March 31, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- Everything Now Points To Jesus

Well I’d think you might expect to hear from me :fox_face:Man :+1:

I’d like to first say i am still very much interested to see how the year end 2024/beginning 2025 lands America in light of our Daughter of Babylon discussion. I give it certainly consideration dear brother. And things like what you have just posted here would be just one more reason a surprise “super tanking” of America potentially be on our horizon.

First i want to say that most Christian circles + videos etc i frequent do not think it is appropriate to blend the Word with other documents. I agree that is not good because the Word stands above and is transcendantly “the Word of God,” alone. Amen. So i agree with you Jack that blending the word with other documents is not something i advocate and i do see a major problem with that for sure. As do the sources as well that i frequent. In addition, Saturday Night Live put out a recent spoof on Trump’s recent venture. And of course mocks him for thinking he is as great as God. I saw it and i would admit, Trump does allow himself to be viewed this way. And it is so sad. And emblematically seriously a sign of our times for sure. Punishment would be expected for such a grandstand.

Aside from my above honest posture, I would say though that my most profound way to look at this is a view i have held now for 7 years. Before I state it plainly i would like to say that i do not advocate for Trump, his administration, his bible, shoes, or his super hero cards…etc. I agree Jack with your sincere warning and concern in regards to a Trump bible (but honestly, are any of us surprised? lol). My primary view is rather nuanced and not even easy for me to digest. So i understand differences. I do. But please permit this intorductory foundation:

  • CHILDREN OF PROVIDENCE–I believe the church is children of providence (not prophecy). Meaning we are graphted into the olive tree “providentially.” And are children of providence. Although Christ being over the gentiles does have prophecy, this was revealed in scripture. I do not view the church proper has written any scripture. And I view the church as children of providence per Romans chapter 11. The next prophets will be the 2 witnesses. I believe we can be aware of end time things, but as children of providence invited to the prophecy…not as prophets ourselves.

  • DOOR CLOSING/AGE OF GRACE ECONOMY UNIQUE – I believe the age of grace is an entirely different set of criteria than the tribulation age. I believe the age of grace closes in its own thematic heart of God per: Hosea 11:9 / John 15:13-15 / Numb 20:12-13. And although there is obviously carry over, I believe the end of the age of grace is its entirely own room or economy in God. As For Explanation Why, Please Click Here

  • “BUT GOD” IN THE AGE OF GRACE PROPER – Notice how we all know the end of Ez 38 = a massive glory to God worldwise. But up to this point i do not believe we have seen that sense of glory placed on any end time blueprint timeline that fits. We focus mainly on how the beast system and deception will increase…but not on any event anywhere along the prophetic line where God gets like super duper glory in proximation to the tribulation approaching timeline. I believe it is wise to ask ourselves why is that?

  • BACKWARD MASKING THE TRIBULATION – Since i believe the church is children of providence. And since God is not writing scripture. And since there are no prophets. How could we be informed along the way in any manner oossibly? Of course His spirit yes as we discern His word. But I believe we also use that to overlay the tribulation bluprint onto the age of grace. So i would see that as not as insightful in perhaps though in some ways. But providence would be a natural way for God to lead, or hint to His providential children (especically perhaps even the really simple ones).

Obviously we won’t find this in the bible. So yes this is just my take. And only my take. But I’m reading the same bible as ya’ll. And we can tend to have varying eschatological views. Mine is somewhat problematic. I understand. But thank you for the grace to be able to at least share it where i think it has huge import potentially.

In the world of irregular hermenuetics, it would come (best i can tell) from challenging our own biases. It would be challenging bias “heavy.” Our tendency is to see how the beast system forms. But i believe what is more important than that in the age of grace is Israel. I believe Ez 38 is the most detialed prophecy because a) It is traceable, and b) it likely has front loaded weight, and c) its about Israel. Since the greatest detail for the children of providence, the church, is Ez 38 (as it relates to Israel), that should be FAR more (I believe) in view than what gets us “otherwise” from point A (age of grace) to B (age of triublaiton). If this makes any sense or holds any water (in your views) and peeks any interest, please welcome to Machine.

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