May 9 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

I would say this though. I went to a church for a number of years that was top shelf teaching. They train pastors around the world. But there were plenty of times their training apparatus got in the way of the milk and the meat i felt. So there were many occasions I would just read Ephesians through 3 or 4 times while tentatively listening to the sermon.

As God began to work on my heart, He helped me to realize the living juice in some of the simplest things said. I found my self retraining my heart to “hunt” for the treasure of God’s heart in the sermon. And by doing that I often did find it.

I know there is a lot of watered down teaching. I know there is a lot of fallout in the church and apostasy and orthodoxy as performing art. I would never recommend the Grahams. But if per chance they accidently do preach Christ…or that God gets the hearts of some and animates His spirit words into the heart’s of the audience–in spite of the Grahams, amen. Many will be deceived…but Paul did say too:

Philip 1:18
What then is the issue? Just this: that in every way, whether by false motives or true, Christ is preached. And in this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,

This is good to pray too. Some may never come to understand the age of smoke and mirrors. Blessings.


Instead of abandoning Amir all together on one subject, think of eating watermelon, sometimes you need to spit out the seeds. Amir is not my all in all, nor should J D Farag be either. Martin Luther definitely had his flaws concerning jews, a subject not talked about much nor should it be the main focus but acknowledged. I think Amir is wrong on the vaccine, well it is really a gene editing jab or shot. I disagree on a certain thing with John McArthur from a scriptural basis but there is just way too much great and amazing teaching to ignore and see that God has blessed his teaching. At my church no one agrees on everything the same, on the core of scripture, yes, but not on every subject. And this may reflect upon at where they are in their journey with the Lord depending upon theur understanding of scripture.

God is the only one who has perfect everything. Amir is a brother in the Lord and God has greatly blessed his ministry and it continues to expand and by taking the jab, this allows him to travel the World and minister to others that do not have the rich depth of biblical teach here in the US. Now do I see how the jab pass is being used to form the basis of the inevitable mark of the beast, MOB, yes and it greaves me deeply and I know that lies are being used on multiple levels to have us take the shot. But I so far have a choice not to take it and it us not that I won’t but cant take it.

It is up to you to decide and at the same time I recommend and think about what I have said and even read Ephesians chapter 4.

God Bless



Thank you @Bigwave for taking your time for messaging me I totally agree with what you have said thank you for your loving encouraging advice…
I think sometimes messages read from folks on here like texts read different from what the author means , as you don’t hear the tone or see the facial expressions and unable to see into their eyes , which I think causes a lot of misinterpretation and folks taking it to heart meaning at times divisions are seen , it’s when you have to deny yourself ( daily for me , sometimes more ) as in your feelings and submit all back to Jesus and then restart fresh Amen . Glory to the Lord !!
I do not condemn anyone for taking the shot .
I still listen to Amir for news of Israel but have been reminded once again to sieve out the good from the bad , always to go firstly directly to the Lord in word prayer and only Him :pray:

Again thank you
Stay strong in Christ


You know, Teren, that’s right.

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It may have started in 1967, but that doesn’t mean the prophecy is finished yet. :slight_smile:

We all tend to compartmentalize in a moment of time what takes years sometimes to complete.

Case in Point…

Psalm 83 nations still exist, and haven’t been made desolate…

Psalm 83:9, 13-17


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What a sweet treat for your drive, Jewel. He’s just a steady delivery man, isn’t he!

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Sadly, I have come across more and more about heavy suspicions regarding his membership (and the degree is recent news to me), yes.

We will drive men from Christ if we run around calling them fools, Nazi’s, etc…
What we can do is share with others how much He forgave us!
Remember, Jesus became sin (mine, yours, Hitler’s, ) so that we might become His righteousness!

And Jesus cries because He loves them both…
Oh that will let Christ live and love through us!


I did not actually read this article which I’m sure is full of propaganda. I don’t need that. but the title, which is quoted in the article, I just want to mention feels like a stab at Christianity in itself, purporting the idea of evolution.

using the word “evolution” in that generalized way that the whole world seems to adopt. people talk about their “evolving” taste in clothes or music, evolving methods in how we do things in life, etc.

it’s subtle but I just personally see it as another way to poke holes in us.

they can use this term to explain away all their whims in mandate-making.


Oh my Josh Garrels has such an amazing voice ,wow :pray:

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Yes, the proof is in the pudding … as they say.
They have a plan, but so does JESUS … His will prevail!
Very Interesting … Implanted Microchip, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum and The Great Reset - YouTube



Also opening bible study discussion for Thursday and Sunday book by book studies by Ps JD.


Thanks Jack. From what I have researched over the years, some hold that Psalm 83 is not necessarily a prophecy but a prayer. I think we can see that sort of thing at the beginning of the Psalm as well as v.9, and 13-17. The way I might look upon that is through its intercessory nature. For these appear to be requests, whereas vs. 2-8 are where i think the core elements of the prophecy status would come from.

I have heard it said that Psalm 83 = Israel’s close neighbors and Ezekiel 38 highlights involvement from further away (not surrounding neighbors). However, that might be playing out or setting up today I guess we should wait and see. I’m not sure how those nations in Psalm 83 play out during the tribulation period. Does anyone have any details about what that might look like?


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is Iraq referenced in Isaiah 17? I’m trying to understand the prophecies.

thank you so much for all your help!! do you know where/how Iraq is referenced? you said it’s another “cog” so I was wondering if you meant it’s referred to in the Bible specifically somehow. @Saved-by-Grace had a good answer but since it was your original comment I want to see if you say the same. thanks:]


I don’t believe my support of Pawlowski is “overwhelming.” I do not belong to any particular denomination, and find most of the large ones including Calvary Chapels to have a lot of problems. CC varies by pastor, but since Chuck Smith left his son-in-law has taken it in a wrong direction. Others too like many of the Southern Baptists too have gone left. My problem with JD has come up lately after the election loss. Not the stressing of evangelism, but the total appeasement attitude toward any evil. Like we are now to hide out and not speak out or try and say anything against the blantant evil we see in public or life. Appeasement never works in life nor in a spiritual battle. God’s word says he hates cowards, And I do not think acting cowardly by not plainly identifying what is evil as evil is cowardly. We are the salt and light and we are not to stop being the “restrainer” in the world before God take us out. I don’t think the plain harsh truth drives people away from Christ either. I think the fearful attitude does. I never said we are perfect either. Ask yourself when the Church has grwon most. It is when we don’t back down and stand up for the truth of our God and the Bible in the face of persecution. Even if JD felt Pawlowski was too harsh, JD’s reaction was divisive and completely unnecessary. Kind of like RINOs/Never Trumpers did to Trump.

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Hi Gracings and @stillWaters
oops. Grace and Sarah.
Thanks for your replies on the ivermec issue. Out of curiosity, I went to go find the one we purchased years ago for the feather and fur babies. (we since switched to something more natural) But just wanted to share as a caveat so no one will consider this stuff without their own extensive research and/or consulting a qualified health care professional.

So I’m reading the outside label for the liquid pour-on, and it is called a “Parasiticide” It says it kills roundworms, brown stomach worm, lungworms, grubs, sucking lice, biting lice, mange mites, horn flies." The pour-on type or topical is not to be taken internally due to other ingredients (which are unfortunately not itemized but smells like rubbing alcohol —huge no-no for any internal use!)

Then the question dawned…how is it that an anti parasite treatment is wiping out “novel cv,”? What does that say about the nature of cv itself? Does it indicate that it is a virus…or …something wholly other? Hmmmmm. :thinking: Any thoughts?

Disclaimer: for educational and informational purposes only, not to be construed under any circumstances as medical advice or tx, nor to prevent, treat, diagnose, or mitigate any condition; all who read this should do their own extensive research and always consult their own chosen health care first before trying anything new.


I had the same thought. And I am thinking, maybe this ivermectin kills something they have created for us, thats why they are not using this medicine. In Europe you cannot buy this, no doctor would give you the recipe for the pharma store to get the medicine. But - you can buy it for horses. I am thinking about doing it. Not for using it now. Just to have it here if my health declines. But I am not a doctor and this is not a medical advise. The Lord is my doctor and my trust is in him.

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