Dec 13 2020: Bible Prophecy Update


Stop that senseless chat.

You are, and excuse me for being blatantly honest to you:

You are not anyone to pretend to tell me what Fear is and what Fear is not.

You have your own assumptions and beliefs. That´s ok. I´m fine with that. But I firmly believe that the ground you are stepping on (Big Pharma and vaccines) is far from being of your full knowledge dominion.

Please do not pretend to have the authority to say what believers SHALL or SHALL NOT do regarding vaccination. It is simply out of your christian or even “normal human creature” duties.

God Bless


Jude 14 is a fable? "Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”
God had the book of Enoch quoted in the bible.




I differ.

We, believers are supposed to accept that everything in the bible is Word from God. By simple deduction process, if I read Peter, James and Jude quoting The Book of Enoch, is equivalent to say

“The Holy Spirit Quoted The Book Of Enoch”

The implications are HUGE, hence this is not a cheap statement to be dismissed in a very olimpical way.

Again, I fully and completely disagree, but as I said before, Almost All Modern Bible Scholars disagree with you too.

God Bless


Much more than simply that.

I use to read study papers from Bible Scholars worldwide and exactly this has been a topic of frequent discussion among them.

Almost all agree on the key importance of the Book Of Enoch as it gives a clear explanation of what really happened in Genesis 6, an event that the cannon touches only tangentially and very briefly leaving many doubts and opening doors for missinterpretation.

A simple search will guide you to tons of this information (Bible studies) already performed and cross-checked with a multitude of other texts of ancient literature.

God Bless


To Whomever, JD mentioned alien abduction as a way the world system will explain rapture. Vatican display of the Nativity (GROSS) added two figures from outer space. I’m not saying, I’m just saying.
Warmly Doc


Back to the vaccine point (which JD opportunely -and I will add: Guided by The Holy Spirit- addressed in his Dec 13th Prophecy Update Video):

May be a chronological account of related events gives us a more clear view of "What the heck is going on with this C****-19 ? "

  1. 2019 A world event (sponsored by Bill Gates) takes place in which many organizations discuss how the world would react to the “posibility” of a pandemia created by a Virus -they suspiciously use a Sars like virus type…how convenient-
  2. 2019 The first victims of Covid-19 are identified in China. The CCP hides the issue while profusely discuss it in secret communications. The world remain ignorant ofit.
  3. 2019 China star the deployment of 5G technology. Wuhan is one of the provinces in which it is fullydeployed.
  4. 2020 The outbreak in China explodes and the world comes to know just because chinese citizens record the sudden death of miriads of their connationals and videos go viral. Starngely and coincidentally -only a coincidence- Wuhan is the heart of this explosion.
  5. It comes to everybody knowledge that in Wuhan they have a Top Class Special Laboratory where scientists are researching Bio-Weapons and in special Virus.
  6. Scientists worldwide come to the conclusion, after isolating and analyzing the virus DNA starnd, that this is a LAB-fabricated Virus.
  7. Almost No country in the world -with some very FEW exceptions- took measures to avoid the entry of travellers coming from China. Even if the information was already spread and well known.
  8. March 2020 The WHO declares THE PLANDEMIC, sorry, The Pandemic, and every single health care organization opportunely chorus in an excellent and outstanding array of soprano, contralt, Baritone, Tenor and Bass voices.The Perfect Aria… “La donna è mobile Qual piuma al vento Muta d’accento E di pensiero”… Oh Bello!!! Rigoletto!!! Ma che belleza di Aria, Mamma Miaaa!!!
  9. 2020 In seconds, every Big Pharma company is already working on the Vaccine, and guess what, They have already been working in advance about it !!! That is why we as of Today Dec 14 2020, already have all the different set of vaccines AVAILABLE !!! Wooow, What an efficient nice guys these people are !!! ( Ma, guarda te!!! Cavolo!!, Che efficienti sono questi disinteresati cavallieri!!!)
  10. Dec 2020 Worldwide governments are already stating what will be the limitations of their citizens if they do not perform the Test of COVID-19 and subsequently if they reject to be vaccinated.

Do anybody see something suspicious, anomalous, unrealiable in these merely concidential chain of Events?


And Excuse me folks, Is it just me or ALL THAT went incredibly fast? One Year and the complete world WAS changed, sorry HAS changed? Am I getting old?

Any help?

God Bless



With all respect for everyone.

There is a lot riding on the issue of DNA being changed by vaccine.

Even if a fellow believer has a degree or specialty in a field they are
not infallible.
There are multiple sources that tell us differently than Jay.

Questions and discussions are so necessary in these times.
That is the beauty of a forum. Although it might get tense, no one
person can mislead by incorrect information even if it is given with
good intentions.


Sounds very 7 11 to me.

  • The history of vaccine damage
  • Taking a quickly produced vaccine that is promised to be 90% effective with unknown side effects for a virus that is 99.98% survival-able.

That’s not fear Jay That’s Stupidity…

The reason most people will take it is because of the consequences and force they will use if you don’t’.

And that Jay is extortion.!. So who’s the one acting in fear?


you thoughts

Bro your spot on!

From a faux-impeachment to an orchestrated pandemic or should i say plannedemic; from Murder Hornets to massive wildfires; from a sudden increase in UFO sightings to the road being paved for the ‘Great Reset’; from numerous hurricanes to anarchy and riots; from historic Mid-East peace initiatives through the Abrahamic Accords to one of the craziest election heists ever seen in American history, the year 2020 will definitely go down as the most bizarre, topsy-turvy years on record!


While the Scoffers and Mockers play their part in fulfilling Bible prophecy, we have economies across the world crashing, an ‘IMMUNITY PASSPORT’ that combines digital identity with vaccinations, blockchain and nanotechnogy, an ID2020 patent, a quantum dot microneedle vaccine mark with data storage, digital certificates, artificial intelligence, contact tracing, gene editing, civil unrest, digital surveillance, global pestilences, global plagues, the destruction of Damascus (Isaiah17) is set up like a compass pointing towards Ezekiel 38 and we know that in the words of Pastor J.D Farag, the Isaiah 17 rubber band is about to snap!

Most people (believers and non-believers alike) have been scratching their collective heads trying to make sense of all this. All I can say is that this has been 100 years in the making, and promises to lead to one inescapable conclusion – *the Rapture of the Church and the world’s coming appointment with divine judgment!


Post Tribbers Propaganda. Steve Anderson, and many others have done their own films to back their understanding about the rapture.

I would say: They can believe whatever they want to believe as long as they believe the correct and sound doctrine for Salvation.

As JD expressed with his exquisite and fine sense of humour “When the Rapture happens Jesus is not going to ask” so, no risk of deception there. The real risk, The Great Deception, comes afterward.

See ya in the clouds.

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Wooow, Bro. You are very very Fine Tuned!!!, Arent ya (JD style)?

God Bless

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Lol! God bless you bro!

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I was reading Matthew 2 today.

So, what has this to do with the Rapture.

Well, strangely it does. In fact this was the first time I saw a different side to the chapter.

This chapter documents a sequence of 3 things.

Firstly, it confirms that a number of prophecies were fulfilled (e.g. Hosea 11:1, Jeremiah 31:15) then secondly it highlights (3 times) that spiritual prompting (e.g. dreams, angelic visitations) was given to trigger the event and then thirdly it documents how the events unfolded.

What caught my attention was that when reading the prophetic text, in isolation, the picture that formed in my head did not correlate with the story of what took place.

This is because I made assumption when trying to interpret prophesy that is written in such a “matter of fact” way. It is my opinion, that when a concise accurate statement is made it is quite common to misinterpret. As such, we need to be careful with speculating on biblical prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled.

Now food for thought.

This Matthew 2 story revealed that spiritual prompting was given in each case prior to the prophetic events unfolding.

So… who can say that believers will not get such a prompting as demonstrated in Matthew 2 where we, as believers, are confronted with a visit out of the blue to say “come with me” and it will be our decision as a believer to say “yes” or “no” I will go with you, and if we say yes then in blink of eye we are caught up…

This probable scenario, in my opinion, still fits with the prophetic event but is shown in a slightly different way to how many assume it will happen.

In no way do I believe that the Rapture is anytime other than before the 7-year Tribulation. The video is from a guy who likes to stir things up. I watched for over 25 minutes and he really didn’t give any evidence that the pre tribulation rapture is not sound doctrine as Pastor JD says. He mentions Pastor JD by name in the video.


Hello. You state Matthew 2. Are you speaking of the whole Chapter?