March 24, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Do They Know Something We Don’t?

Thanks Will. That’s what happens when Obama comes to the rescue. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just for the record, I do believe there of course is a measure of theater and Hagelian Dialected in politics. The US presidency from Johnson on up was actually two sides of the same coin. So i don’t see that observation without warrant.

I just see that because people created in the image of God have a pulse, there will be factions. I believe that governance is providentially in the hands of God in our day. I don’t see it as dark and false light. But rather greed/dominance vs. like people from various backgrounds (some perhaps believers…most not) see globalism increasingly making moves. And there is real tension (not theater) in how fast owning the world occurs.

So i believe i am seeing many similar things (a move toward global takeover) as the forum does, but instead of a seamless implossion…i would see the NWO lose on this side of age of grace. Not as theater, but as providence. I realize we (watcher communnity and I) both mean to include God in the picture. Watchers would typically do this via “according to prophecy.” I don’t subscribe though to an American collapse as i don’t see scritpure articulate that…but to me its more like the trendy view of sorts. I could be wrong.

But i would just see Biden admin as owned by NWO. And Trump as a bit swampy, but kind of like “what you deserve, like” hero to oust NWO, strengthen Israel, Abraham Accords, Saudi normalization, set Israel up for peace and safety, Ez 38, and off we go. None of that to me is theater. I believe the NWO gets truly hurt. Not for reason of saving America and riding happily off into the sunset. But as a classy closing age of grace act.

Ironically, the way i get there is to dumb myself down as much as possible…lol. With the watcher world often we get into this view or that view etc. We might tend to pride oursleves (don’t get me wrong…in some cases i believe we actually should in ways) on seeing this in scripture or “we won’t be tricked” by that in cutture. And i believe some of those watcher concerns have merit and are actually pretty helpful to comprehend, to witness, and to consider. And on some ways having much merit. But the whole of paradigm current and direction i believe are very different than mine.

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So i talked to a friend of mine the other day on the phone asking about my views on end times. I told him my main filter is:

  • Hosea 11:9 – will not carry out my fierce anger, nor will I devastate Ephraim again. For I am God, and not a man— the Holy One among you. I will not come against their cities.
  • John 15:13-15 – No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.
  • Numbers 20:12-13 But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Since you did not trust in Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel, for that reason you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.” 13 Those were called the waters of [c]Meribah, [d]because the sons of Israel argued with the Lord, and He proved Himself holy among them.

…he hung up on me…lol.

So yeah, this is the heart of God i believe we are exposed to while in the age of grace. I see the age of grace as a completely separate age from the 70th week. Watchers tend to bring the tribulation into the age of grace, while i try scooping water out, using a small wine glass. from our sinking Titanic :grin: Its like a Tom and Jerry cartoon :crazy_face:

Tom & Jerry: The Movie - Coffin Dance Song (COVER) (

So when i say dumbed down i just mean like if the world is far more unbelieving at this time (even as we the church might), God might condescend…especially in light of what is about to happen. So maybe He is making things really super simple with providence (knowing there has been so much disconnect in our age). His character references above would be the undercurrent verses for that…i guess along with 1 Cor 1:27. If that might make sense. Well thanks for taking the time to read all that brother. Blessings.

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