March 12, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Unexpected, Unprepared

Nice one :slight_smile:

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The snow is all but gone for now, I hope. Now our community is dealing with the aftermath and all the damage. It gave a new meaning to one big dangerous mess. The only main artery in or out for about 300 homes, and our home, was 1/2 washed out. The only other way in or out was a 4X4 back road. They eventually opened the main artery back up to one lane, and will fix the culvert when this craziness stops. Our entire town was buried in 4 foot of snow at one point, nothing moved, no power except for generators, but no one died. It took about 3 weeks to dig out the last homes. Many thanks to those of you who prayed for us. God is good all the time.


He’s a fundamentalist. I don’t agree with a lot of his stuff. But he has come out with some good videos. I like this one. You know, this may sound ridiculous…but it just dawned on me that the rewards are for the 1,000-year reign not the eternal state. So like how do we want to live for that 1,000 year stay? The gravity of this pronounced view is edifying. In the reformed camp we never talked about rewards. The focus was mostly on if we were saved or not or just putting forth awesome fruit as due. The thought, “Isn’t Christ enough?” comes to mind. But Christ and the Apostles taught about rewards. So they matter. This is a good reminder. There will come a day when a bunch of us will have rewards meant for us given to those more worthy. I imagine I will be a fanfare of giveaway…lol. But not because I want to. I’ve always wondered how to appropriate rewards. But it should make us excited in the reality of service as well as have a healthy sense of dignity in regard to our appreciation of what Christ told us to (Rev 2 and 3). I believe I got off the buss at the “yeah but we don’t really know how rewards work and maybe they are for eternal state too” stop. And then wandered into a movie theater and totally forget what the point was. Not good. Thanks for the edification and reconsideration, Paula. :wink: blessings.


Alert: “CBDC” is launching in USA soon

Sidenote: These are USA banks “Strategic Partners” with WEF ( Most probably get bailouts compared to others ), there are unknown 900 more companies WEF partners unlisted in their site



Very informative


17 March 2023

An encouragement from late John Nelson Darby


Today I am posting Apologetics for Pre-Trib Rapture.

You have an opportunity to test the spirits in this video.

There was a secret rapture prophecy uttered in 1830.

Tommy Ice & Paul Wilkinson | Critical Analysis of Historical Issues in Left Behind or Led Astray?


two sides of the same coin - two things that are regarded as two parts of the same thing




FYI: Credit Suisse Bank is WEF partner, borrow up to $54bn amid banking crisis fears. It remains to be seen how long can it stand.



I saw your profile pic and smiled! Very thankful with you that God is sustaining you in the middle of this chaos.


So good to hear from you Ken. Praise God you all are safe! Continuing to keep you, your wife, your critters and your whole community in prayer. :pray: :heart:


Wow Teren… we just never know how God can use will possibly use the experience and insights from those experiences from a believer to another believer.

After posting my long “ eureka “ moment on Eastern Orthodoxy, I thought,” meh, not many are as intrigued as I am about the Eastern Orthodox Church issues”.
And I know it’s not personal and I don’t take anyone’s lesser enthusiasm on the subject personal either.

But when I choose to share such things. It’s in hopes that someone, even if it’s some 1 only , will benefit.

This is a testament to how God can guide our individual journeys so that we are exposed to specifics of what He deems applicable to our particular situations.

I’ve come to never underestimate Him and his behind the scenes necessary and rightful
“ meddling “ of my life realizing it’s not coincidence.

I actually reached out to the host of the Be the Bee Orthodox YouTube channel because I couldn’t take it anymore after watching many of their concise yet, unbiblical teachings.

We went back and forth on a certain issue and the has to leave it at stating what scripture taught and tell him I wasn’t going to reply anymore.

When I left the Greek Orthodox Church for good a little over 3 years ago, I “ confronted “ the priest with a 4 page letter explaining why I was leaving. I structured it with each unscriptural teaching or practice of theirs accompanied by scripture verses that negated those same teachings and practices.

As for labeling, I’ve probably gained a lot of them over the years :grimacing:, some good and some not so good because of my confrontations, of which I felt were promptings from the Lord to do.

It’s not a surprise to most that I’m
a pretty emotional person and very passionate. While I don’t always reign those in as well as I should sometimes, God has used them positively ( when I surrender them) in many cases.

As we contend for the faith and muddle through to separate truth from error, there are times we have to confront ( as kind and respectful as possible yet firm and steadfast at the same time) people and situations that may result in a label or even worse.
Sometimes , in doing so, we may think it was of no good, that maybe we overstepped our bounds, yet God can take seeds from our fallible attempts and plant them in the lives of the very ones we confronted that slapped us with a label.

I tell Teren that you are too , are very passionate and have a heart for finding and sharing truth.
Maybe you ( or I ) are not always correct on some things but that how God humbles us to continue ti keep seeking what is true and what is not.

That is how we learn.

I pray this man on this channel come to a place where he can respectfully dialogue and at least acknowledge your view even if he keeps his.

I’ll end with this…… today is March 17th…… remember “ you are not lucky , you are blessed!”


Thanks, Dennis. That video looks great. I’ll check it out. As for the article, well what I like about it is that it reminds us of how incredibly used of God Pastor JD has been in warning a world gone mad against the vax. I honestly don’t believe there is any pastor I can think of that was more passionate in this way, amen.

I believe though this article is likely a fair example of how the Matt 24 “be not deceived” camp sees that warning as for the list it is before processes. Although that view has been held by scholars from many decades ago, the tendency of eisegesis today is possibly as high as the tendency to assign our happenings to the strong delusion. I share a lot of empathy in that in that the world has never witnessed deception on such a grand scale, amen. But I like how the article early on captures this:

“Jesus goes on to tell those four disciples about many other signs leading up to the end times, and in Matthew 24:24-25, Jesus re-emphasizes the point of not allowing oneself to be deceived. “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.””

Im of the camp that does not see the Matt 24:4 warning as for a list but rather for the false religions and Christs. The context of “strong delusion” and “deceive even the elect if possible” are both mentioned in the immediate context of the second half of the tribulation. I don’t think things will go back to “normal,” as we are too far down the path in end time trajectory. But I do believe a vast contrast to the evil we now see going unpunished likely (like a super normal…i reckon). This may not be of course. But as “a hermeneutic,” if it does go that way, I would see “0” people say their views of seeing the longing hopes of some for normal as merely deceived were never wrong positions. And if we see that, just as a book marker moment I guess, it can be “an hermeneutic” also to classify our age as an age perhaps too willing to value in its own hermeneutic beyond what else might be going on. The reason I bring that up is I guess the use of narrative as prophecy as potentially used in this article.

"In spite of all the deceit, there are those that desperately wish to believe all of the chaos and deception that Jesus warned us about will subside, and then somehow, magically, everything will eventually get back to “normal.”There is no shortage of false prophets today willing to tickle the ears with this false hope (2 Timothy 4:3). Godless tyrannical humans have made this evil mess and are not only incapable of fixing it. Rather, as prophesied, they just keep making it worse and worse and worse, and it is by design that they do so (2 Timothy 3:13-17).

I believe all the above as true. But it does not factor in one thing: But God. Perhaps it would be fair to say there would seem to be absolutely no need for it. There is no need for a But God moment while history unfolds prophetically. Just keeping in mind, that too is an hermeneutic.

I look forward to checking out the video brother. Thanks. :slight_smile: Blessings.

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Thanks so much Steph. Prayers are welcomed. But it seems like he has moved on. I am surprised that no other people in the comments section would not comment. When someone comes on a video to address a comment, and that channel has a following (same with podcasts in general), it often services as the “majesterial answer” as if the gods have spoken from the mountain. No need to worry about the petty people below…lol. Which is probably one of the worst features of social media…in that it is, to me, like dysfunction on steroids in that it is the epitome of our “selfie” age. The age of “opinion.” It causes me to consider other ways in which God might be speaking things into my heart though. Like taking that channel’s admonition to “just be the practical example of Christ beyond what you are saying MORE.” Which i agree with, although a little harder to put into practice via example since said example uses my ideas as fodder to one up the forum and ignore the peasant…but lol…yeah…God transcends…and walking away with that better part may be all I have time for to best consider as it won’t be long before standing before Him.

Thanks for your diligent heart sister. At this point where believers agree or disagree is not nearly as important to me as that we practice what He said, “Love one another.” Some would see that to mean: “Best form of love is to honor scripture as I see it and that i tell you that.” But in a selfie meantime, we live…and since it was written thousands of years before the Iphone, it probably means quite a bit more than that. We know we have strong convictions that are not exactly going anywhere. In the meantime, we are human, family, and believers, and Love One Another was the, oh yeah, that “other” commandment. lol. Are we as zealous in that as we are with our sense of right doctrine? I guess is a good way to question that in each of our own lives.

Although of course, we’ll be commenting on convictions…its kina in our blood. :slight_smile: Blessings dear sister.

PS-- Bless your heart for trying to reach out to the stubborn as you shared with that one website. :slight_smile:


Jan mentioned about banks consolidation in Q&A session with Tom. The possibility is there as big banks will dominate the whole banking business. Part of The Great Reset. That’s why I put WEF bank partners after your post.


This is an excellent summery of the significand’s of the Red Heifer if you are not familiar with it, and an enlightening interview with Mondo Gonzales along with many others. Worth an hour of your time.


Hey there Dennis @dlcv,
Please explain your comment. I looked at following comments and didn’t find anyone discussing it. And I’m clueless about 322.

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@GR , from wiki…

Skull and Bones, also known as The Order, Order 322 or The Brotherhood of Death, is an undergraduate senior secret student society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.

Bush crime family is part of it.

These ppl use occult numbers…


Thank you Dennis @dlcv,
I have read a bit about the S&B, the Bush crime family, and their very personal occult connections (A Crowley/Barbara Bush). How deep the evil runs in this world is mind-boggling indeed.


Thank you, Dennis, for all of your hard work. I genuinely appreciate it. :smiling_face:

I am; however, having a bit of :astonished: with an overcast of :smiley: as I’m :pleading_face: :woman_kneeling: for my family members.
