November 20, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update - Painted in the Prophetic Corner

Ohhhh @YosemiteMountainMan

From my comment why go so extreme! I have followed JD for years like you! I believe you posted a comment that you could not find one error in JD’s you tube messages a week or two before 9/11. Thanks for standing strong and being a Berean of JD the man.

Either way! I like JD. I believe we will be in heaven together. I should have narrowed the passage down so people wouldnt think I was calling JD a false teacher.

What I was referring to was:

For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others;

I have agreed in the past with him regarding different translations. But he keeps saying God spared Noah because he was genetically pure! I grew up with the believe that God flooded mankind for their wickedness. The same kind of wickedness he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with and it also says so in the Bible with 2 Peter 2. Noah was found righteous in his day just like Lot was found righteous in his day. It has nothing to do with genetic purity. ARE YOU LISTENING TO THIS ARGUMENT(the argument of genetic purity does it sound familiar?)

Lets go back to the verse he was speaking of:

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, ‘I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created – and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground – for I regret that I have made them.’ But Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord. This is the account of Noah and his family.Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.

It seems like wickedness was the theme of the day with the”human race”. Yet he found favor with Noah and his family because he walked faithfully with God.

So @YosemiteMountainMan…just so you know. The Lord is Awesome, Almighty, and Powerful! This Word was written for a reason and it contains something in it powerful! Reread the narrow passage then take a moment and read the whole thing.

I probably should go back to my original screen name :slight_smile:


I believe the 2 Peter 2 is on Will’s post. I would NEVER say that, if I thought that I would never be here. From any @Will prior posts on the forum, I DO NOT BELIEVE he meant that either.
The only mistake I may have made was putting a heart on his post before reading that scripture 2 Peter 2, **which reading just now after the fact,**trying to figure out why you included me.
I made a mistake hitting the heart button to fast without reading it. For that I am truly sorry, and apologize to the group. :weary:

@YosemiteMountainMan you know from ALL my prior posts on this forum that I would NEVER think that, so I have no idea why you included my name.
If I ever did think that, it would be very clear and not obscurely hidden at the end of a post that seems benign to me.
If you have ANY issues with me please PM me, so we can iron them out.

I do defend the right of anyone though, who did believe that, to have the FREEDOM to say so, but I would suggest them moving to a better suited ministry if they did.

NO NO NO NO NO hoping you get the answer correctly
Blessings Doc :dove:


I have thought about this so much… and im not saying that im right or have the answers.
But as they like to talk about the jab in “computer tech type talk”…
I thought about the mark in the same way.
To cut a long story short.
The jab was the App a system
But you can’t use an app until you
Enter details. Subscribe.
And wait for it to download.
They then send an email to verify your subscription and your in.
Thats what the digital passport is.
Verification of details.
Logging in!
Maybe the DNA has just been tweaked to allow for the operating system to be installed. :thinking:
I dont know.
But what i do know is that God wouldn’t give up on us so easily.
We have a God who fights for us.
He died for us, in so much pain.
But He thought it was worth it.
Because He loves us like no other ever could.


Same here dear Sparrow,
I love both these versions of the Song. So inspiring and uplifing. Puts everything in perspective and points to the Blessed Hope of our soon to arrive King of Kings and Lord of Lords. No matter what is happening in this life right now for any of us, every single thing we face…the rapture in God’s perfect timing will resolve all in accordance with His will. And so shall we EVER be with the Lord. It is absolutely a rescue mission. The photo of your snowman looking up…priceless!!! And about this December…same here; the sense that this is it. This may be the time. Our Heavenly Father knows. We may not, but He has a reason for all things. :heart: :dove: :dove: :dove:


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For encouragement listen to Dr. Sam from Los Angeles,CA. So many great churches and believers in California. May the Lord protect them from all the evil, Please share.

Wouldnt the rapture cause the need for difital id to.turn into.the mark,since so many left behind would be able to claim property ,credit cards ,cars and so on …

Digital without the actual mark would highly allow for fraud since so much details would be left behind …

Could it make sence that maybe the people left behind would have to swear alliance to the ac in having to identify themselves and that way only receive the mark …like people swear on the bible to tell the truth…

Also most of Israel is vaxed so how does that make sence in Gods word…?




Birthpang Signs
Did you see anything in the fake media about this?

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NYC mother hits back after ‘1619 Project’ author mocked her subway concerns: ‘They just refuse to see it’ | Fox News

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Hi Jimmy,
After retiring @bayoubushi spent close to a solid 3 months on the forum everyday. Then pending family and house projects caught up to his attention. He said he would be back around once and a while but did not specify. Knowing Jack I’m sure once he catches up on things he will be back around again.


@Will @NamDoc

I know you have and that is why I was so startled by the 2Peter2 comment. That is why I asked for clarification, and now both you and @NamDoc have eloquently clarified it from the heart. Thank you both.

Because 2Peter2 is extreme in context, and I did not think you meant to imply it.
(NIV) 2Peter1-22 for complete context.
2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.
So to imply just the second verse as an answer to Noah being pure in his generations or not, in his ethnos. Bringing into question the translation as being a false teaching by Pastor JD did no set well with me.
I was also concerned with others world wide seeing the comment and taking it the wrong way. Many people visit this thread without ever leaving a comment all the time.

@NamDoc yes it was because you hearted the comment and for no other reason. By the way you can un-heart a comment by clicking on the heart again. There is nothing wrong with what you said.
I am hesitant to agree with the Gen.6 :9 [pure DNA of Noah] from a obscure Hebrew translation. [NOT saying I am right] Just don’t know for sure yet.
This is what I would expect a good Berean to say!
Time to go digging for the truth.

For what it is worth guys, I have already settled the question by doing some major digging into translations years ago, and I believe Pastor JD is correct.
The key for me was the understanding that there were half breeds in the the land, the Nephilim. Half human half demon. I have also come to the conclusion that the demons that were responsible for creating these abominations did not stop there.
They were working on destroying all of God’s living creation. (I’m sure many might disagree, that’s ok, but that is my take on it after extensive study.) No need to debate this until those who disagree go study it in depth for themselves.
It also fits with God chaining up the demons in a special place in Hell who were responsible for corrupting mankind and the world to the point that He decided that He had to destroy it because it had become completely evil, save a few.
Thank you both once again for the clarification.


And it’s a God thing. . . Longing to gather us under His wing. Oh, thank you for your prayers. I will offer this for you and yours as well . . .



I am really not trying to disagree…with anyone. I just want to be correct in interpretation whatever it concerns. I would completely agree with you on all your points if we were just talking about Gen 6. Again completely agree if just talking about Gen 6. But if we look at the passages in 2 Peter 2 referring to Noah again, I do not think it was a genetic argument but a wickedness argument. And further, the larger context of 2 Peter 2 is eye opening to not get this wrong…

I agree with you I need to study more of the context of what Peter was talking about in referring to Noah…

Again, this has major implications.

I understand the Nephilim argument and what was happening pre-flood…and it is happening now…just like the same wickedness is happening now. But it could just be plain and simple garden variety disobedience :slight_smile:


In my understanding of the Word, two-thirds of Israel faces grave danger. But the remnant, a remnant God always has. During the tribulation, the remnant shall flee to the area/rock of Petra, where the Lord shall preserve and protect them until Jesus touches down upon the Mt. of Olives. At the end of the tribulation. And the Bride of Christ, the church of living stones will be with Him, riding the white horses behind our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Gives chill bumps just to imagine this glorious time.

(If i am in error as to any details here, please saints do not hesitate to correct me and re-clarify.) :heart:


thanks @YosemiteMountainMan miss seeing his posts and take on things


You know, the same sort of thought came to my mind when I heard JD talk of the pure DNA in Noah. We probably would not have been able to see it this way until 2020 and beyond. Until then, it was “close up the book” for us and “this is not for you” until now. Why NOT include what we read about the Days of Noah, too? So, it’s something that I can definitely ponder on and see as possible. It also helps me better wrap my head around the knowledge that Noah, post Ark life, was prone to drunkenness on at least the occasion that we read about.


Yes, wondering the same thing! Pastor JD explained what MRNA is, and what it’s done to every cell in the body…so how is it not already the mark?

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