November 7, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

minute six onward, flat out truth
Lord Jesus please prepare our hearts,
as only you can.


health tips

“Safe in a Sea of Troubles”
Morning Devotions By Charles Spurgeon
"There were also other boats with him. Mark 4:36

Jesus was the Admiral of the sea that night.
His presence preserved the whole fleet. When we sail in Christ’s company, we can’t be assured of fair weather. Furious storms rage even around our Lord’s vessel, so we shouldn’t expect the sea not to toss our little boat.
When we go with Jesus, we face the same obstacles He does, but we know we will eventually reach land again.

Jesus is the star of the sea. There may be sorrow on the sea, but when Jesus is there, there is joy too. May our hearts make Jesus their anchor their rudder, their lighthouse, their lifeboat, and their harbor. Not a single boat in His convoy will suffer wreck. The Commodore will lead us all safely to port. So whatever squalls may occur, by faith we will be calm."
end quote.


Oh My … that is crazy!
Halloween is a Satanic Holiday … what were they thinking!
Time to Wake Up Church … have NO part of the darkness!
Churches opening to give out the 666 Jab!!!
Lord, please come rescue and protect the innocent children!
:heart: :pray: :heart:


News news news in short

Ukraine to impose mandatory COVID-19 shots for doctors, municipal workers

That sinking feeling: Poor nations struggle with U.N. climate fund

EU lists rare spinal condition as side-effect of J&J COVID-19 shot

Neighbours of Belarus say migrant crisis risks military clash

Dutch experts recommend western Europe’s first lockdown since summer

Automakers, retailers cut TV ads amid supply chain woes

North American companies rush to add robots as demand surges

Tencent says Beijing likely to support metaverse - as long as it obeys China rules


From what I understood, I did not see him encouraged or discouraging. He just told of the event. It was basically the missionaries decision if they wanted to give their lives for Christ’s sake or not. He said the missionaries did not want to leave where ever they were.
It’s got nothing to do with the jab in my opinion but whether one is willing to put their lives on the line to reach others with the Gospel just like the Apostles did.


If they recognised the mark, would they still make the same decision?
People rely on their Pastor for guidance on this when they should be relying on the Holy Spirit.


Perhaps they were relying on the Holy Spirit. We don’t know what their relationship to God is like.



Note: Ps Brandon mentioned yesterday that Vimeo took their channel down is due to their sermons went against WHO’s advice on covid19.




And it just keeps getting worse and worse…
PS: the firm handling this is Israeli

The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently approved a technology that aims to surveil people by their digital activity and give them scores that define their “potential level of superspreading activity.” Vaccination will then depend on the scores gathered using the technology.

The patent put forward by attorneys Gal Ehrlich and Maier Fenster of Ehrlich & Fenster proposes collecting a variety of personal information from different sources, such as mobile devices, apps, social media, web browsing records, payment records, medical records, employment records, the government, and other surveillance cameras.

It was also collect highly specific personal information from these sources, including precise location data, length of time spent at locations being visited, ventilation rates of these places, images of people looking at the screen of their mobile phones, sounds from microphones in personal devices, and facial recognition data.

The patent also proposes numerous political surveillance applications, which include detecting when people are using public transport by using geolocation and/or start-stop movements that match public transportation profiles. It will monitor when people are washing their hands by analyzing sounds of water running or by smartwatch movement. It will also check whether people are wearing a mask by analyzing images taken out during calls or by looking at the screen of the mobile phone.

Upon gathering data, the technology that was outlined in the patent will analyze data and assign scores to electronic devices. This score will predict the potential level of superspreading activities of individuals and will then recommend vaccinations according to scores.

Not only does the patent suggest mass electronic surveillance to create a social credit style score that determines whether or not they should be vaccinated, it also proposes that the technology be implemented as part of a “dedicated mandatory app” where the government monitor citizens to install the application on their smartphones to help the government with the logistics of the vaccination process.


Cause too much trouble for the NWO and they will give you a lethal dose.
I would be in big trouble :joy:
No vaccine for me ever again.


Is there anyone in Japan or knows someone in Japan who can verify that Japan has halted the injection program and using IV and HCQ instead? This was shared on social media last week but any online searches just goes on an on debunking this.

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Only found this article:

Pastor JD invited this Japanese sister to share her testimony months ago. She may be in good position to answer yours.

Doubtful she reads these forums.


It would be really good if we knew the truth - this is why reporting from people around the globe on forums like this are such a good resource.


I watched a video with Amir and Hibbs talking together about the jab months ago and decided then to stop watching them. I feel they are both gifted pastors/teachers, but I don’t have unlimited time and it seemed wisest for me to spend that time watching those who totally support where the Lord is leading me… which is to stay away from the jab and not compromise in any way.


My HMO sent out an email to all members today saying they have received strike notices from some of their labor unions. They said because of the expected strikes, they have cancelled or rescheduled some appointments, elective surgeries, and procedures. They also said they have changed some appointments to be virtual rather than in person. And that if a strike occurs the pharmacies will be closed.


Jesus Yeshua is my best friend forever and for all eternity :heart:

NO weapon formed against me shall prosper! Isaiah 54:17


I wish I knew what I could do!
My heart and mind is set on Jesus coming for us!!

Jesus! Help us!



God Bless those pastors for telling the truth! And JD is right there with the truth as well. I’m sure his courage was been an inspiration to many others to stand firm. He was among the first to sound the alarm bells of the Holy Spirit discernment. …to save many people alive, spiritually and physically, praise be to God!



