March 12, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Unexpected, Unprepared

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: March 19, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update – Two Sides of the Same Coin

Oh Michelle, what a great encouragement to Loretta but also for all of us.

Now , regarding yarn and crocheting….
ME :


That’s why we have scissors. When yarn and life get so tangled in ugly knots, we cut that nonsense off and throw it in the garbage can! At least, I do! :crazy_face::joy:


AMEN and AMEN! @arovney

Once we are saved , we remain saved. We are forever justified but continually striving in sanctification.

We can choose to be a disciple or a wayward child. Either way it’s his faithfulness that keeps us secure but our sanctification either progresses or is hindered by our choices after we’ve even justified.


Yeah, scissors… I’m one of the reasons
for the saying “ Don’t run with scissors “ :grimacing::joy::woman_facepalming:


To begin, read some books of the new testament, the parables and let the holy spirit guides you. There are several things to know if the teacher lies: if he speaks of money and show himself as a sinner, if there are a lot of sins in the group, if it’s a mega church (money, celebrity), if they speak not nicely of others (like the pharisees), if they set dates, events and nothing happens (false prophets), if the word of God is twisted, if they don’t say Jesus is Lord and Savior and God, if the angels are elevated, if it’s not a full gospel, if they ask you to buy their books (hum!), if it’s KJVonlyist or any bible only, if you can’t ask questions, if the answers are weak, if it contradict the word of God…


NightCafe’s AI Art Generator is one I have tried another OpenAI Dalle.E 2 If these are manipulated by demonic activity then I expect all AI is and will be Bias.

I won’t be doing much with this either way.



Several false prophets could also come out of the bush, setting dates like “Rapture 2023!”. If it’s speculation, they should say “Maybe, probably, could be in 2023”


I agree… it just shows how close we are to going home. We are at the cusp of the rapture!

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Have you watch this?


Yes. Thank you so much for posting. It is always good to get a wakeup call, especially if we tend to
“oversleep”. The time is so close, and the evil is heavy and surrounding us on every side, BUT GOD in His infinite wisdom and mercy will see us through!!


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@Goodbye oh I hear you! Especially this part I copied above - I’m in the same boat, but I thank God that He has helped me grow in wisdom to learn when I need to be quiet and let the Holy Spirit work.

Generally, too, I have been SO encouraged by all of this dialogue (even though I am coming to it a week late!) - I got the greatest encouragement from my 9-year-old son the other day. His friends had apparently been teasing him that he does not watch the current movies or play the current video games. When he asks me about these things, I always say “Let’s see what God says about it” and we read through the Bible and pray. Apparerently when his friends were giving him grief he told them, “My mom doesn’t want me to watch these things and she has excellent discernment.” Thank you, Father, for giving me a clear heart for what You say about the hearts of our young ones!


First off, you are being a great mother and role model. Second, that’s adorable. How precious that he at the perfect age, is deciphering good from evil and the fact that he’s being bullied
( sadly) and yet has a support system to guide him in a godly way to help him overcome it and choose what’s right is key.

So many children imo are wayward because of not just inept parenting ( ie nonchalant about what’s going on in schools/ the things children are exposed to ), and self centered absorption, but lack of godly parenting which is paramount to navigating these crazy times.

Kids are so influenced when young and then it’s hard to undo what’s been engrained in their heads later on. Prayers for him and for you as it’s a battle but it can be won.


@anon28331375 , and now MidJourney is getting extra attention due to this guy’s work with it. Somehow Trump always ends up in the spotlight.

CC @Jon


I saw the image with the cops over Trump on IG. I just rolled my eyes and kept scrolling. Didn’t know a Journalist did it though. You notice, the journalist didn’t try to put jeans on anyone lol. I did find an AI guy who apparently learned a good prompt for jeans. Not so much the rest of the subject manner though.

Anyway - this is one of those ‘concerns’ I had with AI. I know some programs don’t allow you to use celebrities but I also didn’t see anything grandiose made with like DALLE. I guess considering the name, you’d have to expect more melted things than photorealism lol.


They looked a little to real.

Its part of the show JD is correct I thought the before Trump. We never get a good chance of getting a good leader, its fixed.

Soon I expect to see the spotlight on 10 kings if we pay attention.


Thank you so much! :purple_heart: :sunflower: That truly is the best compliment I could ever receive. Prayers for you, too - it’s a battle every day but we know who wins in the end! Figting on our knees…