September 26, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

I really enjoyed last week’s testimonies. I never for a second question people’s testimonies. What would be their ulterior motive? I was hoping for more. Maybe JD can create a section and link all the testimonies he received. There is an abundance of bad news everywhere, sometimes we need an escape.


I wish JD could hear this and speak on it… I know a lot of ppl listening to that broadcast may feel that there is nothing wrong with the vaccine after hearing this… smh

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It was a blessing to me too! Thank you to all of you who did a testimony and encouraged the rest of us! What man means for evil God turns to good.
Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose”. Praise God!


Hi. I’m wondering if anyone can translate the percent dilutions mentioned into a simple recipe someone like me can follow? How much saline? How much hydrogen peroxide?? That would be so helpful!


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@Hope2021 @Blessed If you would like to re read any of the testimonies from the past two weeks, the transcripts can be found that the link below. It will give the link to each transcript of the video.
BUT GOD testimonies - Link to Transcripts - Praise The Lord - JD Farag Bible Prophecy Forum


Amen :slight_smile:

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They are already beheading folks in Afghanistan… even children… not for refusing the jab but for being Christian. :sob:



This Sunday:





Thank you. I was referring to having access to all of the testimonies. Maybe he can remove people’s name for privacy. I know he only selected a few to read to us.


Yes, I would like that as well. I wish there was some way they could get them on this forum. Would be so interesting to read them all.


All this has been planned for so long.
“The churches will help us”

If you haven’t listened to this before, you really should.

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Mikey - I think we are all praying for the LORDS RETURN -NOW!!! So you are not the only one - MARANATHA - HE will be back at the perfect time and we need to keep on keeping on until then ……. I trust trust that HE will get us before …… well let’s just say that the restrainer is still here thank You HOLY SPIRIT !!!


I JUST USE the 3% in the brown bottle - it’d works great and some doctors say use it


Thanks for your direction! You Just use the hydrogen peroxide straight from the bottle, or Do you mix that with saline?? If so, how much?? I’m confused!! I’ve listened to a couple of video explanations and read the article posted here, but ??? I still am not sure what you actually put in the nebulizer and in what amounts! Guess I’m a bit slow on the uptake here! :woozy_face::joy:

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Complete details for the intake great help.


Hi Brenda,

I’ve used the same as Ralph, and found it very helpful. Here’s an article by Dr. Thomas Levy that may help. There are a number of others in the links section of the health thread on “discussions” for further reading, if you’d like.


Hi Brenda,

The nebulizer cup for the machine holds about two teaspoons of liquid. So two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide is what many Dr.s use, plain. Some mix half saline and half HP, so 1 tsp. each. The links on the health thread on the discussion Tent have different mixtures or variations of these, but those are the basics. Dr. Levy wrote a free e-book. Its shown on "orthomolecular dot org site, and most likely “Doctor yourself dot come”. Also there are vids of y.t. that show how it works.
Here are some articles and vids that illustrate how it works.

Here is an example of a very mild formula using water and hydrogen peroxide. three parts water, one part HP.

Below is an example of the strait up 3% OTC type when or if needed.




Jesus said this before he died on the cross.
Christians did not exist yet.

This is after the cross, now Christians exist and it applies.

By following God’s plan for Israel in real time, we know that we are close to the rapture, just as Pastor JD Teaches.
He does not hold your views.


Thanks for sharing Joshua. It is good you go by your conviction. I have some rather unpopular views myself. I have weighed through many strong youtube debates. And pretrib against them all to me still stands. I have always been willing to change my views. But I see pretrib the one standing. I know there is a lot of conjecture and even stretching in some or many pretrib arguments. So I have always sought answers beyond my comfort zone and the comfort zone of others.

For me, the strongest pretrib concept is in Revelation. One that does not get much press. But I see the book of revelation as future events after chapter three. And Rev 12:5 has a baby going up to heaven. The woman and child could not be a sign for the past but the future. So when it occurs it points to a male child (or as I see it, body of Christ) caught up to heaven. If it is a sign, it is a sign of the future for the the future. For the sign is not the thing it signifies but points to what it signifies. The Greek word there has been used for “children” too.

I came across someone several months ago with a rapture view on the 7th Trumpet. It kind of sounds similar to what you are saying. In all honesty, I was rather thrown back by this view and needed our forum here to help me process it. It is rare for me to get sideswiped like on that one because i have heard most of the arguments. But that one was new to me. Whether you agree or not with my conclusion, I think you will find this thread unique. As most rapture debates don’t really tread those kinds of waters. In any case I hope you might find time for it and if nothing else, it can perhaps provide for you some depth to your own arguments.


The Seventh Trumpet Rapture View