November 7, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Just reading this section of the forum today. I am 100% against the venom shots, I was wondering does anyone have a link to a simple concise breakdown of what is known to be in each of the so called vaccines, something that could be saved on my phone as a couple of screenshots. I save all relevant info on my phone in this way so I can refer back to it when discussing this satanic agenda to jab every living being. I don’t know if anyone else feels this but i see lots of links on here all the time to other channels and videos but I haven’t got the time to watch all this stuff I feel there is a need for concise, accurate and succinct information to try and warn people.


Thanks for that this morning! It made me smile! Can’t wait to meet you at the tree of life. :grin::wink:


i sooo agree with you, AMEN!!!

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If you want to private message me I can email it to you.

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I have a feeling another shift just started…
Or maybe a line in the sand…


Hmmm :thinking:


Army Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino as the state’s new adjutant general - …
…is a hero, imho.

If every Governor and general had the conscience and guts to follow his brave example…is it possible that this nightmare of unlawful mandates could be ended?
Is it possible for this unconscionable “mandate” to be slowed long enough so that the people could place the top 100 of the depop crew and their bought governors into the clink for crimes against humanity? Would sheriffs and their deputies be the ones to assist in a non-violent apprehending if such a thing were possible?

If none of this is possible, then is the alternative to simply wait until “they” arrive at the door for the forcing of what in reality is a genocidal shot on the remaining children and elderly?
As a believer am I called to stand by and allow such without word or objection? Or, am I rather called to defend those unable to defend themselves? Is this not part of our duty while we are here? Faith, yes. Prayer yes. Belief in His appearing, yes.
But shall we also protect and defend in action the voiceless during our stint in this temporal place?
Sincere questions. I’m hoping they are not dismissed with a shaming, as they may well be if this scenario were not really happening worldwide right now before our very eyes. Maybe people have done nothing, because they have no idea what to do. While we are awaiting rescue of the Lord.

Here is what Mancino wrote:

"No Oklahoma Guardsman will be required to take the COVID-19 Vaccine," it reads, adding that Gov. Stitt is the force’s “lawful Commander in Chief” when not mobilized by the federal government.
“No negative administrative or legal action will be taken against Guardsmen who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine.” ----end quote

They incorrectly quoted Mancino later as having “requested” an exemption to the “mandate”.
Do we notice that he requested nothing.
He declared plainly "No Oklahoma Guardsman will be required to take the cv vaccine. " period.

Put more simply: “No one is required take a suicide shot, period.”
God not only does NOT require this…God Forbids it.


This, I believe, highlights that an information war currently exists between globalists and nationalists.


That’s horrible sounds like no personal liberty at all


Ken, I was only referring to what she was saying about the mark at 18:30 of the video, I was not referring to everything in the video.


Dear lilhoneybear,
Thanks for saying that, I do appreciate it.

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Hi Matthew,
I had a thought come to mind.
How many kids were saved from the Great Flood?
There must have been a lot, but were corrupted.
Kids who get this are also corrupted.

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However, consider that most are getting it against their will, not by choice.

So @Macadamianutgm are you answering “yes” to @Matthew82’s question that you were linking to? I wasn’t sure.


Having relatives who are Jehovah Witnesses, i also thought the very same thing in that this reminds me of them.


After watching pastor’s message on the 14th, where he noted how Jesus said, “If my Kingdom were of this world…THEN would my servants fight. But my Kingdom is not of this world.” It just helped me so much to put everything in perspective.

In grief we lose our perspective, we feel such a sense of urgency, like "I must DO something…right now! I cannot abide this…I cannot bear to see human suffering…and the fear that my closest loved ones would be harmed in some way…its just too much. And the Lord knows all this, he build our very frame and knitted us together. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

It is just as the pastor said…God is going to do everything in His time in His way, and even if that furnace gets turned up seven times hotter (an it is) He shall never leave us nor forsake us. Every single hair on our head is numbered (thank you w. for the reminder) and all our loved ones are in the heart and the arms of God. We are safe in this knowing. May he bring peace that passes all understanding to keep us calm and trusting in Him. Of ourselves…we cannot do it. But He CAN do it. We just hold on and stay beneath the shadow of the Almighty, the wings of Psalm 91.
We are seeing the ten thousand fall. It is beyond my comprehension, God I don’t know what do, but my eyes are on you. And all I know is you will see us and help us through this, even when I have no idea how. God knows the end from the beginning. He told us in the end, there is a glorious joyous ending to the whole story. Spoiler alert! We going Home soon. Praise God!


See if this passage ministers to you as it did me. God is telling Jeremiah that he ain’t seen nothin yet. Not what we want to hear but if God says not to grow weary then that means it is possible not to grow weary. Like Moses in Exodus 17 I pray we lift up our hands and praise the Lord as we rest on the Rock of our salvation.


@Macadamianutgm that would be an assumption with no clear answer. When it comes to the MOB scripture is very clear and precise. Based on what you have said about the vaccine being the MOB you are not reading scripture correctly at best, or ignore parts of it at worst.

While I was curious about what answer you would give to my original question. It was more an attempt to gage if you really believed what you claimed. Fact is, based on what we know from Gods word the MOB will be a choice only. Either reject Christ or reject the Antichrist, God would never damn any child for all eternity because they are not able to make that choice for themselves.


Revelation 13:16-17

King James Version

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Causeth all.
Are you sure that’s a choice?

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Yes I am sure, either you obey the Antichrist and take it, or you die. That is a choice, you choose Christ and loose this life you gain eternal life. You accept Antichrist you will keep this life but loose your eternal life. It’s that simple, no and’s, if’s, or but’s.


I keep thinking about how bad things were described in the days of Noah or Lot. And the verse that talks about disciplining His children is a blessing and how wrath is saved up to be poured out on the Nations as they run rampantly amuck.

Things are going to get a lot worse before Jesus comes. Our discipline is upon us now and will become more intense as the days pass by.

Although I do want to be careful as I am sure even many Jews during Hitler’s time…thought their redemption was near too. Perhaps I am just trying to come to terms with a global eventuality and what it will be like as we get closer to Jesus’s return.

The mass hysteria of Austria, Australia, and even in China with their zero covid policies…

Now the Biden Whitehouse is setting the next hurdle of the booster shot mandate. A spike in cases after Thanksgiving will surely trigger it and maybe even worse.

I do not want to be of little faith or sound like it either. But, I do think this week’s update was to also cause us to consider the future and mentally, faithfully prepare for what is coming.