March 19, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Two Sides of the Same Coin

So the definition of righteousness is :

So to stand for righteousness would mean to act in accord with divine / moral law

In my research of some of the scriptures on righteousness , government , and partnerships, my question would be “ whose righteousness “ is being followed??

Imo the two main issues with the Reawaken America and thus the “ stand for righteousness “ battle cry are as follows:

  1. The focus is on men and women in government and how to put them in office. Their agenda has morphed into almost an idolatry’s of sorts in a “ putting all the eggs in one basket “ ideology…

“ if we could just get enough votes to get this person or that person in office “

There is an over emphasis on certain people being the solution to America’s problems.

While it’s possible the election of some could change the trajectory of the nation, it’s only temporary.

While it’s noble to work to change our fallen government, the issue of the evil we’re seeing is due to the depravity of INDIVIDUAL SOULS.
Changing the heart of man is necessary to change evil. A perfect government does not change man’s heart , the gospel does….
This is evidenced in the Millennium when Christ will reign for the 1000 years but man will still rebel at the end when Satan is unbound.

Therefore, even a perfect government is not the answer. They can vote in whom ever they want but evil will still perform evil.
It is the pricking of individual souls with the truth that the heart is wicked and is only made righteous by placing faith in Christ who then changes the heart.

  1. Many in this movement of wanting to MAGA and “ fix” the immorality that is permeating every facet of society are joining in a unity that is of the ecumenical nature in which doctrine isn’t a priority as long as “we reach the desired outcome”.

This places a human desires above truth.

This is the ecumenism that will form in its entirety resulting in the One World Religion.

What is happening is that most are only seeing the veneer of what on the outside looks so Christian and moral but underneath is ultimately not of God. It is a yoking of sorts that we are forbidden to do.
Yoking in the Bible usually refers to marriage of a believer with an unbeliever. But it can also refer to joining with anyone whose agenda or who personally is not in accordance with divine or moral law.

Therefore, to truly stand for righteousness has to be line with what scripture says is righteous.

Placing political change above the change of individual souls ( the gospel) is thus not righteous.
Likewise, to place more emphasis and false hope in government officials with the objective of changing laws/ policies above hope in God is also not standing for righteousness.

Again , no one is desiring the downfall of America nor the continuing spiral into the depths of egregious immorality we’re witnessing but we know this will be the state the Lord finds the world in when he returns and the only saving it is by THE SAVIOR who is the perfect King and Ruler that can and will fix it.

We can stand for righteousness by being Christ like, sharing the gospel and exposing evil but not at the expense of doctrine but rather because of it.

Get involved to be salt and light by how you feel led to do so but remember that in the end our only hope for lasting peace is in Christ and He wants as many souls to experience HIS perfect reign of government that will last for an eternity ….and that’s a looooooong time :wink:

There’s verses are what I’m basing my thoughts on:




Very nicely said. As we decide what that means in our walk with the Lord, pray for each other and focus on what things are helpful to our walk.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

It is very tempting to listen to too much of the media; and yes, Christians on YouTube and all the other social sites are guilty of criticism in the name of Christianity. I don’t want to be negative about the good that comes from many in leadership on these sites, but if you have listened to it day in and day out for as long as I have and I am sure I am not alone, it can drag your spirit down which tells me it is not good. Struggling to explain myself, I am not pointing the finger at anyone specific but just a general feeling in which the Holy Spirit convicts me. I can feel it in my emotions, physical well-being and look on life in general.

Sorry for the rant dear brother. Was just replying to your well-said comment and off I went…lol.


And the government shall be upon HIS shoulders. Can’t wait!


YEP YEP YEP :+1: :ok_hand: :grinning:

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1st so you know how far I have come on this matter of patriotism.

My wife and I went to Tea Party Rally’s all over Texas I met Joe the Plummer.

I, I, and I was doing all I could thinking that was Faithful. At that time in the Obama era I believe at the beginning there was a chance but when he won again in spite of all he had done to belittle this country I knew without a doubt the fix was in.

So I changed denominations and who I trusted in to Yeshua alone in Faith alone!

The Truth and They know this in their Hearts.

They will be without excuse there is no treasure in this. Its all to be smoke on that day.

“The Issue Is Not About Voting” Its do you trust Yahweh enough to take your hands off the steering wheel isn’t it?

This looks to be the God I am letting go I am in your hands moment.

I believe James works with Charlie Kirks wife by creating content. He is lining up with the idea we must trust in our works and patriotism to save the country.

The only question to ask is what does God want and who is truly charge at this late hour Him or us? Yes, we still pray for our country and yes even if we find it challenging pray for our leaders.

I get it its hard to let go of the vote, its normal and correct if you believe it counts or that’s all you have before this crash’s. Just don’t put your Faith in a Voting System those days are gone Gods got this covered for the last few hours either way the wind blows.

He Is In control, Just Believe In Faith

But God is the only true answer to this situation and He likely wonders why we still have so little faith that He is still in control.

Yes, God is in control even if we think we can be or even if we don’t. He is not asking us but He will listen to our petitions and request. In this matter its above our pay grade.



If that was a rant I shutter to think what I think is a rant.

Love your words and His together they complement each other well.

This is all a test for not just the Forum and Pastor JD this is of the LORD who ever side you lean to be correct its still ends with who is relying on Faith.



Faith Is the Key - Hebrews 11:6

It All Started With I Believe This How it Ends?
Is this the last Days or Not?

What is God doing in all of this?
When eternal things collide with internal things who takes precedence in Gods mind?

Is the Underling Message?
I wonder will this divide the Works by Necessity from Faith Alone?

Will they finally like the Jews find out they can do nothing to fix this only God can?

This all rings clear, God wants Faith that is all that pleases Him not works not going your own way for him or because of fear.

Who pleases God a fighting patriot (fear and pride) or a man that bows completely to God in Faith. This is not the American Revolution its the One World Order. It is the last days and hours or its not.

Many church leaders know this to be true but its to hard a saying to yield to.

What would the Apostles do in this scenario?

What would they say at a Trump rally or a Save the USA rally or would they even go?



I salute and agree on you on your response to the Charlie Garret ramblings.
Some just can’t see Faith in Yeshua as well as Trust in Works.





I believe I can now move on from this subject with peace and understanding.

Whose side are you voting for Sir? Neither!


Joshua 5:13-14

The Commander of the LORD’s Army
13Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in His hand. Joshua approached Him and asked, “Are You for us or for our enemies?” 14“Neither,” He replied. “I have now come as Commander of the LORD’s army.” Then Joshua fell facedown in reverence and asked Him, “What does my Lord have to say to His servant?”…

Enough said or No?



Can you smell the brimstone we are being moved to the delivery room.
How does anyone believe anything we see is not A.I manipulated controlled except our spirit from God.

Just what they are showing us now, tell us there is no turning back.

To be logical and knowing what the Prophetic Scriptures especially Rev 13. This all tells us how at this late hour is how could anyone believe the USA citizens could fight, vote or run their way out of this has not grasped the reality of what they already control.


Yes Sister,
But entire video in summary is simply its all not about to happen its not all going to happen its already happening from the look and smell of it.

I believe a good way to look at this NOW is to call this snippet in times as the when!

Acceleration of Convergence. when normal is about to run out of time. Not sure how high the RPM’s before this time transitions with a burst of Holy Spirit Power.

Luke 21
28When these things begin to happen, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

Hosanna and Keep looking Up!


Right on Q yes I mean to point to that side also.
Do not be deceived by this.

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Wonderful short summary to share.


I hope my comment does not stoke more tension in regards to open discussion or differences in opinions, but the Gospel truth is simple…it is impossible to please God if you haven’t any faith.
I consider(ed) myself as an American Patriot who had read, researched, educated myself and made many connections to evil agendas as to what our country is now. I got so depressed and realized right before C19 plandemic ascended on the whole world that my hope was false that our nation would “come back and be great again.” It was JDs sermons that confirmed my feelings about this world.
Bottom line, I surrendered it ALL to our Heavenly Father and that’s when my falling away from patriotism and worldly hope just vanished. It is pointless and unnecessary to have discord with each other to try and figure out where we are and where we’ve yet to go.
It will not get better, that is why Jesus is our only Truth and our only Hope!
I can’t even read some comments that just go on and on about stuff we can already discern on our own and JDs messages just hammer it home for me.
My love to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. No need to overthink or overstate what we believe as Truth. My beliefs will never be swayed because my faith in Gods promises keeps me sane and my life (and tongue) quiet. We are commanded to support and encourage each other until we are harpazo’d outta here. That is why I come to this forum.


Amen @Michelle.

Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have ordained strength,
Because of Your enemies,

You [Lord God]

may silence the enemy and the avenger.

Psalm 8:2

There is a time to pontificate, postulate, and presume and a time to praise, pray and proselytize by example.

As ever Christ showed us the Way; as the darkness engulfed Him just prior to His ultimate agape sacrifice for the entire world we read from the Word of God that:

39 Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed, and His disciples also followed Him. 40 When He came to the place, He said to them, “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.”

41 And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed, 42 saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” 43 Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him. 44 And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Luke 22

To the wider subjects of false teachers/discernment etc which spans both this and Teaching Bittersweet Prophecy is a Must

It is absolutely dutiful to guard the Gospel and expose darkness, even if by disassociation (Eph 5:11 / Matthew 16:23)

Equally it is dutiful to spread the Gospel, even if by association (Mark 16:15 / Matthew 9:10)

Issues seem to arise when this delicate dichotomy becomes imbalanced to the detriment of Phil 4:8, as so well cited by @Flamingogirl49563:

All who enjoy this God gifted forum and freedom, and perhaps especially newcomers, would surely benefit from a balance of watchmen warnings and welcoming words of His rapid return.

In respect to this (online) church, we can leave the heavy lifting to pastor JD and pastor Mac et al. who are well-versed and well-staffed (puns intended) to shepherd their flock through the growing storms with the Word of God demonstrably and consistently as their foundation.

Ending on a visual note, commentary from 2 Peter in my bible:

In Christ


Very well said my sister is Christ!


I love what you referenced, Jason. "Judge the word of every teaching; let God judge the teacher. Whew, that saves me a whole lot of heartache, frustration, and I receive His peace. Appreciate your words, dear brother!


Job 1:21
“And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”
