March 19, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Two Sides of the Same Coin

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This reminds me of Islam you can lie, cheat and steal to get your outcome.

Its reminds me of humanism, all roads lead to the same place.

Reminds me of a politician its not the journey its the destination so all is fair to get there.

One the other hand, a believer should see it as its not the destination that has been sealed for you, its the journey that matters now.



As far as preachers and teachers it seems they believe its their duty or the work they must fulfil their destiny. To me it seems they are speaking out both sides of their mouths.

As far as Politian’s

I don’t think who runs the USA region has been decided as these men or kings do want to control the earth but they also want to be kings at the top.

Think sibling rivalry.


I just posted a video by the Berean Call on the NAR.
TA MCMahon said something that summed up the head scratching…. He said ( paraphrasing) surely there is someone in the audience of these NAR churches that has got to realize there’s something wrong.

Then I got to thinking :grimacing:( yeah , sorry people) but where is the discernment of the reputable non NAR Christians ( ie Tim Thompson and many in his inner circle)??? They portray that they have issues with the NAR , yet condone much of the Dominionism/ 7 Mountain mandate ideologies and goals.
JD is really the only one that I can claim to have proper discernment regarding this whole mess.

So yeah, I see why you are reminded of those things.


This alone tells us the time line is nearing the 7 years.

Good place for AI and Robot updates


JFK took them serious so should we!

"We are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published; its mistakes are buried, not headlined; its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.”

The JFK: Address Before the American Newspaper Publishers Association
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, April 27, 1961


Hello, I have been just trying to get up to speed on the conversation…thought I would throw my one and a half cents in…
For me …last election I was 100% convinced America’s only hope was to re elect Trump. I was really worried about what I was seeing in the world and was praying to the Lord that Trump would get to stay in office…warts and all I believed he cared about America and the American people. I believed he was the best man for the job of keeping America out of Globalism … and keeping Americans a people who were free and who had their God given rights honored …
But then before the election, I listened to President Trump LIVE talking about how he had made sure there would be enough vaccines for every American to get a shot…how he was rolling out 5G nation wide and putting all the satellites up too…( so now every American can be tracked and traced nation wide) …
I had such a cognitive dissonance I just went numb…
I think Jesus is coming Sooner than we think…


and the fact that his Presidency came to such an end, and his brother tragically lost later, as well, perhaps indicated just how far the shadow system will go in order to achieve its ends.


Morning Dan @anon28331375,

In regards to the Rev310 site
Have you seen this guy’s very disturbing art work? Art he features on the same site he writes these articles?

I’m not the most talented of artists— but I do understand the method an artist uses. I could not, and would not spend any time, talent or material creating anything that was demonic. An artist spends time with their creation; is intimately acquainted with each step used in its production. The art is birthed from the artist.

I clicked on the article you linked and began reading… good article, but I’m ADHD-like; scrolled to the bottom of the page to see how long article was and how it ended. Page looked familiar and I wondered who the article’s author was. Scrolled to the top and realized why I recognized the bottom portion of the page—-

The Bible tells us no man can serve two masters. This site would seem to disagree.

Several people have been discussing this very subject on the Mountain out of a Molehill thread. I’m pretty sure you’ve weighed in… so I thought I’d give you a head’s up on this author’s alternate personality.

I hope you are doing well, enjoying and teaching your family about the Word and the One Who saved us. You and yours remain in my prayers.

My prayer to you and yours as well sweet sister in the Lord.

Hi, I understand your 1st response but the art work is done by A.I. and its seems it all has to do with the Subject of Prophecy and that gets pretty dark.

A.I. does do prophecy and really all subjects when given a chance in a dark way as far as I can tell. Most I have done I deleted.

Pete said the problem for him is nowadays he can’t cut and paste hardly any images without worrying about copy writhing issues. And the cost for using images is to much for him. And apparent he is not an artist.

I posted a few A.I images that I had asked it to create and its very hard to not get a darker side of art for me anyway so I backed off for now.

If you look even into some Bibles (edited had posted KJV) you can see dark images but nothing like todays world. but for that time of the printing yes it was pretty dark stuff.

Not sayings its right or wrong as far as I understand scripture we should not use art for idols but and maybe not use any likeness from Heaven or Hell it appears not just for idol worship.

Exodus 20:4
King James Bible
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

New King James Version
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;

I do not like seeing images of Jesus for this reason, why because no matter how you figure it, its a false image, correct?

No, I don’t care for the art work but it does represent the subject matter.

At least its not like so many bible illustrations with half clothed or no cloths people if that helps.

I like my Bible with only maps as the illustration nowadays.

Note of Edit: I went back to my KJV and saw no illustrations except maps. :grinning:


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Galatians 4:16

Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?


Sisters and brothers, please forgive me.

I just really feel the need to share this reminder to us all that we remember to engage lovingly with one another on this sweet forum.

Ask ourselves (asking my own self, too) if we are maintaining a comfortable space for our fellow brethren as we converse back and forth.

I’ll see myself back out. :cherry_blossom:


Please feel free to continue this debate in private messages if you wish, but I must insist it’s discontinued in the open forum.


I am late to the game and for that I am sorry. But I will attempt hopefully tto help you understand. First of all we have to deal with the primary point of Pastor JD which is the Rapture is imminent. That means maybe today before he day is out, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, next month or even next year right upto and including voting day, even shortly there after that. It does not matter what people from that conference say or do by any means to try and move us back to a slower better time. It will not happen. Doctors will not reverse the harm done to the world by a fake pandemic, by lying vaccinations that do everything but protect people’s health. None of that will be reversed by any means. None of the political figures will bring back the Norman Rockwell world of the 50s. All the damage done through politics that has stolen our Constitutional liberties in the name of peace and safety is here to stay because many of the political figures at the conference were involved in that very theft. In short many of those at the conference that are calling for a return to times past are responsible for our present.

To put it in other words, back some 50 or so exits ago on this steep down hill road we have missed the last exit for any of what they are calling for to happen. We are in a run away truck with no brakes and no where to turn. All we can do is ride the ride with no means to stop the inevitable outcome which is a coming one world government, economy, and religion all headed by the a/c and the false prophet. As such our only superman who can snatch us from that truck headed for destruction is Jesus. No politician, no doctor, no business man, no human being can remove us from that disaster. It takes a God specifically Jesus.

Yes some of those mentioned by Pastor JD are in their hearts well meaning and want to worldly wise help but fail to understand there is no worldly solution left. Only the heavenly solution that Scipture and more so Prophec gives us can help.

So if you accept what Pastor JD says about the Rapture and how close it is and understand that once that happens the flood gates of hell open up on the earth then you have to accept that a conference like this is of no value to the children of God. In fact it is a detriment because it takes our focus off of Jesus and onto things of this world, a false hope of a 1776 part 2. Because at the end of the day that is exactly what this conference is calling for a second secular revolution to go back to the beginning. What most people fail to understand is that even the beginning was not great. The struggle to create this nation, to build this nation was fraught with as much evil as we see now. Our so called founding fathers for all the good they did do also did nearly as much evil as well. Yeah they were well intentioned but they failed in practice. So to will those at this conference and likely more so if the manage to accomplish anything of value at all.

The update title comes from an old idea that has been around for a while when people started to see heated debates in congress between politician only to see them at the end of the day sitting down together to eat, drink, smoke their cigars and laugh at how they have duped the citizens. Presidents past and present now spend time with those they ran against at parties, and gatherings just like they have been life long friends as if none of what they did in office had any real meaning for the nation because it did not. It only means they enriched themselves from all of it. Some people down call our two party system the Democlans vs. the Repulicrats because they are one in the same, a criminal mob element that steals, kills and destroys everything. It steals via taxes and fees we have to pay to it and don’t pay and it will by law take what you have. It kills in allowing laws that allow for the killing of babies, and it destroys by is very policies which have nothing do with making the nation stronger, life better for its citizens and worst of all both parties work together to accomplish it. Yeah they talk a good game of one against the other but the truth is they are against all of us.

But now we are past the point of no return because we have countless to many laws on the books that will be brought up and interpreted anyway necessary to take everything, even our very freedoms and demonstrated for the past pandemic years.

What Pastor JD is saying if I am correct in my interpretation is that any idea of continuing with trying to work within the system is useless for a solution as there is now no solution left. There is only Jesus coming for us and we keeping focussed on Him and Him alone. Everything else is an illusion. Yes we have to deal with the consequences of all the damage done while we are still here but participating in trying to fix it is a waste of our valuable time left.

You probably notice Pastor JD mention deception a number times. That goes back to last year when he fist taught on that first sign given by Jesus in Mathew 24, “DO NOT BE DECEIVED.” It was his warning that from that time and earlier we are seeing in the world only deception at every turn, in politics, in news, in science, in education, in economics. It is all one big deception with many parts but one goal and that is to keep us from looking to Jesus and for Jesus’ appearing.

So in closing I hope I have made this prophecy update understandable and why many of the people that we have looked up to in the past are not a resolution to the problem but are now becoming a part of that very problem.


Amen, that is so important to understand this has had a long time coming to get to this point. The last thing I want is to go back that can’t be ABBAs plan by any means.

The USA is responsible for bringing in the Nazis and even Japanese tech for military power. We invited in the demonic forces for a false security of Forbidden Knowledge.

Sad but seems to be very true.
