March 12, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Unexpected, Unprepared

As Darby said, Look Up!

Pastor JD this Sun update put up a Phoenix coin picture.



And, youā€™ll be wrong a lot less times than him too as there are 20,160 minutes to every two weeks. :clock10: :woozy_face:


@TCC, thatā€™s funny.
I think Iā€™ve boarded other type buses, gotten off at some wrong stops and wandered around too looking my forgotten point. :joy:



Yeshua! Yeshua! Please Wake Up!

Lord donā€™t you see what is going on down here?
Things are really bad down here are you sleeping?
Please wake up before we all perish!

Please, please tell us what we need to know for such a time as this?

Matthew 8
Jesus Calms the Storm
ā€¦24Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was engulfed by the waves; but Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke Him, saying, ā€œLord, save us! We are perishing!ā€ 26ā€œYou of little faith,ā€ Jesus replied, ā€œwhy are you so afraid?ā€ Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it was perfectly calm.ā€¦

Thank you Jesus, thank you.


UBS seeks US$6bil in govt guarantees for Credit Suisse takeover

GENEVA: UBS is asking the Swiss government to cover about US$6 billion in costs if it were to buy Credit Suisse, a person with knowledge of the talks said, as the two sides raced to hammer together a deal to restore confidence in the ailing Swiss bank.

The 167-year-old Credit Suisse is the biggest name ensnared in the turmoil unleashed by the collapse of US lenders Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank over the past week, spurring a rout in banking stocks and prompting authorities to rush out extraordinary measures to keep banks afloat.

The US$6 billion in government guarantees UBS is seeking would cover the cost of winding down parts of Credit Suisse and potential litigation charges, two people told Reuters.

One of the sources cautioned that the talks to resolve the crisis of confidence in Credit Suisse are encountering significant obstacles, and 10,000 jobs may have to be cut if the two banks combine.

Swiss regulators are racing to present a solution for Credit Suisse before markets reopen on Monday, but the complexities of combining two behemoths raises the prospect that talks will last well into Sunday, said the person, who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitivity of the situation.

In short, WEF partners are roped in to bailout:


Thank you, that analogy is perfect.


wow those are great Steph. Made me laugh hard, especially the bus. :scream:

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Wowā€¦ an incredible video Dennis. Thanks. Its a great reminder too of how believers over time are coming from varying perspectives sometimes slowly arriving at putting things together. Also a good admonishment against bearing false witness and slander. Just an amazing job on this video. I loved to that the two hosts were rather vulnerable open men also trying to provide side or additional perspectives. Very gracious hosting. Excellent expose for its content an awesome case study (as well in part as a commentary on our day). So much dimension and wealth of thought. A thousand thanks, Much much much better informed on Darby and challenging all those fantoms in my headā€¦justā€¦wow. Brother. Blessings.


Sounds more like the plan is moving forward to me. While some WEF maybe pressured. I would think this was how the plan would systematically move forward.

Keep Looking Up.


Oh @Loretta66 , Iā€™m so sorry your marriage is so strained. I could elaborate more on my personal woes, but I wonā€™t because it does no good to complain. What matters to me is my personal relationship with Jesus and His unconditional love for me and my insatiable desire for His truth. Another reason I find myself letting go of my grip on trying to control earthly things is I know He holds my future and itā€™s a giddy feeling of anticipation for what He has for me, keeps my hope afloat.
You are my Sister in Christ. You are wanted and loved here. Press on. Our redemption draws nigh! Itā€™s so hard at times to do so, but I run to Him and crochet like a rabid dog when my own anxieties try to get me. I could cover the earth in yarn if that tells you anything! :heart:


Maybe to understand the Day and the Hour issue we think Time Zones and long last trump to cover the zones.

Also many say psalm 83 is just a prayer and not a prophecy.

Well even if that is true Asaph was a known Prophet and if this was his prayer and it ties in with multiple other prophecies including Ezekiel 38 what makes us think that Jehovah is not going to answer the psalm 83 prayer?

I find it very interesting so many stand on different sides of this and when looking at the multiple sides its even more interesting.

Most people that believe Rev 12 sign was a sign for both Israel and the Church also see Psalm 83 a prophetic word either stands alone or with EZ 38.

And its even more defined to who believes the child in rev. 12w has a duel meaning 1st the head Christ (past) then the Body the Church is taken up (future).

After all John pointed to everything past, present and then future.

When John walked into heaven at Rev. 4 it was all future we are shown and Jesus was there waiting speaking from behind him.

Rev12. is unless we except that we were being reminded of Jesus leaving 2000 years later or is it the church being taken out of the way in the rapture?

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Iā€™ll jump in on this one with some thoughts. I feel like the devil is hard at work these days trying to confuse us on our salvation by doing what he always does, mixing things up and putting small twists in the truth to confuse people. Iā€™ve been down this road already and our Father in Heaven always brings me back to my own story and how he relentlessly pursued me and did not let me fall from His grasp. (John 10:28-29)

First there is the matter of our salvation, the simplicity found in the ABCā€™s of salvation that JD always teaches. Thatā€™s it. There is nothing more to it. To say that there is, that anything we do or do not do causes us to be ā€œfakeā€ believers or lose our salvation is teaching a works based salvation. And if thatā€™s the case, letā€™s face it, why do we need Jesus at all? We cannot save ourselves, no matter what we do or donā€™t do in terms of sin (lest no man should boast)

But there is a thing called sanctification, or as I like to think of it, maturity. We grow in our walk with Christ very similar to the way we mature physically. I remember my infancy, where all I did was share the gospel with no fear, no shame, just pure love for Christ. I also remember when rebelled, crying out against God, questioning his motives, railing against Him in my pain, and I remember throwing fits in my prayers. And then I grew past that as His Holy Spirit continued to teach and guide me through love and understanding. Did I lose my salvation in those times? Absolutely not, thank God.

Here is more real example. I accepted Jesus when I was five. I was having terrible nightmares about being in the grave and nothing my mom did stopped these recurring nightmares. My Grandmother finally advised her to talk to me about Jesus and I accepted Him into my heart. That nightmare stopped immediately.

Later as a teenager, being very spiritual, I was so lost because the church just did not teach about Godā€™s Holy Spirit or the gifts of His Spirit. And so I had this big gaping whole that I tried to fill with new age, witchcraft, and all sorts of things. No one told me any different. No one.

But by Godā€™s Holy Spirit alone, I was nudged, taught, brought back to His word until I completely ditched all that and began to understand more about How God speaks to my heart. Did I lose my salvation during that time? I donā€™t think so, I was like the lost lamb that Jesus left the flock for. He relentlessly pursued me. He didnā€™t give up on me. He taught me right from wrong in that circumstance.

And this is how it is with all of us. God loves us and once we accept Him that is it. People will throw scripture that perhaps they donā€™t fully understand at us to say otherwise. But I try to look at it this way:

  • Only God knows some elseā€™s heart and itā€™s none of my business other than to correct or counter if they are teaching a false gospel to others. I can pray for them. That is more powerful then anything. We lose sight of how powerful it is to go to our Fatherā€™s throne in prayer and how He calls us forward everytime, like the King did with Esther.

  • Not to confuse salvation with sanctification. One of the articles I read pointed out repeated sin. Peter asks a similar question of Jesus in Matthew 18:22. Something for us to think about. And at the same time, I will never go back to witchcraft again. Iā€™ve grown past that one. There is other sin in my life God is dealing with now. And so it is with us all.

Anyway, just my own thoughts. I put this one to bed in my own heart. I believe there will be a conversation with Jesus one day on what rewards Iā€™ve lost and gained. (store up your treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not destroy). The Bema seat.


Can one trust AI to be unbiased?

Not at all! But you can learn a lot from reviewing the depth of details what AI is guiding one to see more of. I suspect they have been using this online against believers and especially non-believers basically since the inception of the internet and Darpa control.

I requested painted representations of 2 Kings 2 Elijah taken to heaven.

11 As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire with horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up into heaven in a whirlwind.

At 1st it refused then I edited the request and got it created, then edited the request back to enhance the 1st images to try and get closer to 1st request.

@anon28331375 Is that MidJourney or a different one?

Definitely a lot of Game of Thrones influence on version 5 Beta these days.

Version 4 was much less biased.

Iā€™ve also noticed version 5 ignores details requested too.

It puts out what it has learned from, and a lot of that is because of the type of requests it has been given.

You can add ( --V4 ) without the parenthesis to your request to force into the older parser and render engine. If you want to try that.

CC @Jon


It has a bias against jeans, right? Lol


@Michelle Thank you and no it does no good to complain and It is a more involved story to put here. This was over a year ago now. I Pray for him, his girlfriend to find salvation.
Exactly my relationship with Jesus is all that matters thereā€™s nothing in this world I want except for people to find Jesus before the rapture. Time is getting short.
you and I would be in competition when it comes to crochet from the sounds of it. I start here where I am and go East, you start and go West and we will pray, worship, and tell everyone about our Awesome Savior and meet in the clouds.
I wouldā€™ve have said middle but I donā€™t think we would make it before Jesusā€™ return for His bride! Even at the speed my mother crocheted, who will meet us in the clouds because she went before me in 2010.