September 5, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

I watched this a while back. It’s about political subversion and brainwashing a nation. Was recorded in 1984 by a former KGB member. It explains exactly why some people are so brainwashed they cannot understand truth and see another perspective until it’s hitting them in the face through first hand experience.



We are in the dispensation of the Age of Grace/Church age right and are sealed by the Holy Spirit when we trust in Jesus and no one can take us out of His hand. But at the Rapture, the Age of Grace ends so those who come to trust Christ in the Tribulation will be under the Gospel of the Kingdom and must endure to the end and not take the MOB in order to be saved.

Seems to me the jab can’t be the MOB during the Age of Grace, but may become it after the Rapture…


Hi Kris
I agree with you. I think this is the lead up to the mark. When the one world leader comes on the scene, everything will be in place for this person.
In Canada the provinces are rolling out this vaccine health pass first and the federal government has said it will change the provincial ones to federal.
I suspect from there the pass will become eventually a global one. Whether that will be the Anti-Christ then and the Mark or if that will be the final step before that happens, we wont know.


Can you expound more on your thoughts on this overlap @K7

My understanding is that the age of grace closes at the rapture and all those saved prior to it are under that dispensation. So I am confused by the overlap you mention.

If they are overlapping now, are you seeing that to mean that both the gospel of grace and the gospel of the kingdom are in play currently? And if that is the case, then that would seem to follow that some Christians alive at the moment are under the gospel of the kingdom rather than gospel of grace, which would then mean that they have to endure to the end to be saved? And if that is the case, how is it determined or known which they are under?


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Tom Hughes played a clip of Yuri Bezmenov in the update he just did. (Segment starts at about 26:00; the entire update is worth watching.)

He also shared the definition of “brainwash” from the Cambridge Dictionary:

“to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling him or her that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching him or her”


Yep. I had a friend send me the yuri recording in 2020 so I had already seen it and knew what Pastor Tom was talking about.

I would take it one step further, the box is already built, just the contents are not in it yet.


Not sure if allowed here, this is his book by Bhakdi, found it via internet english version. save a copy for reading.

Some of these Jews are playing Great Reset…

The Jerusalem Post is proud to present its 2021 list of the 50 Most Influential Jews.


Dear sister,
By overlap i mean you can already see a foreshadowing of the next dispensation.


Regarding the blockchain technologies: the implantable chip would be capable of doing, at minimum, everything your Apple or Samsung Smart Watch of today is capable of doing. it would likely be charged via magnetic induction like some electric toothbrushes or qi smart phone chargers. My less sophisticated smart watch is capable of, for example, knowing when i exercise. with a GPS/Bluetooth/Wifi it could track me anywhere down to the millimeter and give me instructions to do this or that and register whether my actions are similar to the requested motion via accelerometer and other, mostly biometric, readings.

I’m fairly confident the PATENTS behind the lesser known Chia cryptocurrency will serve as the basis for the digital currency of the end times. Bitcoin’s blockchain is already obsolete and lacks any kind of uniqueness as a cryptocurrency other than value dominance as a result of being the first of its kind. Chia’s system will allow attaching your social credit score permanently via blockchain “smart contracts” to every bit of coin you spend so that no merchant will accept it without tainting his own reputation if your ESG score is too low.


I did this too!!!

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A year or so ago I kept reading about the oblisks in the Bible, and didn’t really know what they were, but never bothered to look. One day I came to the verse that says “Never set up an oblisk, for the Lord detests these”, so I decided to go ahead and search for an image to see what it was and was SHOCKED when it pulled up the Washington Monument!!! I have been watching since then to see if God would destroy it somehow. We have certainly seen the figurative/ spiritual destruction of Washington (the symbol of America) since then!


There is also the very real possibility the mark will not be visible, for God it is in the mind (forehead) and the actions (your hand); His law is written on our hearts and minds and we behave as His. He will supernaturally seal the 144,000. We worship in spirit and truth. Only God knows those who belong to Him.

The enemy, always a counterfeiter, will place his mark of ownership on those who belong to him and demand outward worship, which may very well be participation in this evil wicked world system, being a part of the network, the 21st Century version of worship. The chip, or nanoparticles inejected into the body, will not be visible, but those who take it are decidedly choosing the world – and doesn’t this world currently belong to Satan?

Think about the people you know who are believing the lies, who are rejecting any who do not follow the world. When did they change their attitude/heart toward you? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
(Mt 6:21)

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I felt the same! What a POWERFUL MESSAGE!!!

I just watched this last night too. This man is spot on.


I have some more news for you, look at a picture of every basilica in Rome. There is something infront of or located very close to each one :wink:


Listening to this message again. It struck me the blockchain technology JD describes sounds like Satan’s version of God’s beautiful design, DNA, making us in His image!

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With all due respect, I totally disagree on your perspective of the mark.

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Awe thank you so much for this precious loving response Lavender. Yes, being apart from my family for so long has been difficult but the good news is that we will be together forever with Jesus!
I look forward meeting you and sharing eternity with you. See you soon, very soon!
Much love to you my sister.

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The testimonials were incredible. I wondered though why the mother didn’t give the child fluids at home, pedalite or lightly salted water and lots of it. Surely less stressful than the whole hospital fiasco. And why was she so vehemently against testing for covid? Is taking the test wrong?