Feb 28 2020: Bible Prophecy Update

Excellent point. I was thinking on this the other day.

I am certain the Lord never intended church to be a “business” as it has become.


Hi. I have pondered whether the AntiChrist could be NIMROD. Chuck Midler even talked on this subject as well as it being in Prophesy Watchers. So many amazing traits.

Sorry. Spelling. CHUCK MISSLER


You may not like it, but here’s a new video from Mike and it relates to a lot of things JD Farag has said in his past Bible Prophecy’s updates, those two have a lot in common in their discernment :pray:

It is intriguing. But the 7th king is also the 8th king. And the 6th king was already standing during John the revelator’s time. So for Nimrod to come after the New Testament is not possible. That is, if we take the meaning of the 7 and 8 kings in Revelation to mean “historic kings leading up to antichrist,” or if this is referring to kings contemporary to the end time events–it would likely not make sense in that context. What do you recall about this consideration from Missler that stood out to you?

Hi yes. I’ve been looking into this for years. First off…with DNA and transhumanism etc…it’s my understanding that Nimrod’s the mb was found and it was mentioned that his private’s were missing. Disgusting but makes sense. He was the first world dominant king of Assyria. Babylon. He was born human but became a mighty man. Anyway too many things to list. But here’s a short synopsis. Other longer videos and documents. Thanks for writing.

The Return of Nimrod?: An Alternative View: – Chuck Missler – Koinon


Any live video you watch will have the pause (or music) at the beginning simply by the nature of live. Just slide the progress dot forward until you see Pastor J. D. appear and start watching then.

I guess I’d encourage grace and patience. They are doing amazing and putting in so much effort in such a short time. This isn’t some massive mega church with a bajillion budget. I’m actually quite impressed with their professionalism given the time they had to make it all happen once YouTube started dropping the hammer. Let’s lift them all up in prayer when we feel tempted to complain.


I appreciate the updates! I actually bought a little stick PC for my TV (uses an HDMI port) and I use that to stream/watch the prophecy update on my TV. I’d been using the YouTube app on my Roku prior to the changes. The stick PC, with a little miniature keyboard remote, works great and now I can watch anything I’d be able to watch on a computer, right on my TV.

Now that the boring technical details are out of the way…

I have this weird quandary. I don’t want this to be an “I follow Apollos” moment, but it’s a description of a kind of mental clash that happens… So I follow Amir Tsarfati on telegram. I don’t expect each person to fully agree with each other, but I know Pastor J.D. and Amir have been to Jan Markell’s prophecy conference and other similar events. Their theology is basically the same when it comes to Bible prophecy from what I can tell. This past year, however, there have grown marked differences in regards to how both talk about masks, mandates, and vaccines. Now I know Amir isn’t American; we have our own culture that is different than Israel. I know he appreciates America, but I’ve noticed his response to things to be more like my European friends: unable to understand us Americans who won’t comply with masks and vaccines.

So receiving both his take on things and J.D.'s is quite a clash. Everything’s fine, the vaccine is fine, it gives you freedom, just wear a mask…and then the mask and vaccine are a path to the system of requiring a mark.

I rather lean towards the latter. I have that old American culture in me, I guess. But I often wonder if the division we’ve seen in 2020 and 2021 is going to hit the Bible prophecy community. I surely hope not. We follow Jesus, not people, but I’m so tired of division right now. Good grief, I was watching Pastor Andy Woods’ great series on the Rapture and about halfway through the midpoint he made the statement that the ABC approach to salvation wasn’t Biblical because Romans was written for the Jews and it’s only the Jews who have to confess Jesus with their mouth (or something like that). I just put my head on my desk. Whut.

I appreciate all of these folks, even if they don’t agree. God is using them uniquely. But it is so tiring sometimes. I’m sure glad for Jesus; his yoke is light. I can’t keep up with all the rules and admonishes down here, sometimes.

There are a lot lot LOT of reasons I want Jesus to come for us soon, but I think division and disagreement is climbing to the top. I surely can’t wait to be in God’s presence and all in agreement and not fighting.


I used to follow Amir as a news source to Israel. He’s not a pastor but a teacher if memory serves me right. Also. I never saw a difference in scriptures with JD and Andy. Maybe there was a literal verbiage needed by Jews as there was no Jesus resurrection yet. But not sure. Never heard this. I doubt he called out the ANC’s. Which of course JD states it’s not the only way. But has been beneficial to saving many to Jesus online and personally.

As far as Smir’s beliefs. They are not mine. I quit followimg him. I think he averted away from many. Including a dear female friend who it seems tries tho make things better. Ya know. I’m these times. Many turn from the faith. As a teacher maybe you are more vulnerable. Pray for those with eyes wide shut. I know Paul was one of the kindest most spiritually filled prophets and did not invite unnatural arguments JD has been the same from 6 yrs ago as he is today. Just more filled. More dynamic. God bless him.


Please excuse misspellings. I have a huge cataract and am on my phone. Haha!


I just blame autocorrect. Mainly that’s actually the case. Also I hate small keyboards and these smooth digital touch sensitive keyboards.


I also gave a retina detaching. I’d have had it fixed but the doc was a quack. I’m trying to find a qualified doctor. In Florida it’s not easy. Lol

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Sorry @Islandgirl, I have worries with my retinas anymore as well. Actually the connections with the whole eye detaching. Perhaps a prayer is in order? For you I mean lol.


@Julie I’m sure like many I share your feelings of fatigue and concern over the divergence, both theological and practical, by different pastors and congregations in respect to matters of Covid-19 etc.

This state of affairs is however hardly surprising; ‘Divide and Conquer’ has been the premier strategy of Satan since he first beguiled Eve to mistrust God and eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil.

The mask itself, along with kiosk screens, visors, social distancing, are all physical divides which are now giving rise to the physiological divide: those who have the vaccine / those who have not.

And just as the mask is a preparatory pathway to the Mark I believe that we are also witnessing myriad ‘minor’ (relatively speaking) delusions that foreshadow the ‘strong delusion’ of 2 Thess 2:11.

Yet there are strands of solidarity amidst the mists.

At Approx 33 mins, Andy Woods cites his agreement with JD Farag on the vaccine position.

Speaking of which…

With respect I do consider that to be an oversimplified mischaracterisation of Andy Wood’s position, which as best I can discern within the full context of his video is that the only requisite for Salvation is the ‘B’ part of the ABC’s, and that an over-emphasis placed on the A or the C - particularly the C - can very swiftly distort the Grace of God into a works-based doctrine.

Full transcript for full context can be found here:

Thanks for your edifying thoughts Julie,

Yours In Christ


Good stuff, Jason!

I still am chugging through Woods’ teaching on the Rapture (I actually downloaded all of them and put them in my Plex server in case YouTube pulls them). They are fabulous (it’s like going to Bible college) and in-depth. It was just one of those moments where I thought…bummer. But I certainly haven’t walked away and continue to work my way to the 40th video of the series! I don’t expect people to agree perfectly on everything. And I think you’re right to point out that the overlap is nearly total, more than it isn’t. Thanks for your thoughtful response!


Oh, my, I think that analogy wins the internet today. I NEVER thought of it like that, but it is so apt!


Absolutely I will pray!!! God bless you Mine is quite confusing. A cheerleader in my high school squad with me (I was 15) tried to kill me. Yep. Kill me. It almost did. She drove a car into a light pole at 70mph on my side of car. I had many injuries. Brain was one. 500 stitches facial and head. That was long ago but I had some issues with words. Like names. Dates. Etc. TBI. BUT GOD! I could literally write a book. Lol. But it caused MS. SO. I Had an optic nerve bleed after my mom died. Plus Retina damage and cataracts. It goes w/the MS. I have been attacked by the evil one all my life. My guardian angel is WORN OUT!!! :scream::laughing:

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I will say this: Pastor Woods will specifically state which teacher/pastor teaches what, and why he doesn’t agree with it (or does agree with it). He’s gracious about it, but plainspoken. And you know, you’re right. I do find that helpful. I don’t have to guess and speculate and “mind gossip” to figure out what he’s hinting at. He’ll simply say “I know and respect John Smith, but he teaches this. We do not agree with that and here’s why.” By doing that, I’ve been able to find other teachers I enjoy, and also still enjoy those he’s spoken about warning of some part of their teaching, knowing to look for that but not throw the baby out with the bathwater.