December 5, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Thank You for this Muddy, I learned something.

If I complete my current objective in Biblical Hebrew, Greek is next.


Agreed Jack.

Just like that lady with stacked boxes from QVC, the advertisers spend several $millions$, and maybe now $Billions$, on manipulating the pleasure centers of the brain to entice people to buy garbage that they don’t need and that never lives up to the sales pitch.

The advertisers use very manipulative tactics.

In fact, it’s also on labels in stores also…the colors, the bright ribbons promoting nonsense…instead of telling the consumer what’s really contained within it.

I always have to look at the tiny writing on the back of food products to make sure it doesn’t have monosodium glutamate or some other cheater poisons…and what is the nutritional value.

I suppose that if there was an infomercial on the benefits of sprinkling special cow manure on one’s bed to relieve back pain, people would buy it :crazy_face:


See any patterns? :slight_smile:

  • The Greek Letter ‘Delta’ is Pyramid shaped

  • The Phoenician Letter for ‘Omicron’ is ‘Ayin’ whose Symbol happens to be an EYE.


You might go read Clyde Lewis’s interpretation of the names they are using, the sorcery being used to manipulate people monologue from 12/2/2021 (not the one I posted)…

Admittedly I have spent decades listening to these wonked-out late night paranormal shows about bigfoot, aliens, etc. Sometimes laughing, sometimes be startled.

Now I listen to JdFarag on Sunday and am amazed how two such divergent paths are crossing. I like Clyde Lewis, don’t know if he is a Christian, but he sure seems concerned about the end times lately. Even saying it is time to get right with Jesus. Maybe it is because he’s learned so much over the years and like the rest of us is putting the signs all together?

He is no prophet, but he comes at this from a paranormal viewpoint, a more world event view.


that is a very interesting news site.


thank you for this summation. I have been telling people “it’s not about the environment, it’s about control,” but your statement is much clearer with only a few more words. I’ll be using this. thanks


Oh you hit the nail squarely on the head. Control! Control the masses!


Well said!


I don’t think any of them are complete placebo. I do believe as you say that some lots are more dangerous than others based on reports. However, I think every jab contains something they want in folks… a tracker, a tag, graphene oxide or hydroxide… something like that which will connect to the IOB or 5G and/or digital currency down the road and allow them control us. It makes no sense they would push so very hard to get it into everyone that they can and then NOT put into it what they intend to disseminate to us all. That is just my thinking.

So very true… and yet I have had friends tell me openly that I am the one believing in fairy tales because of my belief in the Bible’s inerrancy. :frowning:

Absolutely we do.


Is it possible to listen it without getting this app?

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Thank you for your reply. I will try to install it.

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Jan Markell’s guest last week, Pastor Mark Henry, was right on course with what JD and my local pastor here in Omaha Nebraska were talking about. Coincidence?


can I ask what church in Omaha? My BIL and SIL are now there. Not saved. I am hoping at some point to tell them about a good church there…


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I’m not sure what exactly you are looking for but for your information, Billy Crone does have a Rumble Channel where he has the Covid Update 4.
Here’s the link to his channel
BillyCrone (


Are you replying to me or someone else?

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I found it here without app. Look upper right ‘covid update’

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Well, this is very interesting. More prep for the MOTB. We are SO close!

Regarding censorship of the above video:


Love this! Thank you!


Most of us have said at one time or another that everyone should have the right to choose for themselves whether to get the jab or not. But now we’ve seen all the deaths and reactions reported to VAERS and know how dangerous it is and now it’s being given to children. Already reactions and deaths of children are showing up in VAERS and the news. Should a parent have a right to choose whether to inject their child with poison?