It harkens back to what JD said about the waivers, he will give them to anyone willing to listen to at least one update all the way through to the ABC’s of Salvation.


Truth, blessed truth!!