October 8, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- When Conspiracy Theories Become Spoiler Alerts

Of course, that is the plan.

Remember the results of our well orchestrated 9/11, millions died for the sake of a fabricated lie.

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Saudi involvement in 9/11 and various U.S. intelligence agencies is an undisputed fact.

My El Shaddai :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

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What is chuppah time? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sweat_smile:

So now we’re NOT dividing Israel? Hmmm.

The Arab world will not sit back and watch this extermination plan take place, that much is assured.

Nope, not by peace negotiations, by military force as will be realized by the AntiChrist.

Warning…if you come in, my feet a little stinky…i have not showered yet. But other than that…please make youself at home. Blessings.

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Or…its finallly dealing with the whole 2 state solution. It seems odd to me one part of this sentiment. Rodney i don’t know your views on this…so please pardon my statements. I have no idea of your views nor Uturns views for that matter on this. I am making this observation on something you shared…having no idea of your greater views on the subject of the dividing of the land in Israel.

But, in general this is one reason i might have been tempted to be a preterist (although i just say that for show…it is not nor would not be my view). On one hand a general consensus is “don’t divide Israel.” So if on that note removing the Palestine presence (where by force relocation or whatever) because of Iran’s terrorist envoy there, may seen opportunistic or may seem emperialistic but, may solve the dividing up the land issue. So i would believe we in the church that hold that the land should not be divided should actually see this as a God send.

On the other hand, there are others that may think its an evil plot by Bibi. What i don’t think has the best philosophical integrity in having views that fluctuate in Christiandom in this way and like this, the good guys end up being those that hold the view. The view holders become the righteous. And philosphically, that is emperialistic by its very nature, in my estimation. And the cherry on top is a “postmodern” emperialsitic view…me thinks. Just saying…i mean its not outside the scope of throwing out there. I think in general we can go way to far with some things…so…i’m gonna go there too then…

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Ok like so here’s my postermodern emperialistic take. I believe the NWO is powerful but not that powerful. I believe using this opportunity to go after Iran sponsered terror to its full extent is pretty cool. And I believe in so doing it will bring peace in the region. No, unlike you brother Rodney, i am not certain. But that would be my guess.

The way you are certain about your view and Israel having termoil from here on out is understandable. I don’t concur with your verses, but I honor your conviction based on what you believe is in scripture. And there may be great accuracy to it. I also honor the NWO world takeoever view (although i don’t believe this will be the case–it does make sense and may become real). I understand the concern, amen.

But what i can’t side with in any way with any real sense of not outsourcing my own sense making is the philosophical vacilation principle surrounding Israel’s land divide issue. I can’t get behind a view that is unfasifiable. A view that says a) if this happens then they are evil, or b) if that happens then those are evil. We are too far into end times to be holding onto lofty speculations where the view holder is holiest of all while all around us are just demons. 2 Corinthians 10:5 Could be used as much against postmodern philosphical views that hide in unfalsifiability. I would just encourage any who might be falling prey to that, to consider its probably a lot bigger of a world and alot wider in context…and its ok to not have blueprint escatological certainty. The gold the bible sells is security in Him, not in certainty of blueprinted escatology available at your churchhouse. Just saying. Blessings.

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I find it interesting that Iran denies involvement in the planning and execution of the Hamas attack. The U.S. also sees no evidence of Iranian involvement. Not hard to guess who was involved in the recruitment, training, and supply of weapons. The same entity that choreographed our 9/11. Those 3 famous letters that are headquartered in Langley, Virginia.

Another words, and as usual in all your comments, you play it safe by embracing both sides of the isle. Very good. I understand.

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I have to say if I was a Jew living abroad and my country did not support Israel or push back against the terrorist protesting and blaming Jews. I would be selling everything and heading to Israel ASAP.

The Islamic people should be going after their own leaders who have become ultra-wealthy using them as a tool for propaganda.

The leaders get millions, yet the people live in squalor because of their own leaders, not Israel.

This may start the final Aliyah to Israel.

I can see all this evil against the Jews and all these fanatical Islamic fundamentalists now over running the West as it would be time to leave.



No i’m human like you and I favor being on a forum i in signicant ways largely in disagree with, but prefer to extend grace rather than “super” impose my views. Whatever the view difference is is not as big a concern as loving brothers and sisters in Christ because of those for whom Christ died…over and above our escatological prefernces. But since you ask for clarity:

  • I believing lining up Bibi with evil is hugely subjective and an emotional appeal to overly confident trust in our sense upon escatology
  • I believe making Trump evil is understandable due to many factors (including the vax) but to largely definatley be a disagrace in light of the state of the country
  • I believe selling political concerns as fleshy while using Hegelian Dialectic as hermeneutic is divisive and fleshy and not spiritually diserning
  • I believe that believing pretribs are victimized and using youtube to air that without building bridges to other escatological thought is opportunistic, commcerical, and not supernatural love or consdieration to the body
  • I believe focusing on the dividing of Israel over and above other escatological potentials is truncating reality and shortselling the body of Christ into a bias and an unbilical one
  • I believe the exercise of labeling Joel Richardson this or that and exucse oneself from the person here on this forum standing right in front of you is not arrangant, but certainly weak to bias–not being able to dialogue about the concerns i layed out because of that but rather be distracted on why not to answer becaue of this or that is not arragant but immature.

I could keep going but brother i’m in no shortage of having lines drawn all over the place. Being here wanting to love on the forum for where we are at could be seen (from a schoolyard perspective) as playing it safe. Or it could be understand as a hopeful adult thing to do becaue of the lateness of the hour. Blessings.



Rodney, I flagged that one post of yours, as it has no place here on these forums.

It’s one thing to feel that way about many here, but to openly disparage people here on the forums like that is against the code of conduct.

Just thought you should know that it was me who flagged it. The moderators will decide on it from this point on.


I would expect no less!

Where to begin? There are a number of ways to look at it. Basically Netanyahu was clueless that it was coming. Under that there are a number of possibilities as to why. The most reasonable one is that all the planning and implementation was done over a long period of time outside of Gaza in a place that not even the CIA or Mossad would have had easy access so they were running blind. That place would be in the bowls of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard facilities. As such all the planning would not have gone through open or even hidden channels as it would have been all done face to face no electronics involved. The implementation would have come over time with the installment of men and equipment carefully smuggled in over a long period so as to draw no attention to a large scale attack. Difficult to do, yes but not impossible. Most assuredly very time consuming to accomplish.

On the other hand a number of analyst familiar with Israeli intelligence, government, and geopolitical affairs in the greater region are questioning it that was actually the case. Without coming out and saying it, they are hinting that some kind of knowledge was had and that allowing it to happen, it would trigger a similar general response across Israel not unlike what was seen immediately after 9/11. With the political wrangling of recent elections over the past few years in Israel there was a growing divide in the government. As such Netanyahu needed something to bring the country as a whole back on to one single page and this could well served as a catalyst to that.It seems to have happened in Israel that way.

Another possibility is that both the CIA and Mossad do similar things which is run their own agendas outside of what the political circles desire and for as of now some unknown reason Mossad wanted this to occur if they knew about it to set up for something else further down the road, maybe having to do with the new gas reserves recently discovered off shore. Since there is bickering over whose waters that reserves was found Israel or Lebanon this may set the stage to make Lebanon appear to be a bad actor, maybe set up a conflict that severely weakens them so that claims on the gas are the least of their worries. Hard to say what Mossad may be up to. Also hard to say if the CIA is in on the deal or not.

Historically speaking though governments have done things of this nature, Hitler pre WWII, Stalin, the US with our 9/11, the Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin event, etc. So it is not out of the question that Netanyahu looking at a bigger picture in his mind did allow this to happen. Then there was the USS Liberty event in 1967 where Israeli’s actually attacked the USS Liberty and did damage and people died on board. It is safe to say that Israel’s history in current times as well as ancient times is not without its fair share of intrigue.

In the end whether you believe it or not will not change anything that has already happened in the past few days. Likewise there seems to be a lot more here than originally meets the eye. So will we ever know the full truth in our life times? Probably not. Speculation will follow this like it does in the US on things like both Kennedy assassination, 9/11, MLK assassination and so on. It is the nature of the sin sick fallen world we live in. Best you can do is not dwell on it and mess your mind and emotions up over it. Move on, keep praying, and realize more such events are likely coming which may be even more horrendous and be ready for those.

In the end none of us sitting at our keyboards are likely to know the full truth, nor can we do anything to change any of it from a half a world away and not in any kind of position where we could do something about it even if we wanted to.


True statement however the Arab World at large and Russia know full well what is going on here and will act upon it. Of that I have no doubt. Of course this will fulfill Prophecy as God always uses the evil of man to fulfill His will.


I would not disagree with that basic assumption. The age old Arab vs Jew or in the case of Iran Persian vs Jew goes back a very long time. Babylon sacked Isreal took it captive in ancient times so nothing new there. Russia on the other hand is newer player in the game as they became the other so called super power post WWII. Now they lost some of that at the dissolution of the Soviet Union but not entirely and they are trying very hard to hold onto what was left and grow it back. Yep they have their fingers in the world wide geopolitical show.

Even at that, it was known of God before the foundation of the earth. Now we know in part from scripture Russia along with the kings of the east and nearby neighbors to modern day Israel will all come into play at some point or other. Whether we guess right the details does not matter because even knowing those that will not change God’s plan for dealing with Satan and those choosing to turn away from God.

This may seem like a big event now but within a year or two it may well be mostly forgotten as bigger problems rise up on the horizon. Like I said what can any of us do about it one way or the other. If we are truly honest with ourselves the answer is not a gosh darn thing. We are not in policy making positions, we are not in any agency either in the US or any other country where decisions on a national or global scale are made. Nope we sit at our keyboards and speculate till we are blue in the face. Even so many will struggle with their perspectives trying to make them fit. Some may get close, others may end up out in left field. Even for the ones that get close there is nothing they can do directly to change the course of prophetic history. No big deal, we live, maybe we die, maybe we make it to the rapture. It is not in our control at all.


That’s my nickname for Our wedding to the Lord Jesus! :wink: A reference to the ittle canopy the bridegroom and bride get married under in Jewish weddings. :heart::dove:


Dear Father, by your Holy Spirit, especially as the hour is late, rescue the perishing!
May all of the ones we love who have yet to come, COME. May all the ones in war torn lands, shaken by great earthquakes, mourning the dead, seeking revenge, lost and broken, sick and hungry, longing for Justice, searching for truth . . . May everyone who doesn’t know Jesus, everywhere and anywhere. . . Just COME! In His precious name I plead, Amen