March 24, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Do They Know Something We Don’t?

Thanks Jack :slight_smile: Would you see the Biden administration as having a particular vested interest in American destruction? Like with the border issue? Or perhaps just a power grab to have control in an America they want to keep around in tact, but one under 1 party rule? Blessings.

Any of that is possible. But the underlying aspect is Satan is setting the stage for his one world ruler to show up. All this political junk is just entertainment for the masses to buy into to keep them in the dark about the real end game Satan is working on.

Lets say Trump had won a second term and actually did some real swamp clean up, the likes of Hunter, Hillary, Pelosi, and the democrat dream team of representatives like AOC, and the rest of the squad end up in jail for the past few years. It still would not matter as he would be on his last term and likely someone like Biden or worse would end up getting elected and everything would go down hill anyway. It has to if prophecy is to be fulfilled.

All the political show is just the curtain hiding the little man behind it at the controls. Biden this or Trump that is all just a stage performance for the masses to be entertained with while the country is destroyed from within. Forget China or Russia invasion. Even Krushchev said in 1956 in a speech that communism would take the US without every firing a shot. Well they are right on track with the socialization of the country first in the universities and now those trained back in the 60s and 70s being elected into office along with an ever increasing number of socialist leaning new candidates. Socialism after all is nothing more than a single ruler determining every aspect of people’s lives just like the a/c will do in the Tribulation.

I don’t know how many times I have to say it but here goes again. IT DOES NOT matter what we see in the news, in world events. It all points to one thing and that is a single world government under the a/c and Satan. The good news is we won’t be here to deal with it. Everything else we do see now is just a staged show for our enjoyment.


Ok. Thanks brother. Blessings :slight_smile:

Look at what Biden just declared for Resurrection Day tomorrow….


Yikes!! :pleading_face:

This must rend :broken_heart: God’s heart. It does mine.
Quickly Lord.


Yep that scares the daylights out of me. I am thinking we got our modern day King Ahab that Eligah contended with and we saw how that turned out. Baal worship is alive and well in the US just disguised as progressive idealism. Not gonna be purdy when the other shoe drops.


Thanks Will. That’s what happens when Obama comes to the rescue. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just for the record, I do believe there of course is a measure of theater and Hagelian Dialected in politics. The US presidency from Johnson on up was actually two sides of the same coin. So i don’t see that observation without warrant.

I just see that because people created in the image of God have a pulse, there will be factions. I believe that governance is providentially in the hands of God in our day. I don’t see it as dark and false light. But rather greed/dominance vs. like people from various backgrounds (some perhaps believers…most not) see globalism increasingly making moves. And there is real tension (not theater) in how fast owning the world occurs.

So i believe i am seeing many similar things (a move toward global takeover) as the forum does, but instead of a seamless implossion…i would see the NWO lose on this side of age of grace. Not as theater, but as providence. I realize we (watcher communnity and I) both mean to include God in the picture. Watchers would typically do this via “according to prophecy.” I don’t subscribe though to an American collapse as i don’t see scritpure articulate that…but to me its more like the trendy view of sorts. I could be wrong.

But i would just see Biden admin as owned by NWO. And Trump as a bit swampy, but kind of like “what you deserve, like” hero to oust NWO, strengthen Israel, Abraham Accords, Saudi normalization, set Israel up for peace and safety, Ez 38, and off we go. None of that to me is theater. I believe the NWO gets truly hurt. Not for reason of saving America and riding happily off into the sunset. But as a classy closing age of grace act.

Ironically, the way i get there is to dumb myself down as much as possible…lol. With the watcher world often we get into this view or that view etc. We might tend to pride oursleves (don’t get me wrong…in some cases i believe we actually should in ways) on seeing this in scripture or “we won’t be tricked” by that in cutture. And i believe some of those watcher concerns have merit and are actually pretty helpful to comprehend, to witness, and to consider. And on some ways having much merit. But the whole of paradigm current and direction i believe are very different than mine.

. . . . .

So i talked to a friend of mine the other day on the phone asking about my views on end times. I told him my main filter is:

  • Hosea 11:9 – will not carry out my fierce anger, nor will I devastate Ephraim again. For I am God, and not a man— the Holy One among you. I will not come against their cities.
  • John 15:13-15 – No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.
  • Numbers 20:12-13 But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Since you did not trust in Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel, for that reason you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.” 13 Those were called the waters of [c]Meribah, [d]because the sons of Israel argued with the Lord, and He proved Himself holy among them.

…he hung up on me…lol.

So yeah, this is the heart of God i believe we are exposed to while in the age of grace. I see the age of grace as a completely separate age from the 70th week. Watchers tend to bring the tribulation into the age of grace, while i try scooping water out, using a small wine glass. from our sinking Titanic :grin: Its like a Tom and Jerry cartoon :crazy_face:

Tom & Jerry: The Movie - Coffin Dance Song (COVER) (

So when i say dumbed down i just mean like if the world is far more unbelieving at this time (even as we the church might), God might condescend…especially in light of what is about to happen. So maybe He is making things really super simple with providence (knowing there has been so much disconnect in our age). His character references above would be the undercurrent verses for that…i guess along with 1 Cor 1:27. If that might make sense. Well thanks for taking the time to read all that brother. Blessings.

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That is sweet!
Of course a baby will always be more precious than the sun, moon and all stars. I think that’s biblically sound. :sweat_smile:
I can relate a bit, or rather my in-laws can relate; our daughter is their only grandchild, and my husband and I were blessed with her after 15 years of marriage. She’s a joy, a great blessing!

I will also allow God to surprise me with the meaning of it, in His time… you know how only He can make all things beautiful in His time… and we are all so privileged to be called His children!
The older I get, the more I realize that His amazing plan to create us, then give us the privilege to be adopted in His family is so great, so incredibly beautiful that I will never be able to comprehend it all, and that is because He is just too awesome and glorious for anyone in the universe to grasp Him completely. And yet, He is our Father, and the LORD Jesus Christ our Brother, and His Spirit lives in us and guides us each day…

How could you do that to them?! :laughing:

That time will indeed come. It is incredibly amazing that we are so close to that time! I am ready now. But we have to wait for His time…

The LORD bless your daughter and your entire family!


Thank you for that blessing @channah :hugs:
Yes….The eclipse has been eclipsed …in our minds at least :angel:t3:
Believe youall in the forum were the first folks I shared the news with. We won’t know boy or girl for another week. If a girl……Hope. How fitting :white_heart:


Hey there Jack,

While I figure right was probably a typo for write, your word certainly seems appropriate. Our kids do indeed have a hard time with right (vs wrong). Just had to say, I seen what you done there.

Hope you and yours are doing well.


Ok, I am busted. Thought I could slip it by.

Busted? I’m thinking right on both accounts!

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Hey Will @Will,

Can you (or anyone who reads this) share what that plan is? I can’t find anything out of our current form of ordinary online. Thanks.

Just google Biden and the word Easter in news. It’s unspeakable….although I’m finding out that it’s actually nothing new. But it had to be fairly new news because the day of visibility that he’s speaking of began annually on March 31 some ten years ago. But still….

But God


The Great I Am

I wanna be close
Close to Your side
So Heaven is real
And death is a lie
I wanna hear voices
Of angels above
Singing as one

Holy, Holy
God almighty
The great I am
Who is worthy
None beside thee
God almighty
The great I am

I wanna be near
Near to your heart
Loving the world
Hating the dark
I wanna see dry bones
Living again
Singing as one

Holy, Holy
God almighty
The great I am
Who is worthy
None beside thee
God almighty
The great I am
The great I am

The mountains shake before You
The demons run and flee
At the mention of the name king of majesty
There is no power in hell
Or any who can stand
Before the power and the presence of the Great I am
The Great I am
The Great I am

Holy, Holy
God almighty
The great I am

Who is worthy
None beside thee
God almighty
The great I am

Holy holy
God almighty
The great I am

Who is worthy
None beside thee
God almighty
The great I am
The great I am
He’s the great I am
The Great I am


Hey Tony, @SkyTheSheepdog,

Guess I just hadn’t scrolled down far enough. Saw the egg-roll story. Saw the sweet family shot of the Big Guy and Hunter and the grandson who has hair that a granddaughter would sport. Now I see the unspeakable.

And there are no words.

Just prayers for mercy for the people and animals of our land who will surely suffer because of the pride and arrogance of the foolish in power.



Yeah, I just updated my post. He (Biden) just reminded us of how close we are to Jesus.


Hi Kariena,
The man gives references from historical renderings that I have not checked out. He does illustrate the flow from Jesus’s conformation as our Passover in contrast to the Roman’s comingling of Passover and Eostre. I do not know why the King James in Acts 12: 4 uses the word Easter instead of the Greek word Pascha or Passover as it was written originally. It certainly confused me. In John 18: 39, the same word is correctly translated passover. Here: 39 “But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews?”

His affiliation is with the Church of God. Does this negate his explanation? Not for me. What he says is a good explanation.
I will add a separate post that I hope will be a blessing concerning the last supper.



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