July 18, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Ive now seen this same article on a couple of different websites today- wonder if people are starting to wake up - as a retired management Analyst for the US Govt- I can guarantee that “massaging” the data to make it tell the story you want happens frequently. Lawsuit Filed Today Accusing Government of Hiding More Than 45,000 Dead Americans from the Jab – Def-Con News


I’m not speaking for Pastor JD, so these are my thoughts only.

What’s the #1 subject on the worlds mind?~~~ COVID-19
What’s the #2 subject on the worlds mind?~~ Vaccines
( or vice versa)

When people are afraid, they want to turn to someone to whom they feel confident in. That that person has their best interest at heart. That can biblically reiterate what God’s Word says about, Faith, Trust and Fear.

Maybe he, like me, aren’t worried about what’s going on in Israel?. God, Himself, has given us the privilege to know what happens to Israel before and after we are Raptured.

I feel like JD is doing exactly what he’s been led to do…which is to “shepherd” his flock…ie inform and pray and present the Gospel, which he does. Yes, he has his own opinion, just as we do on all the things going on.

I can’t fault him for not speaking about other things going on. :blush:


To me, it comes down to what you feel in your spirit and heart about the jab.
I personally do not feel good about it regardless of this or that facts. I can’t hardly understand all of the facts anyway.
Pray about it and what God says to you is what he will say.
Satan loves the fear and the chaos. Anything that causes this much of it makes me run away like my little dog with his tail between his legs, peeing on himself.
Ok, I am potty trained but you get the point.
To each their own. You want the jab? It’s on you, if you don’t, it’s still on you.
Either way, when you pray, God is still there, listening, enjoying your company.


This article reminded me of an old quip – “The beatings will continue until morale improves.”


Hello all. Normally I am just a silent reader here as I learn so much from the posts, but reading through these posts today, I am stirred up to speak. I am an introvert that loves peace and harmony and intensely dislikes confrontation, so this is a stretch here, please bear with me.

Regarding injections, I don’t think it is necessary to know what exactly is in any of them to make an informed choice: all I personally need do is examine carefully the companies that produce them. Are they owned and operated according to standards that please and honor our LORD? No, they are not. They are driven by lust for profits, power and a complete contempt and disregard for God, as seen through the type of research they do on murdered children, and the use of those baby’s bodies in the products they sell. What more does a Christian need to know than that? I was once ignorant of all of this, but knowing what I know now, accepting pharmaceutical products makes me complicit to murder, therefore I cannot do it. For me, I see no grey in this, only a black and white choice. Good versus evil, life versus death.

As a young mother, I listened to doctors and medical “professionals” and dutifully took my children for the shots that were required, but always something within me felt unsettled when my babies were injected. I believe that was the precious Holy Spirit, gently leading me to seek out truth, which I attempted to do. I ordered the Pink Book from the CDC based on the urging of a fellow mom whose husband is an MD and she herself was a PA. I read much of it, deciding to forego many of the recommended shots, and also to delay until my babies were at least 3-4 years old before allowing them. But even that was no good.

My 3rd son, Titus, always had the most robust health and immune system. When everyone else in our household would get sick, he never would. Fast forward to when he was starting middle school and needed a physical, as well as several shots to be up to date, so we took him to have those things done. What a dramatic change! Overnight, like someone flipped a switch, my son became weak and sickly, caught every illness that came around the bend, clearly altered from what he had been previously. How I have grieved and regretted my choice! He is now 22, married with a son, and with another little one on the way. He has to take care of his health even now, and often falls ill very easily, despite using many natural supplements to support immunity.

I apologize if this is scattered and rambling, but I just want to speak up for all the precious little ones that are murdered, every second, every minute, every day. On and on and on, year after year, decade after decade… There are not enough tears in my body to express my grief over such evil. Would that I could carry and birth all the multitudes of children that are continually put to death, but I know our good Father holds them in His arms where they will never know sorrow. How gracious and merciful He is.

All pharmaceutical companies use the same R&D methods, and fetal tissue is standard. Please don’t say that A company is better than B, or X shot is better than Y. Look at the spirit behind them ALL. So, here is my question: How can any professing Christian take something into their bodies that is produced through child sacrifice, which is what abortion actually is? How?

I pray the Holy Spirit continues to teach and convict me, leading me closer to to who He wants me to be in Christ, as I have such a long, long, loooong way to go. Please pray for me as I pray for all here, that we will strive to honor Christ in all we say and do. Maranatha! :pray:


Such a beautiful and heartfelt response. I can feel your “Mama” heart as I read what you’ve written. You put it so sweetly what you see and feel. Thank you.


Thank you for your words. I am sorry about what you and your son had gone through. We were born and raised to obey what the doctor says. But now I only want to follow from what the Holy Spirit wants me to do. Thank you again for what and how you wrote it. I couldnt done it better. God bless you and your family!


Hello! I apologize in advance in case this has already been posted before…


Do the Math… https://www.americanpartisan.org/2021/07/ussa-news-dhs-training-course-prepare-for-mass-public-quarantine-of-unvaccinated-rural-americans/


Resistance is not Futile. https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/files/alabama-preliminary-injunction/


Gates and Soros on the move again… Bill Gates and George Soros join buyout of Covid test developer Mologic




Thank you both for your kind responses; be blessed. :pray:


They are enriching themselves even more from this plandemic. Wealth transfer from poor to rich.

Hmmm, that reminds me of a prosperity teaching: Prov 13:22

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

Looks like opposite direction right? They teach that wealth of sinners goes into the Laodecian church.

The end time churches will be very rich!


Not at all, miss. You keep going. And first welcome to vocalizing your mind for us, thanks for being a part of this and thank you for posting your knowledge of what you have witnessed.

There is a lot about certain pharmaceutical companies that I keep quiet about but know a lot of the test and survey management aspects of them and I can say that even now, God is working within them to keep SOME of the upcoming releases of “vaccines” on the table. There are still at least six more formulas trying to get tested.

What I know, I wouldn’t trust ‘em.


Don’t forget the Vaccinated…of which many have the Virus now.


Reminder here:

1 Peter 3:8
Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous;

You may disagree, but you MUST do so in the spirit of the above passage. And yes, you can disagree on something AND still be of one mind.

One day this will all be far behind and below.


I actually deleted my response to your words a little while ago.
Since you’ve engaged me, I will now respond.
I found the above quote to be insensitive to folks on these forums who have actually lost “fully vaccinated” loved ones.

I’m pretty sure none of those folks went in to getting vaccinated with the thought they’d be dead in two weeks or two months, yet they are.

Just because we have an opinion doesn’t mean we need to share it constantly. Somewhere, someone is on this forum caught between a rock and hard place in their decision of what to do. Let’s not make it harder for them. We just need to point them to Jesus for the answers.


Acknowledged. My mistake if I read your post wrong.
My apologies.

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