November 14, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

you said it yourself. you place borned people ahead of people in the womb. it is true. that is all I’m saying. and I’m sure its not something you want to convey, that’s why I’m bringing it to your attn.

I did not say you condone abortion. I assume you do not, and that’s why I wanted to let you know, that what you said stems from what the abortion industry wants you to feel. it doesn’t mean you like abortion. it means you are not thinking through what you have said, since you are against abortion.


Interesting that WEF has brought their agenda forward to 2023 as it is all going so well with the ‘pandemic’ providing the opportunity not to be missed.


Climate Change Action: Upz the gas prices…


Praying for God’s wisdom and discernment over your situation. This recent podcast: “Should Christians Take The Covid-19 Vaccine?” with pastor Dr. J.B. Hixson gives 14 reasons not to.
‎The Christian Underground News Network: Should Christians Take The Covid-19 Vaccine?, with Dr. J.B. Hixson on Apple Podcasts

how to protect loved ones in hospitals

one solution for having food on hand may be to grow your own sprouts in sunny windows, and leave behind the box stores whenever possible. Ask around, and find local farmers to help you source your eggs, meat, greens, etc. and share ABC tracts everywhere. (my husband puts them in the big soda and wine boxes they have at supermarket and all over stores and in bathrooms etc. ptl!) We can be bringing people to Jesus wherever we go, wherever the Lord leads.


Bible Verse cited by Dr Tenpenny Clay Clark tour




I will post the recorded video once it is available later…


God have mercy on his widow, brave lady to honour his wishes and let the truth about his death be told. He was murdered by this new world order.


I am starting to grow weary in this vaccine fight. I work for a doctor group as a nurse, and they voted that all their employees must be vaccinated. I already will be without a job if the US federal mandates come out because I work at a surgical center. So many around me are getting the shot and not having a reaction and they just don’t understand why I won’t. But, I read the VAERS site everyday to keep my resolve. My husband and I also just had covid, and we have natural antibodies I’m sure. If people would only follow the money ALONE! But I’m a conspiracy theorist. My heart is just breaking because most of the Christians around me have no knowledge of prophecy and look at me like I’m crazy when I say we are in the end times. I’m glad I have Pastor Farag and this forum to boost me up, because it is getting hostile at work and the few of us left are feeling very discouraged and sad. I truly believe spiritual warfare is going on at my job. I just don’t know what will happen when the few Jesus followers at my job are gone. It will be a very dark place. I’m just hoping Jesus raptures us out before we get fired.


Thinking back to when JD spoke on this subject one Sunday,[stages of genocide] thought this was a good up-date. Can’t remember date, I remember thinking at the time, Hmmm a little over the top, but now, right on the money.


The Prepping Preacher. He says the first prep is to get right with God.


A MUST WATCH by Johnny Anonymous. This is the Most Important Video You Will ever see IN YOUR LIFE!!!






This is COVID-19 deaths in Malaysia line graph.

Notice that kids from age 0 to 17 (blue and purple icons) mostly hovering near zero. So why force them get vaxxed then? Malaysia will start jabbing 5-11 year olds in 2022.

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our only Hope is in Jesus


There are a growing number of pastors and prophecy teachers who are insisting that we (Believers) will go through horrible, bloody persecution before the Rapture. They say we are going to be hauled off to prison camps, beaten, killed, etc. BUT - I don’t see anything in the Bible that points to horrible persecution before the rapture. (Matthew 24 and Luke 17 were addressed to the disciples, Jewish men, and referred to the end times, post-rapture and the tribulation period as it regards Israel and the Jewish people, so I don’t see that as evidence of persecution before the Rapture) J.D.'s assertion that there will be division and families will turn against each other in Luke 12 does not specifically refer to the end times. It says in verse 52 - “For from now on…” He was referring to the entire church age.

We are told to “look up”, our redemption draws nigh. We are to expect our blessed hope. We are told that “they” will be going about their daily lives, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, building and planting and buying and selling. Since there are a lot of Non-Believers who have not been vaccinated, then if J.D. is right, there will be a bunch of them hauled off to quarantine camps too. I don’t think that there will be business as usual if that were to happen.

I do not doubt that all of the things J.D. predicts WILL happen. I only question the timing of the Rapture. Isn’t it just as likely that the Rapture will happen any minute now? Why do we have to go through horrible persecution first? What purpose does that serve? I agree that things are going to get more and more dicey the longer we are here. We MAY be persecuted. BUT persecution covers a very wide spectrum - everything from being bullied to having your head chopped off. I have no doubt these things will happen, but why the growing insistence, from J.D. and others, that we have to suffer something really horrible before the Rapture?

I have always compared the timing of the Rapture to be like the Israelites being trapped against the Red Sea with the Egyptian army charging down on them. I’m sure it was terrifying. But God didn’t allow the Egyptian army to catch up with them, then beat them up and torture them and THEN open a path through the Red Sea. Does that make sense?


Live right now at RHC talk on covid


Well many Christians were murdered and that served being a testimony to those who murdered them. The Bible does never say to us that we will be unharmed. In fact, it tells us the opposite, that the World hates us because it hates Jesus.

Its good to prepare mentally for the worst outcome. For me being forced in quarantine camp is much worser than to get my head chopped of. In the second case I am with Jesus but in the first case I am not in my home anymore with my two beloved cats. But even the first case will happen I will try to remember that I am a testimony to the living God and I have an important job to do spreading the Gospel even in a quarantine camp.