February 26, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Only Way Any of This Makes Any Sense

In reference to Pastor JD’s mention of the Asbury event and its questionable legitimacy as a true revival or a staged show, I leave you with this in support of Pator JD.


Yeah, I think we might be related in this respect :joy:

Oh contending for the faith sums up my purpose in all I do. And in my case as well, I have been humbled and rightly so.

I believe we can know as Christians what our gifts are. Being the type of skeptical person I am who also thinks too much and wants answers , I’ve come to understand that God has allowed me a discerning spirit. That’s not to say I always get it right.

Thank you Shirley. Love you sister :heart:


Will go back to read our continued discussion, but I’m watching JD now.

Paused him to say I’m glad he revealed what IHOP was! Lol I kept seeing that referenced with NAR and kept meaning to find out.

I think JD is awesome! He is confirming a great many things I think God has been showing me through scripture and well… scripture! That’s all you need. Well prayer and fasting too …fasting has not been coming so much lately lol…food.

In all seriousness though fasting is good, and sometimes the Holy Spirit lays that on me, and I know because it’s so easy when that happens, God is good.

Okay back to JD.


Confirmations abounded in this update.

When it’s all said and done…I think:

Acts 5:39.

I believe that Asbury is at best a distraction, and at worst a deception.

And again, I agree…God can use anything to work, reach, anyone, but I am seeing so many red flags on this.

Deception and false Christs everywhere. I think that’s what Jesus Revolution and the Chosen is all about too.

They are coming in Christ’s name, but they are preaching a false Christ.

I agree with @Loretta66 , my pastor’s wife recommended the chosen (I had already tried to watch it and didn’t like it) and after trying again … that’s not our Jesus!

As JD was speaking in the update… I’m reminded how many of these pitfalls I see coming on my church.

My friend at church was saying how the live stream was making her cry…and it’s definitely emotionalism. Lots of it.

And I said to the youth pastor…we don’t need to go to Asbury to be with God. I was weirded out how people flocked there just to sing…no.

And it didn’t really say it was a repentance for sins.

Rather as the smoke settles I see it pretty much was a place to affirm sexual immorality, and no mention of repenting for abortion.

It was all happy happy happy let’s worship.

Don’t get me wrong I, worship is not bad, but…what were they worshipping?

Sounds like…not Jesus.

Sure some were probably sincere but let’s look at the big picture, it’s a distraction, and a false movement.

I could be wrong, but it’s looking more and more like this is a very deeply evil event.

Deception upon deceptions… lies to deceive and divide.

Pray for our leadership to see through this.

And I reiterate, I’m sure some good was happening at Asbury, and many were sincere, saved even.

However, the big picture, was that it was a planned event that is being used to usher in wolves and lots of false doctrine.


Just a thought and a question: This contemplative prayer stuff: isn’t that what we see happening in many of these Christian music concerts? I have not been to one, but what I have observed on video clips from some, they often have dark lights , ambient music, “mist” and calls to " experience Jesus ".


Hi Teren!

I can understand your points.
If the NAR is inadvertently used to bring Christ back , I can’t see it being because they set the world up for it by getting dominion over their 7 mountain goals, but because they could contribute to advancing the end time signs we are warned will amp up prior to the rapture and coming 7 year Tribulation. So should God use the NAR to usher in his return, it’s because they are part of the deception and not because they created a utopia type environment that he can be like “ thanks guys, now I can finally return because you all cleaned up this messed up world’.

I have added JD’s interview to my list of videos to watch tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

The reason I see it as I do is because of 2 Timothy chapter 3.


I’ll check that chapter out Steph. Thanks. Ok well just to clarify, in my parlance if NAR were some form of mirror return of Christ thingy to bring on the tribulation, it would be for irony’s sake. Like the epitome of the church replacing itself as Israel thinking to bring on His kingdom actually be the false mirror of the real. And instead of bringing on Christ’s kingdom they bring on judgement for 7 years. Just a theory but it does rather nicely dovetail with the epitome of the church seeing herself too pronounced in our era. And we hear “such a time as this” used quite a bit (I believe there is actually quite a few parallels of Esther and our day). So kind of like in mirror fashion barrowing the stellar irony from Esther possibly as a means of tipping off believers in our age to the notion. Like prophetically helping the church realize what time it is through the irony of the false church proclamation. If my view on 1st seal has any credibility, it might be (in theory) that NAR perhaps has some part in what is often referred to as a false peace. My abnormal take on that though is it would likely be real peace marking both the season of rapture as well as a heads up to Israel “peace” (mirror moment of their 1,000 year reign to come). And a chance for the world to see one last glimpse of God’s great and patient character before the nightmare of nightmare’s begins. God not being affected by NAR at all but rather possibly using them like Haman. But if that has any merit (only God knows), it would mean that the first seal could include such one’s as them–and yet the first seal is actually from God. In an age of where drawing lines are increasingly seemingly difficult and categories seem to merge and blend, how ironic the first seal to possibly be from God, of God, but so far from being about Him possibly while simultaneously demonstrating His great character (and a 1,000 year reign teaser to boot). The possibility of such nuanced blend sounds pretty hot actually…lol. But yeah…we’ll see. Mega blessings dear sister.


28 Feb 2023


This discussion I leave it to Christians to judge. Ps Kaddis defined revival and spiritual awakening in his own understanding.


Pastor Andy Woods gave his take on Asbury in first question:



The popularity of these movies and shows makes me think of what Jesus said in John 7:7:

“The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.”

Based on this, I have to believe that any Jesus the world loves is not the Jesus of the Bible.

When I first heard of this “revival” I had immediate suspicions about it being planned because in late January I just happened to come across this video. (This is Dutch Sheets, false prophet and NAR leader.)

Things that make you go “hmm.”


I came across an article from Now The End Begins, as I was scrolling through my Twitter newsfeed, last evening. I found it to be worth considering, as these connections and associations continue to be made.

Screenshots without link to podcast information (as I have not yet listened to that.)


Great point!


Me too!


Yeah I was immediately suspicious because of the article write ups I was sent from a friend…sounded like a “self” affirming shindig rather than a Christ affirming.

Not that self affirmation is all bad…but what we really should affirm is oneself IN CHRIST.

Rather than in the world.

It was a world event…not a Christ event.

Very much a sign of the times.


Rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Well it is not to be taken lightly, especially for Pastors. Many inject their own opinions and that is not rightly dividing the Word. Man can be sincere but sincerely wrong.
Pastor JD must allow the HS to teach and correct him in order to give us sound teaching .

The Word of Truth has to be taken to pieces wisely; it is not to be hacked or torn as by a wild beast, but rightly divided with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Spurgeon says - There has to be DISCRIMINATION AND DISSECTION. It is a great part of a minister’s duty to be able to dissect the gospel— to lay one piece there, and another there, and preach with clearness, distinction, and discrimination.

Paul tells Timothy - that he needed to be diligent in the study of the Word and in rightly dividing the Word of truth. Without that continuing diligence in the Word, Timothy would not be able to stand firm, and he would not be able to maintain sound teaching.

The Greek word translated as “rightly dividing” is orthotomountaortho means “right or proper,” and tomounta means “to cut.” Literally, success in handling the Word is to cut it properly or correctly.
To rightly divide the Word of truth is to “cut it straight.”

In studying the Word, we are trying to understand what the Author has said and not allow our own opinions or views to cloud the meaning of what He has written. When we are diligent to “cut straight”—to rightly divide the Word of truth—we can understand what He has communicated in His Word and be well-equipped for what He would have us to do. (Got Questions)


Here goes nothing…
I’m definitely going to ruffle feathers despite my best attempt here to be kind.

There are some that are just not going to see why the Jesus Revolution movie as well as the Asbury Revival are theologically an issue.

But I am going to not be accused even if indirectly of trashing or not extending grace to those involved in the revival and especially the movie.

It is not necessary to see the movie in total. Why??? Because as pointed out the history of the original Jesus Movement started by Chuck Smith , may very well have led some to the Lord. And God did use Chuck to start the Calvary Chapels which undoubtedly have led many to getting saved.

However, there is a huge concern with Chuck Smith’s lack of discernment in cohorting with the likes of Lonnie Frisbee and Kathryn Kuhlman.

Pointing out the past of these people is not about Christians not willing to extend grace. It is pertinent to point it out because it has infected the church and is still infecting it via NAR, WOF, Dominionism, and New Age mysticism.

The Jesus Revolution Movie is based on the original Jesus Movement. The 1970’s movement probably did convert some into believers. That’s great and to God be the glory.
HOWEVER, Chuck had Kathryn Kuhlman WHO WAS INVOLVED IN NEW AGE MYSTICISM and Lonnie Frisbee , a known practicing homosexual even after this revival. He also according to his girlfriend at that time FOUND JESUS WHILE THEY BOTH WERE TRIPPING ON ACID. He sadly died of AIDS.
Yes, this is bringing up their past sin which is a necessary “ evil” to do because of where many churches are today …… on a part to not just apostasy but to severe compromise so much so that once evangelical churches and doctrinally sound churches are meshing with the unbiblical teachings of Catholicism, the New Apostolic Reformation , the Word of Faith , Dominionism, and the New Age.

Not extending grace would be to turn a blind eye to what is happening to the church and sincere believers who are spiritually blinded by what underneath it all is actually the road back
to “ Mother Rome “ in this ecumenical push unite all religions regardless of doctrinal differences.

The Asbury Revival has the Eucharist offered at their college. This is Catholic digesting of what they believe is the actual body and blood of Christ.

Jonathan Ruhmie is a staunch Catholic as well as involved in some New Age. So if we be remembers Catholic teachings , he has no problems with them.

Regarding Greg Laurie, who is well liked and has charisma is praising Ruhmie for his role as Lonnie. You now have a professing, Bible believing Evangelical condoning Catholicism BECAUSE HE IS SILENT ON THE RELIGION THAT HIS FRIEND RUHMIE IS devoted to.

This mindset that calling these people out and parts of their past is not failure to extend grace. It is a watchman trying to shout out from the rooftops that there’s danger ahead. It is out of severe concern and love for not just fellow men and women but for fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are headed towards the very deception Christ warned numerous times about.

Is this full blown deception ??? Not maybe necessarily currently but the things taking place are stepping stones towards what will eventually be the deception that would “ if it were possible, deceive the very elect “.

In mentioning these concerns with these well known people, many freak out believing they’re being labeled as complete false teachers and totally heretical, wrongfully claiming they’re being put into the same categories as Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen and so on.

Here’s in part of why certain individuals and their associations are being called out …… they are headed on a path in their compromising, in who they associate with and are influenced by into the same categories as the Joel Osteens, Kenneth Copelands and Francis Chan ( who was basically doctrinally sound years ago but recently jumped on the NAR and Catholic bandwagon going so far as to agree on the Catholic stance of the Eucharist.) This continual hobnobbing and intertwining of relationships going on under the guise that it’s all cohesive is in reality a sloughing away of the truths that doctrine is based upon.
Over time the list of actual false teachers and worse yet, full blown heretics is going to get longer.

This is why I keep speaking out.

It’s not to slam these people or anyone in this forum. It’s trying to sound the alarm.
We are accountable according to the Bible if we made aware of certain things that when sifted through scripture are not biblical to sound alarm to others. That’s why I do what I do. It is in obedience to the Word and not wanting guilt on my hands when I stand before the Lord and have to explain why I didn’t say anything.

Now that the feathers are ruffled, in an attempt to unruffle them , I’ll kindly and respectfully point to the “ agree to disagree “ attitude option and be on my way now.

After speaking up , the Bible says , we are no longer held accountable for those that don’t listen.

We are in a time when Christ can snatch us at any moment. If there was ever a time to speak up and defend truth , it is now.
Too many people are getting sucked into this end time ecumenical deception and one day it’ll be too late to say anything.


Thank you for your courage and obedience to the Lord. (hug)


Thank you Stephmerm. I wish we had pastors everywhere warning people from the pulpit like you just did.

I cannot imagine this ruffles feathers here on this forum. That would just not make any sense unless people are deceived by these teachings.

Because we do have a responsibility to warn and remain steadfast I have decided that the next time someone talks to me in NAR terms at home here I will be sending them this to read below.
Not many who are deceived by this are able to hear when I have tried to tell them about this but this is a great resource and I love the testimonies that really reveal what is happening in these circles.
I seemingly keep running into people at home here who are deceived by all these things. It grieves me so much.


I just referenced NAR above but yes, I agree, the whole ecumenical movement is very deceiving and very dangerous and true Bible teachers will not yoke in any way with these unbiblical teachings. Their loyalty will be to God and pleasing Him, not man.


Just something floating around in my head but this ecumenical movement is growing and maybe becoming viral. This new deception right now is in America, but if it becomes another global deception like the pandemic, we will know this is of satan and his minions.


Very good resource - one that I have used along with many noted within their site as I “transitioned”. I felt this morning to state that we need to pray fervently for Pastor JD. He is very much alone on the island in what he preaches weekly - but I do know that he will do so as he is obedient to the Lord. The island has deep roots in many areas of false doctrine and/or teaching to suit one’s needs. We need pastors who will be bold to preach the whole truth with no reservations. :pray:


Thanks for sharing with us Casey. And for the details you include. There is a video you might not have seen on this that I believe goes hand in hand with this update. Its about a half hour but worth it if you have the chance. I believe you will find it complimentary with your perspective.

We don’t like being deceived and played. It is also awesome that as people we realize we can see that is not all that is at play. I do believe as Pastor JD that Asbury was planned and orchestrated. Like I wonder how much though. Like were the hundreds of people standing in line to get into the chapel (that flew from other states and even countries) NAR plants? Like extras on a movie set? lol. I’m sure there was some of that. But yeah it looks like a lot of people were moved in their hearts toward a worship sense toward God. And in that I rejoice. NAR will be NAR but its beautiful to see God move in people’s hearts unsuspecting like too.

I don’t think most of the onlooking world that are not believers will see it as anything other than some unique spiritual thing. And perhaps God may also use that to move them one step closer to Jesus. I guess I am posting in this sense because even though we see deception everywhere, and it is healthy not to be deceived, it would seem there are other things going on too as well. The dog that does hunt for me is themes in irony because I see that actually bigger than deception but that’s probably because its me…lol. But while NAR pulls a fast one, could God wink at our nation in His care with such headlines (since we are talking about a University and praise):

The School-Choice Election Wave - Wall Street Journal

School Choice Is Sweeping the Nation From Florida to Utah – Wall Street Journal

Apparently, the COVID lockdowns exposed what schools were teaching kids and parents were able to see it on zoom. Something the plandemic did not seem to plan for. And rather ironic i’d say. So in a way, yeah NAR will do fakey fakes, but God. And when He does…its real. Amazing. America’s not supposed to be getting blessed…lol.

Well, there is also this interview pastor JD did recently. I don’t know if you have seen it.

Pastor JD’s Recent Interview

Its really good. And surprised me actually. I was very blessed. Thanks again for your sharing your thoughts. And it is really a blessing to travel our end-time spiritual journey together. Here is that Asbury evaluation video. Blessings dear sister.

(7) Asbury “Revival” Examined, Rick Warren’s Church Ousted From SBC - YouTube