August 20, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Do Not Fret Over Evildoers


Welcome Glenn…so good to have you join our family !

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Yes, so true Irish. Many of us, in fact I would dare to say most believers are feeling this anger towards evil. God is pouring His Spirit out on us so we may be spiritualy present, spiritualy engaged, and spiritualy active now more than ever.


Last night Glenn Beck said on the radio that the illegals pouring into the US, get 2200 each month! Evil gov’t


If NAR are not prophets…neither are we. Interesting though how we can use that verse for us though? I understand there is a difference with cessationism/Charismatic view here. But i don’t bring up this point too prove cessationism…i in part think it has made too much of itself. However In this observation i would just say that in my view NAR would be a rebuke to the church. Similar to Balaams Donkey in a way.

On the contrary, the upside is i believe God does not use prophets today but in His providence we can tell much, see much, hear much, and perhaps even all maybe. But i would see this imparted through His providence upon to all to see…as we draw close to Him in humility…in this sense yes John 15:15…we would likely have a better idea of what the Father is doing. Bottom line thouugh…Israel had prophets that wrote the word of God. The church has a 0 track record when it comes to that. So just saying, Amos might not mean the church who i would see has no prophet. Like i said, just saying.

Amen. I agree.

I believe this is to Israel.

I think it is primarly for Israel even though they won’t listen. As they find themselves in the middle of it rehtroactively it will matter. But i see it primarily for them. However, yes also “in addition” for us that happen to be hear in proximity to that time. For use i would see it be a silhoutte like style. Like we are eavesdropping. And in proportion to that concept we respond. I don’t see though that it means for the church to build an empire though upon percieving we understand mysteries that will be Israel’s. I believe we have tended to overreach there a bit perhaps.

Yes but i would view that as a storyboard slanting from Israel. They will be the ones most affected. Israel won’t see their new nation now as = Jesus is Messiah. Yet that is a green leaf. But the church sees it (well some of us lol). As it gets hot for Israel later it would appear to be a reflection for them, for God waking Israel up in the trib is a huge thing for Him and their 70th week. But since the church is in promixity, we can share in timing and evolving perspective because we are awake. Like 1 Thes. Since we are awake we can see.

Where there might be a disconnect is that we may tend to merge being awake with being prophetic Israel. We are awake but the church having no new canonizeable prophets. So our “seeing” seems to be in relation that revealing God is doing in general. But also as it pertains to fulfilling scripture. But in reference to who the church is. We are indwelt by His spirit. But i would see the “outpouring” for Israel in the trib. I believe we can see many things. And we can tell that Israel’s redemption draws near, so then ours. Amen. But we are church in that context. So what is avialable to us prophetically is available to us. We have never been here before, so it is understandable where the church line and prophecy is exactly. But we tend to remove any line altogether. This seems to me to a degree somewhat problematic though.

Yes but we don’t know when. What if its 2030? lol. It could be that far out. If God so wants to patiently help all the world to have a chance by those many years to wake up…that is His prerogative. What we do know is that we guess a lot sometimes thinking it is prophetic. So its just a good time to be sober minded in a sense on that i believe.

To me this is a symptom of the church making more of herself than she ought. I don’t say that brashly. It is clear we have never been in this position before. So it makes sense we would be confused in places. In my view the church is the bride and the child of providence. Not prophet. As the briide, we are more than a prophet. But not prophet…as i see it. And being cool with who we are will probably help us to see better and treat each other better too.

To me this is a good example of providence. Obviously we see this. This is where we are. That can be a clue that the church is wise to reasses her perceived role.

I think some date setters are well meaning…alot probably just selfish. But in a way, now this is me with my extraterestrial thought children running around the house, my view on that is “antibodies.” In a way it helps silhoutte what we are not. As we settle in with that…we can operate more out of who we are. So its like inocculations or antibodies that help us wean ourselves from artifice. We could look at it that way. If people leave the faith over it…it did not take enough root. I don’t think we should run around date setting. But if that caused people to leave the faith…i would see a similar role Q played toward the church. If something like that would disconnect someone completely from holy writ…then its an opportunity for that person to refine their faith. Further, i would see (if true) an oncoming sense of 1st seal (in my view) to be alpha male intenisty to borrow a colloquial term. Like if the 1st seal have any relevance to my perspectiive, pieces of its astroid falling from it might be like hard buff and stubborn in our faces-ness the church would have coming at her. Like 1st seal fallout as that celestial comet passes near earth to use metaphorically. So i say that not to just use words Dan. But i think "things that can TURN US AWAY from the faith aught not to. It is a time to purify.

But iif we look at the good of even that it might look like this: How are we in the orthodox church perhaps having similar attitudes? And where can we make adjustements? Like a mirror. Meant to help us to get the dirt off of our faces. Not just point at how dirty the person in the mirror is kind of thing. Like I said, “alpha” like quality time it would seem.

Amen. This should be a rapture verse too brother. And knowing God…it might likely be quite a bit further. Because of how kind He is.

Amen which is why i believe the rapture solves toward Israel in that destructiong being Ez 38. Could be wrong but that view makes a lot of sense.

Something unique about end times might be each denomination thinking they see their conviction in what is happening. lol. It is kind of what we see, no?

Yeah sure I listened to Glen Beck on my car radio last night.
Tell me Caleb, Do you really believe NBC is made up of Christians?

24 Aug 2023

This is a short one today,

This is Part 1 on Hawaii Digital Government Summit 2023:

A host from a social media site gave his opinion on this event, and pointed out about IAM

The Importance of Identity and Access Management for Government:

IAM is abbrevation for Identity and Access Management, I think this is not referring to the “I AM” in the bible at all.

He pointed out in the slide no 2 about IAM, that IAM requires biometric data to authenticate the person who will be using the digital services in Hawaii. In other word, Hawaii residents are required to give away their bio metrics data to Hawaii state for digital services in future.

When I searched for this event, EU has a similar summit ended in July 2023, Ukraine is special guest there…

Second video is 15 min city “Model”:


Other strange stuff and crazies l found:


Caleb, it is evident Beck is not a believer. Your news sources aren’t coming from a Biblical perspective either

Lahaina ‘all set’ for Green New Deal billion-dollar build back –


'm listening to David Vance Podcast | Fire and Fury - Maui Fires spreading into Amazon. on Podbean, check it out!

'm listening to David Vance Podcast | Fire and Fury - Maui Fires spreading into Amazon. on Podbean, check it out!

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This was not used as you seem to believe.

I point to the OT scriptures and the prophets. What this points to is go back and see what the Prophets have already said and then you may see as even in Daniel what is being revealed today.

I understood some would think this but I don’t listen to prophets of today at especially ones I have seen on TV.


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18 articles that ALL ISRAEL NEWS has published that document this terrible and growing trend of anti-Christian bigotry.

Matthew 24:9
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.

John 15:18
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.

Prime Minister Netanyahu, We Need Your Help to Stop Growing Attacks on Christians in Israel – Joel Rosenberg

Wednesday, 23 August 2023 2:47 pm - Posted in Headlines

Over the past several years – and especially this year – anti-Christian bigotry has been surging in Israel. Verbal and physical attacks against Christian citizens of Israel, and of Christians visiting Israel, have been rising. Pastors and priests are being spat upon, cursed, and otherwise assaulted in Jerusalem’s Old City. Christian churches and cemeteries are being vandalized.


Its sounds like Beck probably meant “daily.”

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BRICS update (24 Aug 2023)

BRICS leaders announced on Thursday the admission of six new countries from next year as the club of large and populous emerging economies seeks to reshape the global order.

The BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – agreed at their annual summit to make Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates full members from January 1.

“This membership expansion is historic,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose nation is the most powerful in the group of non-Western states that represents a quarter of the world’s economy.

“The expansion is also a new starting point for BRICS cooperation. It will bring new vigour to the BRICS cooperation mechanism and further strengthen the force for world peace and development.”

cc @Kina1234


It’s actually over $4,000 plus housing. They are also helping them get Social Security benefits. The influx of illegals is enabled primarily by Catholic Charities and funded by Socialists and Marxists in this country.


When you look at the Lions Gate Movie Company and what they promote this makes sense. What started out looking good was only a snare on a rabbit trail.

Does this point to the end of the race course for many, yes hopefully by a ticket to ride provided by our Elohim!


I agree. These are my thoughts, too. The biggest picture, of course, is that all of what we’re seeing is the Beast system that is currently undergoing construction under the helm of its evil architect, Satan.