September 5, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update


My daughter grew up in the church but has walked down a dark path the past few years she’s already opened herself up to the enemy even before the jab :cry: please pray for her salvation. My brother/brother in law and sister are born again but since the jab I see a huge change.
I know it sounds strange but I too pray that somehow my pets would be raptured or at least someone will care for them after we are gone. :pensive::pray:


Consider it done. Prayers all round. Xx


Thank you so much! God Bless! :pray:


EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO TOOK THIS POISON WHO IS A “CHRISTIAN” LOVES THE WORLD MORE THAN GOD! There is absolutely no reason why any “Christian” should have taken this poison once they heard “buying and selling” attached to it. You are absolutely right…now we know what their ultimate goal is, when will people STOP PUTTING THIS POISON IN THEIR BODIES because they want to be able to LIVE IN THE WORLD!

We are to be IN the world not OF it. This poison has shown anyone who took it they want to be OF it! I am heartbroken to see how easily people have been deceived about this poison and the whole PLANDEMIC! Where was the discernment…we have been told to be Bereans and like Sons of Issachar - knowing the signs of the times - yet they LOVE THE WORLD SO MUCH, they did not stop to really understand the ramifications of their actions. I believe this was a TEST…Many non-believers haven’t taken it, yet brothers and sisters in Christ, lock stepped to get this poison in their bodies! They failed woefully! Many are suffering the consequences! May God have mercy on us all!


No please dont let these thoughts grow in your heart. If that happens, that someone will force vaxxing me, I know that God will judge him.

I highly recommend watching everyone the two documentaries Sheep among Wolves I and II on youtube. Its a video from Christians in Irak and how they are living there with the constant thought of getting killed for their belief. You will grow stronger in your faith, because everything we endure here on earth is gloryfing the Lord.


Thank you Katherine ~ I am longing to hear that call from heaven! May it be very soon!


day #??? in the mask mandate chronicles…

in my state of IL, we are supposed to be wearing masks indoors. just like before, I just ignore all that and do my thing.

so today at the grocery store I was in the checkout lane, and I was one of the few not wearing a mask. the cashier is one I’ve seen many times. when I’d gotten up there, she was a little panicked about something, saying “Lord Jesus help us.” don’t know what was going on but this isn’t the first time I’ve seen her refer to Jesus. :]

halfway through her scanning my items, there was a random moment where I looked up, saw her face, and I automatically smiled. like many of us do when eye contact is suddenly made. it was nothing to me to do so. but it affected her! she was like, “I NEEDED that smile, thank you, I really needed it…” then she gave me a discount on my groceries, and I smiled more!

I don’t expect a discount for a smile, so I’m not promoting that so much, but just want to say here. that it made me think of how when most people are masked up, you don’t see many smiles, even if it’s seen in their eyes.

so if you’re like me, flouting the mask mandates and sometimes feeling insecure because those around you might think you don’t care about their grandparents, well smile anyway, the world really needs it and you don’t know who you might help just by sharing that bit of joy you have within. <3


Thankyou for your encouraging words. May God bless all of us during this difficult time.


I guess the speed that it is all happening has me shook up. Everything is happening so fast. I feel we are not in a democratic country anymore.:cry:


Wanna share this logo with you. This is from the G20 manifesto to vaccinate the whole world. Nobody can tell me now that the so called vaccine (which isnt one!) wont become the Mark in the future!


Could that person have been Barry Smith…


Scientific evidence


So very true. Thankyou for this posting.
The heaviness of evil is being held back by the power if the Holy Spirit and the light found within each believer. Once the rapture occurs, the full weight of that darkness will be felt by the unbelieving.
Sharing the gospel and warning others is so important now as the time slips away rapidly moving toward the tribulation period.
Your sister in Christ


Thankyou so much. I am at the point of total desperation just because I have, for the longest time, wanted out of this world. Simply because I am like a fish out of water and I feel like I need Jesus now and it’s killing me that he is taking so long!!!

I will definitely check out those videos. Thanks for sharing.


Thankyou JD for being such a blessing and encouragement.
@lavender - re: Canada gov and transhumanism.
Policy horizons - exploring Biodigital convergence - dated February 11, 2020. looks like started discussions on this in 2016 and then further in 2018.
thankyou lavendar also for sharing vid from Brian Doerksen.
We are the generation who will see all these prophecies come to completion and it absolutely is an exciting time.
@Nessie - (i am in Canada) we are still in a better place at least momentarily, then some other nations are. May God fill you and surround you with His peace, the peace that passeth all understanding. May you have a strong sense of His presence and be comforted. May God not allow for any corners in your life, but rather may He make a way for you. In the mighty name above all names, Jesus Christ, I pray and ask these things. Amen.
If you are already redeemed of the Lord, having the vaccine forced on you wont take away your salvation so don’t worry on that.
@MaranathaToday - i think that most Christians of today are lacking in any understanding of prophecy and because of that they have no idea were we are in world history.
For many, they see it as just another vaccine, that are given regularly ie annual flu shot, and they accept that this is a pandemic.
Starting many decades ago men like Hal Lindsay, who wrote the Late Great Planet Earth, as well as many others, have been speaking wherever they found those who would listen, warning that we were in the early days of the last days before the second return of Christ.
Some listened and others took more the approach the Bible describes, of their thinking that all has been this way up to now and will continue to be so. Man will figure it all out.
I don’t think many fully comprehended that the signs were given so we would in fact know the days we are living in and a good many pastors don’t understand prophecy so they avoid speaking on it.
I have heard it said by believers that they would continue on with building disciples, reaching the lost, and left the rest up to the Lord because no one can fully understand prophecy.
Not making excuses for the individual believers whose responsibility it is to know what time we are living in but I personally think a lot of the shepherds should have stepped up and provided some sense of direction for their flocks rather then leave them open to the wolves. That’s why its so important to surround men like JD and others who study and pass on knowledge of these times with authority because they study and follow the Lord, with prayers of protection and support.
@Natalie_cocco - I for sure will pray for your daughter. This present world leads many into backsliding.
The nation of Israel is a prime example of that, yet God still loves them and longs for them to return to Him.
A testament to the faithful love and endurance of our God who is long suffering toward us with the desire that none would be lost.

Come Lord Jesus, Come


and what close bonds the believers would have developed with the limited time gathered together each time. Some of the modern day churches are so large, one wonders how one Christian can know another so they can personally share and encourage along lifes journey.


he is also worth a weekly following of both his prophecy updates and his Q and A sessions on top of his weekly sermons.

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